
Connected Show #37 – Spelunking Windows Phone 7 Development

DmitryHeadshot2 connectedShow_HalfSize In this episode, “guest” Dmitry Lyalin joins Peter to talk about building a real world Windows Phone 7 application. Dmitry unveils that he is developing a Windows Phone 7 application for Leo Laporte’s This Week In Tech (TWiT) network.  Dmitry walks us through the phone tool experience, how he developed the TWiT application, and the challenges he faced.

Also, Dmitry and I cover the latest Microsoft developer news, including ASP.NET security, Windows Phone Dev tools RTM, & the Internet Explorer 9 Beta.




Show Notes & Resources For Episode #37

Items Discussed During News & Banter

Information on ASP.NET Padding Oracle Security Vulnerability:

Halo Reach Stuff:

Internet Explorer 9 Beta Stuff:

Windows Phone 7 Developer News:

twitWP7 Items Discussed During Interview with Dmitry

Dmitry’s Stuff:

Dmitry’s TWiT.tv App for Windows Phone 7 In The News: