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What's new in Excel JavaScript API 1.9

More than 500 new Excel APIs were introduced with the 1.9 requirement set. The first table provides a concise summary of the APIs, while the subsequent table gives a detailed list.

Feature area Description Relevant objects
Shapes Insert, position, and format images, geometric shapes and text boxes. ShapeCollection Shape GeometricShape Image
Auto Filter Add filters to ranges. AutoFilter
Areas Support for discontinuous ranges. RangeAreas
Special Cells Get cells containing dates, comments, or formulas within a range. Range
Find Find values or formulas within a range or worksheet. RangeWorksheet
Copy and Paste Copy values, formats, and formulas from one range to another. Range
Calculation Greater control over the Excel calculation engine. Application
New Charts Explore our new supported chart types: maps, box and whisker, waterfall, sunburst, pareto. and funnel. Chart
RangeFormat New capabilities with range formats. Range

API list

The following table lists the APIs in Excel JavaScript API requirement set 1.9. To view API reference documentation for all APIs supported by Excel JavaScript API requirement set 1.9 or earlier, see Excel APIs in requirement set 1.9 or earlier.

Class Fields Description
Application calculationEngineVersion Returns the Excel calculation engine version used for the last full recalculation.
calculationState Returns the calculation state of the application.
iterativeCalculation Returns the iterative calculation settings.
suspendScreenUpdatingUntilNextSync() Suspends screen updating until the next context.sync() is called.
AutoFilter apply(range: Range | string, columnIndex?: number, criteria?: Excel.FilterCriteria) Applies the AutoFilter to a range.
clearCriteria() Clears the filter criteria and sort state of the AutoFilter.
criteria An array that holds all the filter criteria in the autofiltered range.
enabled Specifies if the AutoFilter is enabled.
getRange() Returns the Range object that represents the range to which the AutoFilter applies.
getRangeOrNullObject() Returns the Range object that represents the range to which the AutoFilter applies.
isDataFiltered Specifies if the AutoFilter has filter criteria.
reapply() Applies the specified AutoFilter object currently on the range.
remove() Removes the AutoFilter for the range.
CellBorder color Represents the color property of a single border.
style Represents the style property of a single border.
tintAndShade Represents the tintAndShade property of a single border.
weight Represents the weight property of a single border.
CellBorderCollection bottom Represents the format.borders.bottom property.
diagonalDown Represents the format.borders.diagonalDown property.
diagonalUp Represents the format.borders.diagonalUp property.
horizontal Represents the format.borders.horizontal property.
left Represents the format.borders.left property.
right Represents the format.borders.right property.
top Represents the property.
vertical Represents the format.borders.vertical property.
CellProperties address Represents the address property.
addressLocal Represents the addressLocal property.
hidden Represents the hidden property.
CellPropertiesFill color Represents the format.fill.color property.
pattern Represents the format.fill.pattern property.
patternColor Represents the format.fill.patternColor property.
patternTintAndShade Represents the format.fill.patternTintAndShade property.
tintAndShade Represents the format.fill.tintAndShade property.
CellPropertiesFont bold Represents the format.font.bold property.
color Represents the format.font.color property.
italic Represents the format.font.italic property.
name Represents the property.
size Represents the format.font.size property.
strikethrough Represents the format.font.strikethrough property.
subscript Represents the format.font.subscript property.
superscript Represents the format.font.superscript property.
tintAndShade Represents the format.font.tintAndShade property.
underline Represents the format.font.underline property.
CellPropertiesFormat autoIndent Represents the autoIndent property.
borders Represents the borders property.
fill Represents the fill property.
font Represents the font property.
horizontalAlignment Represents the horizontalAlignment property.
indentLevel Represents the indentLevel property.
protection Represents the protection property.
readingOrder Represents the readingOrder property.
shrinkToFit Represents the shrinkToFit property.
textOrientation Represents the textOrientation property.
useStandardHeight Represents the useStandardHeight property.
useStandardWidth Represents the useStandardWidth property.
verticalAlignment Represents the verticalAlignment property.
wrapText Represents the wrapText property.
CellPropertiesProtection formulaHidden Represents the property.
locked Represents the property.
ChangedEventDetail valueAfter Represents the value after the change.
valueBefore Represents the value before the change.
valueTypeAfter Represents the type of value after the change.
valueTypeBefore Represents the type of value before the change.
