Dela via

VirtualMachineScaleSet Interface


public interface VirtualMachineScaleSet
extends GroupableResource<ComputeManager,VirtualMachineScaleSetInner>, Refreshable<VirtualMachineScaleSet>, Updatable<WithPrimaryLoadBalancer>

An immutable client-side representation of an Azure virtual machine scale set.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method and Description
abstract AdditionalCapabilities additionalCapabilities()

Get specifies additional capabilities enabled or disabled on the Virtual Machines in the Virtual Machine Scale Set.

abstract List<String> applicationGatewayBackendAddressPoolsIds()

Gets the list of application gateway backend pool associated with the virtual machine scale set.

abstract List<String> applicationSecurityGroupIds()

Gets the list of application security groups associated with the virtual machine scale set.

abstract Set<AvailabilityZoneId> availabilityZones()

Gets the availability zones assigned to virtual machine scale set.

abstract BillingProfile billingProfile()

Gets the billing related details of the low priority virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract String bootDiagnosticsStorageUri()

Gets the storage blob endpoint uri.

abstract int capacity()

Gets the number of virtual machine instances in the scale set.

abstract String computerNamePrefix()

Gets the name prefix of the virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract void deallocate()

Shuts down the virtual machines in the scale set and releases its compute resources.

abstract Mono<Void> deallocateAsync()

Shuts down the virtual machines in the scale set and releases its compute resources asynchronously.

abstract Boolean doNotRunExtensionsOnOverprovisionedVMs()

Checks whether Overprovision is enabled.

abstract Map<String,VirtualMachineScaleSetExtension> extensions()

Gets the extensions attached to the virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract VirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterface getNetworkInterfaceByInstanceId(String instanceId, String name)

Gets a network interface associated with a virtual machine scale set instance.

abstract Mono<VirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterface> getNetworkInterfaceByInstanceIdAsync(String instanceId, String name)

Gets a network interface associated with a virtual machine scale set instance.

abstract LoadBalancer getPrimaryInternalLoadBalancer()

Gets the internal load balancer associated with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract LoadBalancer getPrimaryInternetFacingLoadBalancer()

Gets the Internet-facing load balancer associated with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract Network getPrimaryNetwork()

Gets the virtual network associated with the primary network interfaces of the virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract boolean isAcceleratedNetworkingEnabled()

Checks whether accelerated networking is enabled for the virtual machine scale set.

abstract boolean isBootDiagnosticsEnabled()

Checks whether boot diagnostics is enabled for the virtual machine scale set.

abstract boolean isEphemeralOSDisk()

Checks whether the instance OS disk is ephemeral.

abstract boolean isIpForwardingEnabled()

Checks whether ip forwarding is enabled for the virtual machine scale set.

abstract boolean isManagedDiskEnabled()

Checks whether managed disk is used for the virtual machine scale set's disks (os, data).

abstract boolean isManagedServiceIdentityEnabled()

Checks whether Managed Service Identity is enabled for the virtual machine scale set.

abstract boolean isSinglePlacementGroupEnabled()

Checks whether single placement group is enabled for the virtual machine scale set.

abstract PagedIterable<VirtualMachineScaleSetSku> listAvailableSkus()

Gets available SKUs for the virtual machine scale set.

abstract PagedIterable<VirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterface> listNetworkInterfaces()

Gets the network interfaces associated with all virtual machine instances in a scale set.

abstract PagedIterable<VirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterface> listNetworkInterfacesByInstanceId(String virtualMachineInstanceId)

Lists the network interface associated with a specific virtual machine instance in the scale set.

abstract PagedFlux<VirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterface> listNetworkInterfacesByInstanceIdAsync(String virtualMachineInstanceId)

Lists the network interface associated with a specific virtual machine instance in the scale set asynchronously.

abstract Map<String,LoadBalancerBackend> listPrimaryInternalLoadBalancerBackends()

Gets the internal load balancer's backends associated with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract Map<String,LoadBalancerInboundNatPool> listPrimaryInternalLoadBalancerInboundNatPools()

Gets the inbound NAT pools of the internal load balancer associated with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract Map<String,LoadBalancerBackend> listPrimaryInternetFacingLoadBalancerBackends()

