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Office Migration Planning Manager overview for Office 2010


Applies to: Office 2010

Topic Last Modified: 2011-08-29

Banner stating end of support date for Office 2010 with link to more info

This Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM) overview discusses the contents of the OMPM download package, requirements for running OMPM, and a high-level overview of using OMPM tools.

In this article:

  • About OMPM

  • What’s new in OMPM

  • OMPM download package contents

  • Using OMPM tools

  • Deploying the OMPM File Scanner

  • How the File Scanner works

  • Administrative computer requirements

  • Client computer requirements

  • OMPM required permissions

About OMPM

OMPM is a collection of tools that enables you to prepare an environment for migration to Microsoft Office 2010. OMPM can be a very important part of an Office 2010 migration plan. You can use the tools in OMPM to any of the following:

  • Scan Office 97 through Office 2003 files for conversion issues

  • Scan for macro compatibility issues

  • Create reports to help you analyze the scan data

  • Store the scan data, and convert older Office files into the Office 2010 file formats

OMPM checks for, and reports on, file properties and contents to help you analyze the environment and determine any issues that you might experience when you convert from Microsoft Office versions 97 through 2003 file formats to Office 2010 file formats. OMPM includes the following components:

  • The OMPM File Scanner (Offscan.exe), a command-line tool that scans files for conversion issues and stores the results in XML log files in a configurable location and, optionally, can bundle these log files into .cab files. The OMPM File Scanner performs two kinds of scans:

    • A light scan that quickly identifies the Office documents on a user’s computer or network file system.

    • A deep scan that you can perform on Office documents to crawl document properties that provide indicators of potential conversion issues.

    • A macro scan that quickly identifies the count of potential issues in VBA code included in document macros, or from 64-bit Office 2010 changes. Macro scanning is available only for Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, and Word files that were created by using versions of Office ranging from Office 97 through Office 2007.


    Files from Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft FrontPage, Microsoft OneNote, and Microsoft InfoPath are not included in either the light or deep scan.

  • A set of utilities that you can use to import the XML log files that are generated by the OMPM File Scanner into one or more of the following databases:

    • Microsoft SQL Server 2005

    • Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express Edition

    • Microsoft SQL Server 2008

    • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Express Edition

    • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2

    • Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Express Edition

  • A Microsoft Access 2010–based reporting solution that provides different reports for your analysis and enables you to define file sets for automated processing.

  • The Office File Converter (OFC), which lets you perform bulk conversions of specific Office files that are in version 97 through 2003 formats to the Office 2010 file formats.

  • The Version Extraction Tool (VET), which lets you extract multiple saved versions of a single Word 97–2003 document to individual files in Word 2010.

For more information about the OFC and VET, see Convert binary Office files by using the Office File Converter (OFC) and Version Extraction Tool (VET).

What’s new in OMPM

OMPM 2010 Update 1 delivers improvements to the reliability and performance of the OMPM tools. OMPM 2010 Update 1 is available at the Microsoft Download Center (


If you are using a previous version of OMPM, you cannot re-use existing client scan results, databases, or any exported data with the new version of OMPM. You must create new databases and re-scan clients by using the new version.

The following list highlights some of the key improvements in Update 1 of the OMPM File Scanner, the Office File Converter (OFC) tool, and the Version Extraction Tool (VET).

  • Improved performance of the OMPM File Scanner

  • Consistency in macro analysis across OMPM and Office Code Compatibility Inspector (OCCI)

  • Reliability improvements in the OFC and VET tools

  • Improved usability of the reporting tool

OMPM download package contents

The OMPM installation process extracts the OMPM components into the following redistributable subfolders:

  • Scan   The folder that contains the OMPM File Scanner.

  • Report   The folder that contains OMPM Reports. To export file lists from OMPM Reports, the database folder and related components must also be available.

  • Database   The folder that contains scripts to provision and populate the OMPM database.

  • Tools   The folder that contains tools the Office File Converter (OFC) and Version Extraction Tool (VET).

Using OMPM tools

The following is a high-level view of the process to use the OMPM tools in your Office migration.

  1. Use the OMPM file scanner to scan computers and generate log or .cab files that with scan results data. For more information, see Set up the Office Migration Planning Manager File Scanner for Office 2010.