Chart activate() Activates the chart in the Excel UI.
pivotOptions Encapsulates the options for a pivot chart.
ChartAreaFormat colorScheme Specifies the color scheme of the chart.
roundedCorners Specifies if the chart area of the chart has rounded corners.
ChartAxis linkNumberFormat Specifies if the number format is linked to the cells.
ChartBinOptions allowOverflow Specifies if bin overflow is enabled in a histogram chart or pareto chart.
allowUnderflow Specifies if bin underflow is enabled in a histogram chart or pareto chart.
count Specifies the bin count of a histogram chart or pareto chart.
overflowValue Specifies the bin overflow value of a histogram chart or pareto chart.
type Specifies the bin's type for a histogram chart or pareto chart.
underflowValue Specifies the bin underflow value of a histogram chart or pareto chart.
width Specifies the bin width value of a histogram chart or pareto chart.
ChartBoxwhiskerOptions quartileCalculation Specifies if the quartile calculation type of a box and whisker chart.
showInnerPoints Specifies if inner points are shown in a box and whisker chart.
showMeanLine Specifies if the mean line is shown in a box and whisker chart.
showMeanMarker Specifies if the mean marker is shown in a box and whisker chart.
showOutlierPoints Specifies if outlier points are shown in a box and whisker chart.
ChartDataLabel linkNumberFormat Specifies if the number format is linked to the cells (so that the number format changes in the labels when it changes in the cells).
ChartDataLabels linkNumberFormat Specifies if the number format is linked to the cells.
ChartErrorBars endStyleCap Specifies if error bars have an end style cap.
format Specifies the formatting type of the error bars.
include Specifies which parts of the error bars to include.
type The type of range marked by the error bars.
visible Specifies whether the error bars are displayed.
ChartErrorBarsFormat line Represents the chart line formatting.
ChartMapOptions labelStrategy Specifies the series map labels strategy of a region map chart.
level Specifies the series mapping level of a region map chart.
projectionType Specifies the series projection type of a region map chart.
ChartPivotOptions showAxisFieldButtons Specifies whether to display the axis field buttons on a PivotChart.
showLegendFieldButtons Specifies whether to display the legend field buttons on a PivotChart.
showReportFilterFieldButtons Specifies whether to display the report filter field buttons on a PivotChart.
showValueFieldButtons Specifies whether to display the show value field buttons on a PivotChart.
ChartSeries binOptions Encapsulates the bin options for histogram charts and pareto charts.
boxwhiskerOptions Encapsulates the options for the box and whisker charts.
bubbleScale This can be an integer value from 0 (zero) to 300, representing the percentage of the default size.
gradientMaximumColor Specifies the color for maximum value of a region map chart series.
gradientMaximumType Specifies the type for maximum value of a region map chart series.
gradientMaximumValue Specifies the maximum value of a region map chart series.
gradientMidpointColor Specifies the color for the midpoint value of a region map chart series.
gradientMidpointType Specifies the type for the midpoint value of a region map chart series.
gradientMidpointValue Specifies the midpoint value of a region map chart series.
gradientMinimumColor Specifies the color for the minimum value of a region map chart series.
gradientMinimumType Specifies the type for the minimum value of a region map chart series.
gradientMinimumValue Specifies the minimum value of a region map chart series.
gradientStyle Specifies the series gradient style of a region map chart.
invertColor Specifies the fill color for negative data points in a series.
mapOptions Encapsulates the options for a region map chart.
parentLabelStrategy Specifies the series parent label strategy area for a treemap chart.
showConnectorLines Specifies whether connector lines are shown in waterfall charts.
showLeaderLines Specifies whether leader lines are displayed for each data label in the series.
splitValue Specifies the threshold value that separates two sections of either a pie-of-pie chart or a bar-of-pie chart.
xErrorBars Represents the error bar object of a chart series.
yErrorBars Represents the error bar object of a chart series.
ChartTrendlineLabel linkNumberFormat Specifies if the number format is linked to the cells (so that the number format changes in the labels when it changes in the cells).
ColumnProperties address Represents the address property.
addressLocal Represents the addressLocal property.
columnIndex Represents the columnIndex property.
ConditionalFormat getRanges() Returns the RangeAreas, comprising one or more rectangular ranges, to which the conditional format is applied.