Gets the Internet-facing load balancer's backends associated with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract Map<String,LoadBalancerInboundNatPool> listPrimaryInternetFacingLoadBalancerInboundNatPools()

Gets the Internet-facing load balancer's inbound NAT pool associated with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract StorageAccountTypes managedOSDiskStorageAccountType()

Gets the storage account type of the OS managed disk.

abstract ResourceIdentityType managedServiceIdentityType()

Gets the type of Managed Service Identity used for the virtual machine scale set.

abstract VirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkProfile networkProfile()

Gets the network profile.

abstract String networkSecurityGroupId()

Gets the network security group ARM id.

abstract OrchestrationMode orchestrationMode()

Get orchestration mode of the Virtual Machine Scale Set.

abstract CachingTypes osDiskCachingType()

Gets the operating system disk caching type.

abstract String osDiskName()

Gets the name of the OS disk of virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract OperatingSystemTypes osType()

Gets the operating system of the virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract boolean overProvisionEnabled()

Checks whether over provision is enabled for the virtual machines.

abstract Plan plan()

Gets the purchase plan information about marketplace image.

abstract void powerOff()

Powers off (stops) the virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract Mono<Void> powerOffAsync()

Powers off (stops) the virtual machines in the scale set asynchronously.

abstract List<String> primaryPublicIpAddressIds()

Gets the list of IDs of the public IP addresses associated with the primary Internet-facing load balancer of the scale set

abstract ProximityPlacementGroup proximityPlacementGroup()

Get specifies information about the proximity placement group that the virtual machine scale set should be assigned to.

abstract void reimage()

Re-images (updates the version of the installed operating system) the virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract Mono<Void> reimageAsync()

Re-images (updates the version of the installed operating system) the virtual machines in the scale set asynchronously.

abstract void restart()

Restarts the virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract Mono<Void> restartAsync()

Restarts the virtual machines in the scale set asynchronously.

abstract RunCommandResult runCommandInVMInstance(String vmId, RunCommandInput inputCommand)

Run commands in a virtual machine instance in a scale set.

abstract Mono<RunCommandResult> runCommandVMInstanceAsync(String vmId, RunCommandInput inputCommand)

Run commands in a virtual machine instance in a scale set asynchronously.

abstract RunCommandResult runPowerShellScriptInVMInstance(String vmId, List<String> scriptLines, List<RunCommandInputParameter> scriptParameters)

Run PowerShell script in a virtual machine instance in a scale set.

abstract Mono<RunCommandResult> runPowerShellScriptInVMInstanceAsync(String vmId, List<String> scriptLines, List<RunCommandInputParameter> scriptParameters)

Run PowerShell in a virtual machine instance in a scale set asynchronously.

abstract RunCommandResult runShellScriptInVMInstance(String vmId, List<String> scriptLines, List<RunCommandInputParameter> scriptParameters)

Run shell script in a virtual machine instance in a scale set.

abstract Mono<RunCommandResult> runShellScriptInVMInstanceAsync(String vmId, List<String> scriptLines, List<RunCommandInputParameter> scriptParameters)

Run shell script in a virtual machine instance in a scale set asynchronously.

abstract VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuTypes sku()

Gets the SKU of the virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract void start()

Starts the virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract Mono<Void> startAsync()

Starts the virtual machines in the scale set asynchronously.

abstract VirtualMachineScaleSetStorageProfile storageProfile()

Gets the storage profile.

abstract String systemAssignedManagedServiceIdentityPrincipalId()

Gets the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity specific Active Directory service principal ID assigned to the virtual machine scale set.

abstract String systemAssignedManagedServiceIdentityTenantId()

Gets the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity specific Active Directory tenant ID assigned to the virtual machine scale set.

abstract UpgradeMode upgradeModel()

Gets the upgrade model, null for scale set with FLEXIBLE.

abstract Set<String> userAssignedManagedServiceIdentityIds()

Gets the resource ids of User Assigned Managed Service Identities associated with the virtual machine scale set.

abstract List<String> vhdContainers()

Gets the URL to storage containers that store the VHDs of the virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes virtualMachineEvictionPolicy()

Gets the eviction policy of the virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract VirtualMachinePriorityTypes virtualMachinePriority()

Gets the priority of virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract VirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIpAddressConfiguration virtualMachinePublicIpConfig()

Gets the public ip configuration of virtual machines in the scale set.

abstract VirtualMachineScaleSetVMs virtualMachines()

Gets entry point to manage virtual machine instances in the scale set..

