ExpressionType Enumeration
Describes the node types for the nodes of an expression tree. This type must be consistent with ExpressionType
Namespace: Microsoft.SpecExplorer.ObjectModel
Assembly: Microsoft.SpecExplorer.ObjectModel (in Microsoft.SpecExplorer.ObjectModel.dll)
public enum ExpressionType
Member name | Description |
Add | A node that represents arithmetic addition without overflow checking. |
AddAssign | A node that represents an arithmetic addition compound assignment without overflow checking. |
AddAssignChecked | A node that represents an arithmetic addition compound assignment with overflow checking. |
AddChecked | A node that represents arithmetic addition with overflow checking. |
And | A node that represents a bitwise AND operation. |
AndAlso | A node that represents a short-circuiting conditional AND operation. |
AndAssign | A node that represents a bitwise AND compound assignment. |
ArrayIndex | A node that represents indexing into a one-dimensional array. |
ArrayLength | A node that represents getting the length of a one-dimensional array. |
Assign | A node that represents an assignment. |
Block | A node that represents a block of expressions. |
Call | A node that represents a method call. |
Coalesce | A node that represents a null coalescing operation. |
Conditional | A node that represents a conditional operation. |
Constant | A node that represents an expression that has a constant value. |
Convert | A node that represents a cast or conversion operation. If the operation is a numeric conversion, it overflows silently if the converted value does not fit the target type. |
ConvertChecked | A node that represents a cast or conversion operation. If the operation is a numeric conversion, an exception is thrown if the converted value does not fit the target type. |
DebugInfo | A node that represents a debugging information. |
Decrement | A node that represents a unary decrement. |
Default | A node that represents a default value. |
Divide | A node that represents arithmetic division. |
DivideAssign | A node that represents an arithmetic division compound assignment |
Dynamic | A node that represents a dynamic operation. |
Equal | A node that represents an equality comparison. |
ExclusiveOr | A node that represents a bitwise XOR operation. |
ExclusiveOrAssign | A node that represents a bitwise XOR compound assignment. |
Extension | A node that represents an extension expression. |
Goto | A node that represents a goto. |
GreaterThan | A node that represents a "greater than" numeric comparison. |
GreaterThanOrEqual | A node that represents a "greater than or equal" numeric comparison. |
Increment | A node that represents a unary increment. |
Index | A node that represents an index operation. |
Invoke | A node that represents applying a delegate or lambda expression to a list of argument expressions. |
IsFalse | A node that represents a false condition value. |
IsTrue | A node that represents a true condition value. |
Label | A node that represents a label. |
Lambda | A node that represents a lambda expression. |
LeftShift | A node that represents a bitwise left-shift operation. |
LeftShiftAssign | A node that represents a bitwise left-shift compound assignment. |
LessThan | A node that represents a "less than" numeric comparison. |
LessThanOrEqual | A node that represents a "less than or equal" numeric comparison. |
ListInit | A node that represents creating a new IEnumerable object and initializing it from a list of elements. |
Loop | A node that represents a loop. |
MemberAccess | A node that represents reading from a field or property. |
MemberInit | A node that represents creating a new object and initializing one or more of its members. |
Modulo | A node that represents an arithmetic remainder operation. |
ModuloAssign | A node that represents an arithmetic remainder compound assignment. |
Multiply | A node that represents arithmetic multiplication without overflow checking. |
MultiplyAssign | A node that represents arithmetic multiplication compound assignment without overflow checking. |
MultiplyAssignChecked | A node that represents arithmetic multiplication compound assignment with overflow checking. |
MultiplyChecked | A node that represents arithmetic multiplication with overflow checking. |
Negate | A node that represents an arithmetic negation operation. |
NegateChecked | A node that represents an arithmetic negation operation that has overflow checking. |
New | A node that represents calling a constructor to create a new object. |
NewArrayBounds | A node that represents creating a new array where the bounds for each dimension are specified. |
NewArrayInit | A node that represents creating a new one-dimensional array and initializing it from a list of elements. |
Not | A node that represents a bitwise complement operation. |
NotEqual | A node that represents an inequality comparison. |
OnesComplement | A node that represents a ones complement. |
Or | A node that represents a bitwise OR operation. |
OrAssign | A node that represents a bitwise OR compound assignment. |
OrElse | A node that represents a short-circuiting conditional OR operation. |
Parameter | A node that represents a reference to a parameter or variable defined in the context of the expression. |
PostDecrementAssign | A node that represents a unary postfix decrement. |
PostIncrementAssign | A node that represents a unary postfix increment. |
Power | A node that represents raising a number to a power. |
PowerAssign | A node that represents raising a number to a power compound assignment. |
PreDecrementAssign | A node that represents a unary prefix decrement. |
PreIncrementAssign | A node that represents a unary prefix increment. |
Quote | A node that represents an expression that has a constant value of type Expression. A Quote node can contain references to parameters defined in the context of the expression it represents. |
RightShift | A node that represents a bitwise right-shift operation. |
RightShiftAssign | A node that represents a bitwise right-shift compound assignment. |
RuntimeVariables | A node that represents a list of runtime variables. |
Subtract | A node that represents arithmetic subtraction without overflow checking. |
SubtractAssign | A node that represents arithmetic subtraction compound assignment without overflow checking. |
SubtractAssignChecked | A node that represents arithmetic subtraction compound assignment with overflow checking. |
SubtractChecked | A node that represents arithmetic subtraction with overflow checking. |
Switch | A node that represents a switch operation. |
Throw | A node that represents a throwing of an exception. |
Try | A node that represents a try-catch expression. |
TypeAs | A node that represents an explicit reference or boxing conversion where null is supplied if the conversion fails. |
TypeEqual | A node that represents an exact type test. |
TypeIs | A node that represents a type test. |
UnaryPlus | A node that represents a unary plus operation. The result of a predefined unary plus operation is simply the value of the operand, but user-defined implementations may have non-trivial results. |
Unbox | A node that represents an unbox value type operation. |
Development Platforms
Microsoft Windows 7, Microsoft Windows Vista, Microsoft Windows XP SP2 or later, Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Microsoft Windows Server 2003