DataValidation getInvalidCells() Returns a RangeAreas object, comprising one or more rectangular ranges, with invalid cell values.
getInvalidCellsOrNullObject() Returns a RangeAreas object, comprising one or more rectangular ranges, with invalid cell values.
FilterCriteria subField The property used by the filter to do a rich filter on rich values.
GeometricShape id Returns the shape identifier.
shape Returns the Shape object for the geometric shape.
GroupShapeCollection getCount() Returns the number of shapes in the shape group.
getItem(key: string) Gets a shape using its name or ID.
getItemAt(index: number) Gets a shape based on its position in the collection.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
HeaderFooter centerFooter The center footer of the worksheet.
centerHeader The center header of the worksheet.
leftFooter The left footer of the worksheet.
leftHeader The left header of the worksheet.
rightFooter The right footer of the worksheet.
rightHeader The right header of the worksheet.
HeaderFooterGroup defaultForAllPages The general header/footer, used for all pages unless even/odd or first page is specified.
evenPages The header/footer to use for even pages, odd header/footer needs to be specified for odd pages.
firstPage The first page header/footer, for all other pages general or even/odd is used.
oddPages The header/footer to use for odd pages, even header/footer needs to be specified for even pages.
state The state by which headers/footers are set.
useSheetMargins Gets or sets a flag indicating if headers/footers are aligned with the page margins set in the page layout options for the worksheet.
useSheetScale Gets or sets a flag indicating if headers/footers should be scaled by the page percentage scale set in the page layout options for the worksheet.
Image format Returns the format of the image.
id Specifies the shape identifier for the image object.
shape Returns the Shape object associated with the image.
IterativeCalculation enabled True if Excel will use iteration to resolve circular references.
maxChange Specifies the maximum amount of change between each iteration as Excel resolves circular references.
maxIteration Specifies the maximum number of iterations that Excel can use to resolve a circular reference.
Line beginArrowheadLength Represents the length of the arrowhead at the beginning of the specified line.
beginArrowheadStyle Represents the style of the arrowhead at the beginning of the specified line.
beginArrowheadWidth Represents the width of the arrowhead at the beginning of the specified line.
beginConnectedShape Represents the shape to which the beginning of the specified line is attached.
beginConnectedSite Represents the connection site to which the beginning of a connector is connected.
connectBeginShape(shape: Excel.Shape, connectionSite: number) Attaches the beginning of the specified connector to a specified shape.
connectEndShape(shape: Excel.Shape, connectionSite: number) Attaches the end of the specified connector to a specified shape.
connectorType Represents the connector type for the line.
disconnectBeginShape() Detaches the beginning of the specified connector from a shape.
disconnectEndShape() Detaches the end of the specified connector from a shape.
endArrowheadLength Represents the length of the arrowhead at the end of the specified line.
endArrowheadStyle Represents the style of the arrowhead at the end of the specified line.
endArrowheadWidth Represents the width of the arrowhead at the end of the specified line.
endConnectedShape Represents the shape to which the end of the specified line is attached.
endConnectedSite Represents the connection site to which the end of a connector is connected.
id Specifies the shape identifier.
isBeginConnected Specifies if the beginning of the specified line is connected to a shape.
isEndConnected Specifies if the end of the specified line is connected to a shape.
shape Returns the Shape object associated with the line.
PageBreak columnIndex Specifies the column index for the page break.
delete() Deletes a page break object.
getCellAfterBreak() Gets the first cell after the page break.
rowIndex Specifies the row index for the page break.
PageBreakCollection add(pageBreakRange: Range | string) Adds a page break before the top-left cell of the range specified.
getCount() Gets the number of page breaks in the collection.
getItem(index: number) Gets a page break object via the index.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
removePageBreaks() Resets all manual page breaks in the collection.
