Dela via

Sample script to run the Office Migration Planning Manager File Scanner from a file share for Office 2010


Applies to: Office 2010

Topic Last Modified: 2011-10-12

Banner stating end of support date for Office 2010 with link to more info

You can use the sample script contained in this article to run the Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM) File Scanner from a central file share. You can deploy the script with Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 2007, another software deployment application, or a script.

For more information about how to set up and run OMPM File Scanner, see Set up the Office Migration Planning Manager File Scanner for Office 2010 and Run the Office Migration Planning Manager File Scanner for Office 2010.

' File Name: OffScan.vbs
' Version: 1.0
' Purpose: Executes offscan.exe and generate the MIF message based on output of offscan.exe
Option Explicit
''On Error Resume Next

Dim oFso, oWsh, g_strRoot, g_SourcePath, g_optFile, g_intReturnCode

'------------------- Creating Objects -------------------------------
Set oFso  = Wscript.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set oWsh  = Wscript.CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")

'-------------  Get the Parent Folder -------------------------------
g_strRoot = oFso.GetParentFolderName(Wscript.ScriptFullName)
g_optFile   = oWsh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%temp%\offscan_output.txt")
g_SourcePath    = oFso.BuildPath(g_strRoot,"bits\offscan.exe") 

If oFso.FileExists(g_optFile) Then
oFso.DeleteFile g_optFile
End If
g_intReturnCode= oWsh.Run("%comspec% /c " & g_SourcePath & " >> " & g_optFile,0,True)

'// Remove this if network copy is not requried


'Sub Name : GenerateMIFMessage()
'Purpose: Generates the MIF message

Sub GenerateMIFMessage()
'On Error Resume Next
Dim l_varGetFile,l_strReadFile,l_strLine, l_oMIFGen, l_strMifMessage
If oFso.FileExists(g_optFile) Then
Set l_varGetFile = oFso.GetFile(g_optFile)
Set l_strReadFile = l_varGetFile.OpenAsTextStream(1,-2)
Do While l_strReadFile.AtEndofStream = False
l_strLine = l_strReadFile.ReadLine
If Not Trim(l_strLine) = "" Then
If Instr(lcase(l_strLine),"total time") or Instr(lcase(l_strLine),"total number") Then
If Trim(l_strMifMessage) = "" Then
l_strMifMessage = g_intReturnCode & ":" & l_strLine
l_strMifMessage = l_strMifMessage & ";" & l_strLine
End If
End If
If Instr(lcase(l_strLine),"error:") Then
If Trim(l_strMifMessage) = "" Then
l_strMifMessage = g_intReturnCode & ":" & Split(Split(l_strLine,".")(0),":")(1)
l_strMifMessage = l_strMifMessage & ";" & Split(Split(l_strLine,".")(0),":")(1)
End If
End If
End If
Set l_strReadFile = Nothing
Set l_varGetFile  = Nothing
l_strMifMessage="Output file NOT found"
End If

Set l_oMIFGen = WScript.CreateObject("ISMIFCOM.InstallStatusMIF")
l_oMIFGen.Create "OffScan.MIF", "Microsoft", "Office File Scanner", "1.0", "ENU", 1, l_strMifMessage, 1

End Sub

' Sub Name: Quit
' Purpose: Exit

Sub Quit()
'On Error Resume Next
Set oWsh = Nothing
Set oFso = Nothing
End Sub

'Sub Name : CopycabfiletoNetworkLocation()
'Purpose: Copy the cab file to specified common folder

Sub CopycabfiletoNetworkLocation()
'On Error Resume Next
Dim l_strDemoFolder, l_strFile, l_oFileCollection
Dim l_offSacnIniPath, l_SourceFolder, l_destinationFolder

l_SourceFolder="%temp%\offscan" '%temp%\offscan - this shold be same as in offscan.ini file.

'//--------------- Specify the Share name (share name should end with "\" )--------------------
l_destinationFolder= "\\server\sharename\"

l_offSacnIniPath    = oFso.BuildPath(g_strRoot,l_offSacnIniPath)

If oFso.FileExists(l_offSacnIniPath) Then
l_SourceFolder = oWsh.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(l_SourceFolder)
Set l_strDemoFolder = oFso.GetFolder(l_SourceFolder)  
Set l_oFileCollection = l_strDemoFolder.Files 
For Each l_strFile in l_oFileCollection
oFso.CopyFile l_strFile,l_destinationFolder
Set l_oFileCollection = Nothing
Set l_strDemoFolder = Nothing
End If

If oFso.FileExists(g_optFile) Then
oFso.CopyFile g_optFile,l_destinationFolder
End If
End Sub