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What's new in Excel JavaScript API 1.3

ExcelApi 1.3 added support for data binding and basic PivotTable access.

API list

The following table lists the APIs in Excel JavaScript API requirement set 1.3. To view API reference documentation for all APIs supported by Excel JavaScript API requirement set 1.3 or earlier, see Excel APIs in requirement set 1.3 or earlier.

Class Fields Description
Binding delete() Deletes the binding.
BindingCollection add(range: Range | string, bindingType: Excel.BindingType, id: string) Add a new binding to a particular Range.
addFromNamedItem(name: string, bindingType: Excel.BindingType, id: string) Add a new binding based on a named item in the workbook.
addFromSelection(bindingType: Excel.BindingType, id: string) Add a new binding based on the current selection.
PivotTable name Name of the PivotTable.
refresh() Refreshes the PivotTable.
worksheet The worksheet containing the current PivotTable.
PivotTableCollection getItem(name: string) Gets a PivotTable by name.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
refreshAll() Refreshes all the pivot tables in the collection.
Range getVisibleView() Represents the visible rows of the current range.
RangeView cellAddresses Represents the cell addresses of the RangeView.
columnCount The number of visible columns.
formulas Represents the formula in A1-style notation.
formulasLocal Represents the formula in A1-style notation, in the user's language and number-formatting locale.
formulasR1C1 Represents the formula in R1C1-style notation.
getRange() Gets the parent range associated with the current RangeView.
index Returns a value that represents the index of the RangeView.
numberFormat Represents Excel's number format code for the given cell.
rowCount The number of visible rows.
rows Represents a collection of range views associated with the range.
text Text values of the specified range.
valueTypes Represents the type of data of each cell.
values Represents the raw values of the specified range view.
RangeViewCollection getItemAt(index: number) Gets a RangeView row via its index.
items Gets the loaded child items in this collection.
Table highlightFirstColumn Specifies if the first column contains special formatting.
highlightLastColumn Specifies if the last column contains special formatting.
showBandedColumns Specifies if the columns show banded formatting in which odd columns are highlighted differently from even ones, to make reading the table easier.
showBandedRows Specifies if the rows show banded formatting in which odd rows are highlighted differently from even ones, to make reading the table easier.
showFilterButton Specifies if the filter buttons are visible at the top of each column header.
Workbook pivotTables Represents a collection of PivotTables associated with the workbook.
Worksheet pivotTables Collection of PivotTables that are part of the worksheet.

See also