PageLayout blackAndWhite The worksheet's black and white print option.
bottomMargin The worksheet's bottom page margin to use for printing in points.
centerHorizontally The worksheet's center horizontally flag.
centerVertically The worksheet's center vertically flag.
draftMode The worksheet's draft mode option.
firstPageNumber The worksheet's first page number to print.
footerMargin The worksheet's footer margin, in points, for use when printing.
getPrintArea() Gets the RangeAreas object, comprising one or more rectangular ranges, that represents the print area for the worksheet.
getPrintAreaOrNullObject() Gets the RangeAreas object, comprising one or more rectangular ranges, that represents the print area for the worksheet.
getPrintTitleColumns() Gets the range object representing the title columns.
getPrintTitleColumnsOrNullObject() Gets the range object representing the title columns.
getPrintTitleRows() Gets the range object representing the title rows.
getPrintTitleRowsOrNullObject() Gets the range object representing the title rows.
headerMargin The worksheet's header margin, in points, for use when printing.
headersFooters Header and footer configuration for the worksheet.
leftMargin The worksheet's left margin, in points, for use when printing.
orientation The worksheet's orientation of the page.
paperSize The worksheet's paper size of the page.
printComments Specifies if the worksheet's comments should be displayed when printing.
printErrors The worksheet's print errors option.
printGridlines Specifies if the worksheet's gridlines will be printed.
printHeadings Specifies if the worksheet's headings will be printed.
printOrder The worksheet's page print order option.
rightMargin The worksheet's right margin, in points, for use when printing.
setPrintArea(printArea: Range | RangeAreas | string) Sets the worksheet's print area.
setPrintMargins(unit: Excel.PrintMarginUnit, marginOptions: Excel.PageLayoutMarginOptions) Sets the worksheet's page margins with units.
setPrintTitleColumns(printTitleColumns: Range | string) Sets the columns that contain the cells to be repeated at the left of each page of the worksheet for printing.
setPrintTitleRows(printTitleRows: Range | string) Sets the rows that contain the cells to be repeated at the top of each page of the worksheet for printing.
topMargin The worksheet's top margin, in points, for use when printing.
zoom The worksheet's print zoom options.
PageLayoutMarginOptions bottom Specifies the page layout bottom margin in the unit specified to use for printing.
footer Specifies the page layout footer margin in the unit specified to use for printing.
header Specifies the page layout header margin in the unit specified to use for printing.
left Specifies the page layout left margin in the unit specified to use for printing.
right Specifies the page layout right margin in the unit specified to use for printing.
top Specifies the page layout top margin in the unit specified to use for printing.
PageLayoutZoomOptions horizontalFitToPages Number of pages to fit horizontally.
scale Print page scale value can be between 10 and 400.
verticalFitToPages Number of pages to fit vertically.
PivotField sortByValues(sortBy: Excel.SortBy, valuesHierarchy: Excel.DataPivotHierarchy, pivotItemScope?: Array<PivotItem | string>) Sorts the PivotField by specified values in a given scope.
PivotLayout autoFormat Specifies if formatting will be automatically formatted when it's refreshed or when fields are moved.
getDataHierarchy(cell: Range | string) Gets the DataHierarchy that is used to calculate the value in a specified range within the PivotTable.
getPivotItems(axis: Excel.PivotAxis, cell: Range | string) Gets the PivotItems from an axis that make up the value in a specified range within the PivotTable.
preserveFormatting Specifies if formatting is preserved when the report is refreshed or recalculated by operations such as pivoting, sorting, or changing page field items.
setAutoSortOnCell(cell: Range | string, sortBy: Excel.SortBy) Sets the PivotTable to automatically sort using the specified cell to automatically select all necessary criteria and context.
PivotTable enableDataValueEditing Specifies if the PivotTable allows values in the data body to be edited by the user.
useCustomSortLists Specifies if the PivotTable uses custom lists when sorting.
Range autoFill(destinationRange?: Range | string, autoFillType?: Excel.AutoFillType) Fills a range from the current range to the destination range using the specified AutoFill logic.
convertDataTypeToText() Converts the range cells with data types into text.
convertToLinkedDataType(serviceID: number, languageCulture: string) Converts the range cells into linked data types in the worksheet.
copyFrom(sourceRange: Range | RangeAreas | string, copyType?: Excel.RangeCopyType, skipBlanks?: boolean, transpose?: boolean) Copies cell data or formatting from the source range or RangeAreas to the current range.
find(text: string, criteria: Excel.SearchCriteria) Finds the given string based on the criteria specified.
findOrNullObject(text: string, criteria: Excel.SearchCriteria) Finds the given string based on the criteria specified.
flashFill() Does a Flash Fill to the current range.
getCellProperties(cellPropertiesLoadOptions: CellPropertiesLoadOptions) Returns a 2D array, encapsulating the data for each cell's font, fill, borders, alignment, and other properties.
