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WebTemplate Element (Web Template)

Applies to: SharePoint 2016 | SharePoint Foundation 2013 | SharePoint Online | SharePoint Server 2013

Configures several aspects of a custom web template and the websites that are created from it. This element is in an elements.xml file that is inside the .wsp file that packages a web template.


<WebTemplate ... />

Elements and attributes

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.


Attribute Type Description
AdjustHijriDays int Optional. Specifies the number of days to extend or reduce the current month in Hijri calendars that are used on websites that are created from the web template.
AlternateCssUrl string Optional. Specifies the URL for an alternative cascading style sheet (CSS) to use for the websites that are created from the web template.
AlternateHader string Optional. Specifies the name of an ASPX page that is located in the %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\15\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS directory that defines an alternative header for the top area in site pages of websites that are created from the web template. This attribute provides a way to replace the header region with the output of an ASPX page that defines a different header.

For example, to specify myHeader.aspx as the name of the file that provides an alternative header, add AlternateHeader="myHeader.aspx" to the Project element at the beginning of the Onet.xml file.
BaseTemplateID int Required. The ID of the site definition on which the web template ultimately derives. This is the value of the ID attribute of the Template element in a WebTemp*.xml file.
BaseTemplateName string Required. The internal name of the site definition on which the web template ultimately derives. This is the value of the Name attribute of the Template element in a WebTemp*.xml file.
BaseConfigurationID int Required. The ID of the site definition configuration on which the web template ultimately derives. This is the value of the ID attribute of a Configuration element in a WebTemp*.xml file.
CalendarType int Optional. The ID of the default calendar type for calendars on websites that are created from the web template.
Collation int Optional. The ID of the collation system for websites that are created from the web template. For more information, see "P:Microsoft.SharePoint.SPRegionalSettings.Collation"Collation.
ContainsDefaultLists boolean Optional. Specifies whether the site definition from which the web template is ultimately derived contained lists that are defined in the global Onet.xml file. This is significant because if the original site definition did contain such lists, those lists are not included in websites that are created from the web template.
CustomizedCssFiles string Optional. Specifies custom cascading style sheet (.css) files.
CustomJSUrl string Optional. Specifies a custom JavaScript file located in the %ProgramFiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\web server extensions\15\TEMPLATE\LAYOUTS directory that contains script to execute within a website created from the web template.
Description string Optional. A description of the site type that is defined by the web template as it appears in the user interface (UI) when users are selecting a type of website to create.
DisplayCategory string Optional. Specifies the category in which the web template appears in the Microsoft SharePoint Foundation UI when users are selecting a type of website to create; for example, Collaboration, Meetings, or some other custom name. If it is not specified, the default is "Custom".
ExcludeFromOfflineClient boolean Optional. Specifies whether websites that are created from the web template are downloaded during offline synchronization.
ImageUrl relativeUrl Optional. Contains the URL for the preview image that is displayed in the SharePoint Foundation UI when users are selecting a type of website to create.
Locale int Optional. The numeric ID of a language/culture, such as 1033 for U.S. English.
Name string Required. The internal name of the web template.
ParserEnabled boolean Optional. Specifies whether column values in document libraries are automatically added to documents that are added to a library in websites that are created from the web template.
PortalName string Optional. The name of the portal site that is associated with websites that are created from the web template.
PortalUrl string Optional. The URL of the portal site that is associated with websites that are created from the web template.
PresenceEnabled boolean Optional. Specifies whether inline presence information for users is enabled on websites that are created from the web template.
ProductVersion int Optional. The version of SharePoint Foundation in which the web template is created.
QuickLaunchEnabled boolean Optional. Specifies whether there is a Quick Launch area on websites that are created from the web template.
Subweb boolean Optional. Specifies whether the web template was created from a subweb or the root website of a site collection. If it is True, the template was created from a subweb.
SyndicationEnabled boolean Optional. Specifies whether Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is enabled for websites that are created from the web template.
Time24 boolean Optional. Specifies whether to use a 24-hour time format to represent the hours of the day on websites that are created from the web template.
TimeZone int Optional. The default time zone of websites that are created from the web template.
Title string Optional. The public name of the web template.
TreeViewEnabled string Optional. Specifies whether the tree view feature is enabled in the left navigational area of pages in websites that are created from the web template. Although this attribute is type string, the only meaningful values are "TRUE" and "FALSE".
UIVersionConfigurationEnabled boolean Optional. Specifies whether users can change the UI version of websites that are created from the web template.

Child elements


Parent elements

Elements (Web Template)


The following includes an example of a WebTemplate element.

    <Elements xmlns="">
        Description="A 4th Generation Blog Site."
        Title="Our Blog"
        UIVersionConfigurationEnabled="FALSE" />

See also