  2. Import the log or .cab files into the OMPM database. For more information, see Import Office Migration Planning Manager log files into a database.

  3. Use OMPM Reports to prepare reports from the data in the OMPM database. For more information, see Analyze Office Migration Planning Manager Reports for Office 2010.

  4. Based on your report analysis, perform any of the following:

    • Use the Office Code Compatibility Inspector (OCCI) tool to assist the remediation of the files that are identified with potential macro compatibility issues. Because bulk scanning is not supported in OCCI, we recommend that you use OMPM to generate a list of issues and then use OCCI to scan each identified file for details about the macro compatibility issues.

    • Use the Office File Converter (OFC) to do bulk conversions of specific Office files that are in version 97 through 2003 file formats to the Office 2010 file formats.

    • Use the Version Extraction Tool to extract multiple saved versions of a single Word 97–2003 document to individual files in Word 2010.


Although OMPM reports on files that have embedded hyperlinks to Office files, the OFC does not resolve or update hyperlinks. Because converting files to OpenXML changes their file extensions, any hyperlinks that point to converted files will be broken.

Deploying the OMPM File Scanner

There are three possible methods for installing and running the OMPM File Scanner in your environment:

  1. Centrally-run scan   Download to an administrative client computer and use that computer to scan specified network locations. This method is the simplest scanning approach and is often used for small-scale, targeted assessments.

  2. Distributed scan from shared folder   Download to a central file share and use that share to scan all environment client computers. This method is useful for enabling a consistent file scan across a group of client computers.

  3. Decentralized scan   Download to each environment client computer for local scanning. This method will deliver the most efficient scan execution results.

You can choose one or more of these deployment strategies to fit the needs of your environment. For more information about these methods, see Set up the Office Migration Planning Manager File Scanner for Office 2010.

How the OMPM File Scanner works

The OMPM File Scanner collects information about the computer and recursively scans the designated path for Office files. The OMPM File Scanner then records the results in an XML log file to the designated destination path.

The OMPM File Scanner performs the following tasks in a single scan:

  • Scans the computer for Office files in the folders that you specify in the FoldersToScan setting in the Offscan.ini configuration file.

  • Scans the computer for properties, such as operating system, memory, and language ID.

  • Scans for file property information, such as file name, path, size, format, created date, modified date, and file owner.

  • If the AccessScan setting is set to 1 in Offscan.ini, scans Access files and displays results on the Access Compatibility tab of the reporting tool.

  • If this is a deep scan, scans for compatibility issues moving from binary file formats to OpenXML file formats.

  • If macro scan is configured, OMPM 2010 scans any macros it encounters for migration concerns that are due to changes in the object model and logs the total count of potential issues.

  • Writes an XML log file to the destination path, displaying results for each file scan.

  • If the CABLogs setting is set to 1 in Offscan.ini, adds the XML log files to a series of .cab files for later import to a SQL Server computer for reporting analysis.

  • Logs failures to the XML log files.


  • You can use the /d parameter to prevent OMPM from changing the Last Accessed Date on files that the scanner has Write permission to. If you do not use this parameter, or if the scanner does not have Write access to scanned files, you might experience unexpected results when you use the SkipOldAccessedFiles and OldAccessDate settings in the offscan.ini file. Specifically, those settings are obeyed for the first scan and old files are skipped, but because Last Access Date property settings are updated for skipped files, the previously skipped files are scanned during subsequent scans

  • The OMPM File Scanner does not transmit data to Microsoft Corporation.

Administrative computer requirements

The requirements in the following table are for the administrative computer on which the OMPM File Scanner will run and where file scan reporting will be completed.

Operating system System components

Requirements for OMPM database provisioning or data import tools on the administrative computer.


Maintain import tools, log file share, and database on the same server for optimal performance, or keep on same subnet to reduce network traffic.

Windows Server 2003 SP1

Windows Server 2008

Windows Server 2008 R2

Windows XP SP3

IExpress 2.0 runs on XP

Windows Vista SP3

IExpress 2.0 runs on Vista

Windows 7

IExpress 2.0 runs on Win7


Create self-extracting packages using IExpress. Do not use self-installing packages.