getColumnProperties(columnPropertiesLoadOptions: ColumnPropertiesLoadOptions) Returns a single-dimensional array, encapsulating the data for each column's font, fill, borders, alignment, and other properties.
getRowProperties(rowPropertiesLoadOptions: RowPropertiesLoadOptions) Returns a single-dimensional array, encapsulating the data for each row's font, fill, borders, alignment, and other properties.
getSpecialCells(cellType: Excel.SpecialCellType, cellValueType?: Excel.SpecialCellValueType) Gets the RangeAreas object, comprising one or more rectangular ranges, that represents all the cells that match the specified type and value.
getSpecialCellsOrNullObject(cellType: Excel.SpecialCellType, cellValueType?: Excel.SpecialCellValueType) Gets the RangeAreas object, comprising one or more ranges, that represents all the cells that match the specified type and value.
getTables(fullyContained?: boolean) Gets a scoped collection of tables that overlap with the range.
linkedDataTypeState Represents the data type state of each cell.
removeDuplicates(columns: number[], includesHeader: boolean) Removes duplicate values from the range specified by the columns.
replaceAll(text: string, replacement: string, criteria: Excel.ReplaceCriteria) Finds and replaces the given string based on the criteria specified within the current range.
setCellProperties(cellPropertiesData: SettableCellProperties[][]) Updates the range based on a 2D array of cell properties, encapsulating things like font, fill, borders, and alignment.
setColumnProperties(columnPropertiesData: SettableColumnProperties[]) Updates the range based on a single-dimensional array of column properties, encapsulating things like font, fill, borders, and alignment.
setDirty() Set a range to be recalculated when the next recalculation occurs.
setRowProperties(rowPropertiesData: SettableRowProperties[]) Updates the range based on a single-dimensional array of row properties, encapsulating things like font, fill, borders, and alignment.
RangeAreas address Returns the RangeAreas reference in A1-style.
addressLocal Returns the RangeAreas reference in the user locale.
areaCount Returns the number of rectangular ranges that comprise this RangeAreas object.
areas Returns a collection of rectangular ranges that comprise this RangeAreas object.
calculate() Calculates all cells in the RangeAreas.
cellCount Returns the number of cells in the RangeAreas object, summing up the cell counts of all of the individual rectangular ranges.
clear(applyTo?: Excel.ClearApplyTo) Clears values, format, fill, border, and other properties on each of the areas that comprise this RangeAreas object.
conditionalFormats Returns a collection of conditional formats that intersect with any cells in this RangeAreas object.
convertDataTypeToText() Converts all cells in the RangeAreas with data types into text.
convertToLinkedDataType(serviceID: number, languageCulture: string) Converts all cells in the RangeAreas into linked data types.
copyFrom(sourceRange: Range | RangeAreas | string, copyType?: Excel.RangeCopyType, skipBlanks?: boolean, transpose?: boolean) Copies cell data or formatting from the source range or RangeAreas to the current RangeAreas.
dataValidation Returns a data validation object for all ranges in the RangeAreas.
format Returns a RangeFormat object, encapsulating the font, fill, borders, alignment, and other properties for all ranges in the RangeAreas object.
getEntireColumn() Returns a RangeAreas object that represents the entire columns of the RangeAreas (for example, if the current RangeAreas represents cells "B4:E11, H2", it returns a RangeAreas that represents columns "B:E, H:H").
getEntireRow() Returns a RangeAreas object that represents the entire rows of the RangeAreas (for example, if the current RangeAreas represents cells "B4:E11", it returns a RangeAreas that represents rows "4:11").
getIntersection(anotherRange: Range | RangeAreas | string) Returns the RangeAreas object that represents the intersection of the given ranges or RangeAreas.
getIntersectionOrNullObject(anotherRange: Range | RangeAreas | string) Returns the RangeAreas object that represents the intersection of the given ranges or RangeAreas.
getOffsetRangeAreas(rowOffset: number, columnOffset: number) Returns a RangeAreas object that is shifted by the specific row and column offset.
getSpecialCells(cellType: Excel.SpecialCellType, cellValueType?: Excel.SpecialCellValueType) Returns a RangeAreas object that represents all the cells that match the specified type and value.
getSpecialCellsOrNullObject(cellType: Excel.SpecialCellType, cellValueType?: Excel.SpecialCellValueType) Returns a RangeAreas object that represents all the cells that match the specified type and value.
getTables(fullyContained?: boolean) Returns a scoped collection of tables that overlap with any range in this RangeAreas object.
getUsedRangeAreas(valuesOnly?: boolean) Returns the used RangeAreas that comprises all the used areas of individual rectangular ranges in the RangeAreas object.
getUsedRangeAreasOrNullObject(valuesOnly?: boolean) Returns the used RangeAreas that comprises all the used areas of individual rectangular ranges in the RangeAreas object.
isEntireColumn Specifies if all the ranges on this RangeAreas object represent entire columns (e.g., "A:C, Q:Z").
isEntireRow Specifies if all the ranges on this RangeAreas object represent entire rows (e.g., "1:3, 5:7").
setDirty() Sets the RangeAreas to be recalculated when the next recalculation occurs.
style Represents the style for all ranges in this RangeAreas object.
worksheet Returns the worksheet for the current RangeAreas.
RangeBorder tintAndShade Specifies a double that lightens or darkens a color for the range border, the value is between -1 (darkest) and 1 (brightest), with 0 for the original color.
RangeBorderCollection tintAndShade Specifies a double that lightens or darkens a color for range borders.
RangeCollection getCount() Returns the number of ranges in the RangeCollection.
getItemAt(index: number) Returns the range object based on its position in the RangeCollection.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
RangeFill pattern The pattern of a range.
patternColor The HTML color code representing the color of the range pattern, in the form #RRGGBB (e.g., "FFA500"), or as a named HTML color (e.g., "orange").
patternTintAndShade Specifies a double that lightens or darkens a pattern color for the range fill.
tintAndShade Specifies a double that lightens or darkens a color for the range fill.
RangeFont strikethrough Specifies the strikethrough status of font.
subscript Specifies the subscript status of font.
superscript Specifies the superscript status of font.
tintAndShade Specifies a double that lightens or darkens a color for the range font.
RangeFormat autoIndent Specifies if text is automatically indented when text alignment is set to equal distribution.
indentLevel An integer from 0 to 250 that indicates the indent level.
readingOrder The reading order for the range.
shrinkToFit Specifies if text automatically shrinks to fit in the available column width.
RemoveDuplicatesResult removed Number of duplicated rows removed by the operation.
uniqueRemaining Number of remaining unique rows present in the resulting range.
ReplaceCriteria completeMatch Specifies if the match needs to be complete or partial.
matchCase Specifies if the match is case-sensitive.
RowProperties address Represents the address property.
addressLocal Represents the addressLocal property.
rowIndex Represents the rowIndex property.
SearchCriteria completeMatch Specifies if the match needs to be complete or partial.
matchCase Specifies if the match is case-sensitive.
searchDirection Specifies the search direction.
SettableCellProperties format Represents the format property.
hyperlink Represents the hyperlink property.
style Represents the style property.
SettableColumnProperties columnHidden Represents the columnHidden property.
format Represents the format property.
SettableRowProperties format Represents the format property.
rowHidden Represents the rowHidden property.
Shape altTextDescription Specifies the alternative description text for a Shape object.
altTextTitle Specifies the alternative title text for a Shape object.
connectionSiteCount Returns the number of connection sites on this shape.
delete() Removes the shape from the worksheet.
fill Returns the fill formatting of this shape.
geometricShape Returns the geometric shape associated with the shape.
geometricShapeType Specifies the geometric shape type of this geometric shape.
getAsImage(format: Excel.PictureFormat) Converts the shape to an image and returns the image as a Base64-encoded string.
group Returns the shape group associated with the shape.
height Specifies the height, in points, of the shape.
id Specifies the shape identifier.
image Returns the image associated with the shape.
incrementLeft(increment: number) Moves the shape horizontally by the specified number of points.
incrementRotation(increment: number) Rotates the shape clockwise around the z-axis by the specified number of degrees.
incrementTop(increment: number) Moves the shape vertically by the specified number of points.
left The distance, in points, from the left side of the shape to the left side of the worksheet.
level Specifies the level of the specified shape.
line Returns the line associated with the shape.
lineFormat Returns the line formatting of this shape.
lockAspectRatio Specifies if the aspect ratio of this shape is locked.