OMPM Reports

Reports requires Office Access 2007 or Access 2010, 32-bit versions only.

Database components

System components

SQL Server 2005 (Only English edition is supported)

4 GB free disk space

SQL Server 2008 (Only English edition is supported)

4 GB free disk space

Requires use of the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components available in the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Feature Pack, October 2008 (

SQL Server 2008 R2 (Only English edition is supported)

4 GB free disk space

Requires use of the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components that are available in the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Feature Pack, October 2008 (

SQL Server 2005 Express Edition (


Only use for maximum 100,000 scan-able files.

2 GB free disk space

SQL Server 2008 Express Edition (


Only use for maximum 100,000 scan-able files.

2 GB free disk space

Requires use of the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components available in the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Feature Pack, October 2008 (

SQL Server 2008 R2 Express


Only use for maximum 100,000 scan-able files.

2 GB free disk space

Requires use of the Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Backward Compatibility Components available in the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Feature Pack, October 2008 (


Enables XML support for SQL Server database. Available as part of the Microsoft SQL Server 2008 Feature Pack, October 2008 (

SQLXML 3.0 SP3 is also supported for 32-bit computers. 64-bit computers must use SQLXML 4.0 SP1.

Sqlcmd.exe command-line utility (bundled with SQL Server and SQL Server Express Editions)

Sqlcmd.exe must be on client computer from which SQL provisioning and import tools are run.

Bcp.exe command-line utility (bundled with SQL Server and SQL Server Express Editions)

Bcp.exe must be on client computer from which SQL provisioning and import tools are run.


System components

File share required to stage XML log files collected by OMPM File Scanner. Needs read/write/create permissions.

File share 1 GB free space

Client computer requirements

The requirements in the following table are for client computers on which the OMPM File Scanner will run.

Operating system/OMPM components Related components

Windows Server 2008

Windows Server 2008 R2

Windows XP SP3

DAO version 3.5 or 3.6 (included in Access 2000, Access 2003, Access 2007, and Access 2010; and in Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows Server 2003, and Windows Server 2008. This is only required for Access file scanning)

Windows Vista

Windows Script version 5.6, 5.7, or 5.8

Windows 7

Visual C Runtime (msvcrt.dll)

Internet Explorer, versions 5 through 8

Browser is required to view supporting articles describing the discovered compatibility issues.

Office File Converter (OFC) requirement for any computer that contains files to be converted.

Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint File Formats

Version Extraction Tool (VET) requirement for any computer on which Vet.exe will run.

Microsoft .NET Framework 2.0 or later (

If the Microsoft .NET Framework is not installed, individual components must be installed separately on the PATH system variable.

Kernel32.dll, Msjet40.dll, Crypt32.dll, Ole32.dll, Oleaut32.dll, User32.dll, Advapi.dll

OMPM Reports (on client computers that have data for analysis)

Reports requires Access 2007 or Access 2010, 32-bit versions only.

OMPM File Scanner (Office does not have to be installed to use)

Performing deep scans of Access files requires Access 2007 or Access 2010

OMPM File Scanner (Scanning doc storage systems, such as the SharePoint document library)

Web-based Distributing Authoring and Versioning IIS 6.0 required


Only the IIS 6.0 version of WebDAV is supported. For SSL-enabled doc libraries, use Windows Vista WebDAV. Prior versions of WebDAV client are not supported.

OMPM required permissions

When you configure the environment for the use of OMPM, assign the permissions as shown in the following table.

Component Permission required

Offscan.ini file

Read/write permissions on all computers.


  • Read for Offscan.ini

  • Read/write for any directory that stores scan logs

  • Read for any file to be scanned

  • Read/write for files to be scanned by using the /d option

Database tools

  • Read for files that contain scan laws

  • Owner permission to the computer that is running SQL Server (configure/import data)

Reporting tool

  • Read access to report ompm.accdr

  • Read/write access to the SQL database

  • Owner permission for OMPM 2010 SQL database

Version Extraction Tool (VET)

  • Read to files to be converted

  • Read/write to the directory where converted files are stored

Office File Converter (OFC)

  • Read to Ofc.ini (if you intend to modify it, you need Read/write

  • Read to files to be converted

  • Read/write to the directory where converted files are stored