name Specifies the name of the shape.
onActivated Occurs when the shape is activated.
onDeactivated Occurs when the shape is deactivated.
parentGroup Specifies the parent group of this shape.
rotation Specifies the rotation, in degrees, of the shape.
scaleHeight(scaleFactor: number, scaleType: Excel.ShapeScaleType, scaleFrom?: Excel.ShapeScaleFrom) Scales the height of the shape by a specified factor.
scaleWidth(scaleFactor: number, scaleType: Excel.ShapeScaleType, scaleFrom?: Excel.ShapeScaleFrom) Scales the width of the shape by a specified factor.
setZOrder(position: Excel.ShapeZOrder) Moves the specified shape up or down the collection's z-order, which shifts it in front of or behind other shapes.
textFrame Returns the text frame object of this shape.
top The distance, in points, from the top edge of the shape to the top edge of the worksheet.
type Returns the type of this shape.
visible Specifies if the shape is visible.
width Specifies the width, in points, of the shape.
zOrderPosition Returns the position of the specified shape in the z-order, with 0 representing the bottom of the order stack.
ShapeActivatedEventArgs shapeId Gets the ID of the activated shape.
type Gets the type of the event.
worksheetId Gets the ID of the worksheet in which the shape is activated.
ShapeCollection addGeometricShape(geometricShapeType: Excel.GeometricShapeType) Adds a geometric shape to the worksheet.
addGroup(values: Array<string | Shape>) Groups a subset of shapes in this collection's worksheet.
addImage(base64ImageString: string) Creates an image from a Base64-encoded string and adds it to the worksheet.
addLine(startLeft: number, startTop: number, endLeft: number, endTop: number, connectorType?: Excel.ConnectorType) Adds a line to worksheet.
addTextBox(text?: string) Adds a text box to the worksheet with the provided text as the content.
getCount() Returns the number of shapes in the worksheet.
getItem(key: string) Gets a shape using its name or ID.
getItemAt(index: number) Gets a shape using its position in the collection.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
ShapeDeactivatedEventArgs shapeId Gets the ID of the shape deactivated shape.
type Gets the type of the event.
worksheetId Gets the ID of the worksheet in which the shape is deactivated.
ShapeFill clear() Clears the fill formatting of this shape.
foregroundColor Represents the shape fill foreground color in HTML color format, in the form #RRGGBB (e.g., "FFA500") or as a named HTML color (e.g., "orange")
setSolidColor(color: string) Sets the fill formatting of the shape to a uniform color.
transparency Specifies the transparency percentage of the fill as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
type Returns the fill type of the shape.
ShapeFont bold Represents the bold status of font.
color HTML color code representation of the text color (e.g., "#FF0000" represents red).
italic Represents the italic status of font.
name Represents font name (e.g., "Calibri").
size Represents font size in points (e.g., 11).
underline Type of underline applied to the font.
ShapeGroup id Specifies the shape identifier.
shape Returns the Shape object associated with the group.
shapes Returns the collection of Shape objects.
ungroup() Ungroups any grouped shapes in the specified shape group.
ShapeLineFormat color Represents the line color in HTML color format, in the form #RRGGBB (e.g., "FFA500") or as a named HTML color (e.g., "orange").
dashStyle Represents the line style of the shape.
style Represents the line style of the shape.
transparency Represents the degree of transparency of the specified line as a value from 0.0 (opaque) through 1.0 (clear).
visible Specifies if the line formatting of a shape element is visible.
weight Represents the weight of the line, in points.
SortField subField Specifies the subfield that is the target property name of a rich value to sort on.
StyleCollection getCount() Gets the number of styles in the collection.
getItemAt(index: number) Gets a style based on its position in the collection.
Table autoFilter Represents the AutoFilter object of the table.
TableAddedEventArgs source Gets the source of the event.
tableId Gets the ID of the table that is added.
type Gets the type of the event.
worksheetId Gets the ID of the worksheet in which the table is added.
TableChangedEventArgs details Gets the information about the change detail.
TableCollection onAdded Occurs when a new table is added in a workbook.
onDeleted Occurs when the specified table is deleted in a workbook.
TableDeletedEventArgs source Gets the source of the event.
tableId Gets the ID of the table that is deleted.
tableName Gets the name of the table that is deleted.
type Gets the type of the event.
worksheetId Gets the ID of the worksheet in which the table is deleted.
TableScopedCollection getCount() Gets the number of tables in the collection.
getFirst() Gets the first table in the collection.
getItem(key: string) Gets a table by name or ID.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
TextFrame autoSizeSetting The automatic sizing settings for the text frame.
bottomMargin Represents the bottom margin, in points, of the text frame.
deleteText() Deletes all the text in the text frame.
hasText Specifies if the text frame contains text.
horizontalAlignment Represents the horizontal alignment of the text frame.
horizontalOverflow Represents the horizontal overflow behavior of the text frame.
leftMargin Represents the left margin, in points, of the text frame.
orientation Represents the angle to which the text is oriented for the text frame.
readingOrder Represents the reading order of the text frame, either left-to-right or right-to-left.
rightMargin Represents the right margin, in points, of the text frame.
textRange Represents the text that is attached to a shape in the text frame, and properties and methods for manipulating the text.
topMargin Represents the top margin, in points, of the text frame.
verticalAlignment Represents the vertical alignment of the text frame.
verticalOverflow Represents the vertical overflow behavior of the text frame.
TextRange font Returns a ShapeFont object that represents the font attributes for the text range.
getSubstring(start: number, length?: number) Returns a TextRange object for the substring in the given range.
text Represents the plain text content of the text range.
Workbook autoSave Specifies if the workbook is in AutoSave mode.
calculationEngineVersion Returns a number about the version of Excel Calculation Engine.
chartDataPointTrack True if all charts in the workbook are tracking the actual data points to which they are attached.
getActiveChart() Gets the currently active chart in the workbook.
getActiveChartOrNullObject() Gets the currently active chart in the workbook.
getIsActiveCollabSession() Returns true if the workbook is being edited by multiple users (through co-authoring).
getSelectedRanges() Gets the currently selected one or more ranges from the workbook.
isDirty Specifies if changes have been made since the workbook was last saved.
onAutoSaveSettingChanged Occurs when the AutoSave setting is changed on the workbook.
previouslySaved Specifies if the workbook has ever been saved locally or online.
usePrecisionAsDisplayed True if calculations in this workbook will be done using only the precision of the numbers as they're displayed.
WorkbookAutoSaveSettingChangedEventArgs type Gets the type of the event.
Worksheet autoFilter Represents the AutoFilter object of the worksheet.
enableCalculation Determines if Excel should recalculate the worksheet when necessary.
findAll(text: string, criteria: Excel.WorksheetSearchCriteria) Finds all occurrences of the given string based on the criteria specified and returns them as a RangeAreas object, comprising one or more rectangular ranges.
findAllOrNullObject(text: string, criteria: Excel.WorksheetSearchCriteria) Finds all occurrences of the given string based on the criteria specified and returns them as a RangeAreas object, comprising one or more rectangular ranges.
getRanges(address?: string) Gets the RangeAreas object, representing one or more blocks of rectangular ranges, specified by the address or name.
horizontalPageBreaks Gets the horizontal page break collection for the worksheet.
onFormatChanged Occurs when format changed on a specific worksheet.
pageLayout Gets the PageLayout object of the worksheet.
replaceAll(text: string, replacement: string, criteria: Excel.ReplaceCriteria) Finds and replaces the given string based on the criteria specified within the current worksheet.
shapes Returns the collection of all the Shape objects on the worksheet.
verticalPageBreaks Gets the vertical page break collection for the worksheet.
WorksheetChangedEventArgs details Represents the information about the change detail.
WorksheetCollection onChanged Occurs when any worksheet in the workbook is changed.
onFormatChanged Occurs when any worksheet in the workbook has a format changed.
onSelectionChanged Occurs when the selection changes on any worksheet.
WorksheetFormatChangedEventArgs address Gets the range address that represents the changed area of a specific worksheet.
getRange(ctx: Excel.RequestContext) Gets the range that represents the changed area of a specific worksheet.
getRangeOrNullObject(ctx: Excel.RequestContext) Gets the range that represents the changed area of a specific worksheet.
source Gets the source of the event.
type Gets the type of the event.
worksheetId Gets the ID of the worksheet in which the data changed.
WorksheetSearchCriteria completeMatch Specifies if the match needs to be complete or partial.
matchCase Specifies if the match is case-sensitive.

See also