Method Details


public abstract AdditionalCapabilities additionalCapabilities()

Get specifies additional capabilities enabled or disabled on the Virtual Machines in the Virtual Machine Scale Set. For instance: whether the Virtual Machines have the capability to support attaching managed data disks with UltraSSD_LRS storage account type.


the additionalCapabilities value


public abstract List applicationGatewayBackendAddressPoolsIds()

Gets the list of application gateway backend pool associated with the virtual machine scale set.


the list of application gateway backend pool associated with the virtual machine scale set.


public abstract List applicationSecurityGroupIds()

Gets the list of application security groups associated with the virtual machine scale set.


the list of application security groups associated with the virtual machine scale set.


public abstract Set availabilityZones()

Gets the availability zones assigned to virtual machine scale set.


the availability zones assigned to virtual machine scale set.


public abstract BillingProfile billingProfile()

Gets the billing related details of the low priority virtual machines in the scale set.


the billing related details of the low priority virtual machines in the scale set.


public abstract String bootDiagnosticsStorageUri()

Gets the storage blob endpoint uri.


the storage blob endpoint uri if boot diagnostics is enabled for the virtual machine scale set.


public abstract int capacity()

Gets the number of virtual machine instances in the scale set.


the number of virtual machine instances in the scale set


public abstract String computerNamePrefix()

Gets the name prefix of the virtual machines in the scale set.


the name prefix of the virtual machines in the scale set


public abstract void deallocate()

Shuts down the virtual machines in the scale set and releases its compute resources.


public abstract Mono deallocateAsync()

Shuts down the virtual machines in the scale set and releases its compute resources asynchronously.


a representation of the deferred computation of this call


public abstract Boolean doNotRunExtensionsOnOverprovisionedVMs()

Checks whether Overprovision is enabled.


When Overprovision is enabled, extensions are launched only on the requested number of VMs which are finally kept. This property will hence ensure that the extensions do not run on the extra overprovisioned VMs.


public abstract Map extensions()

Gets the extensions attached to the virtual machines in the scale set.


the extensions attached to the virtual machines in the scale set


public abstract VirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkInterface getNetworkInterfaceByInstanceId(String instanceId, String name)

Gets a network interface associated with a virtual machine scale set instance.


instanceId - the virtual machine scale set vm instance ID
name - the network interface name


the network interface


public abstract Mono getNetworkInterfaceByInstanceIdAsync(String instanceId, String name)

Gets a network interface associated with a virtual machine scale set instance.


instanceId - the virtual machine scale set vm instance ID
name - the network interface name


the network interface


public abstract LoadBalancer getPrimaryInternalLoadBalancer()

Gets the internal load balancer associated with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.


the internal load balancer associated with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set



- the IO exception


public abstract LoadBalancer getPrimaryInternetFacingLoadBalancer()

Gets the Internet-facing load balancer associated with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.


the Internet-facing load balancer associated with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.



- the IO exception


public abstract Network getPrimaryNetwork()

Gets the virtual network associated with the primary network interfaces of the virtual machines in the scale set.


the virtual network associated with the primary network interfaces of the virtual machines in the scale set.

A primary internal load balancer associated with the primary network interfaces of the scale set virtual machine will be also belong to this network



- the IO exception


public abstract boolean isAcceleratedNetworkingEnabled()

Checks whether accelerated networking is enabled for the virtual machine scale set.


true if accelerated networking is enabled for the virtual machine scale set.


public abstract boolean isBootDiagnosticsEnabled()

Checks whether boot diagnostics is enabled for the virtual machine scale set.


true if boot diagnostics is enabled for the virtual machine scale set.


public abstract boolean isEphemeralOSDisk()

Checks whether the instance OS disk is ephemeral.


whether the instance OS disk is ephemeral


public abstract boolean isIpForwardingEnabled()

Checks whether ip forwarding is enabled for the virtual machine scale set.


true if ip forwarding is enabled for the virtual machine scale set.


public abstract boolean isManagedDiskEnabled()

Checks whether managed disk is used for the virtual machine scale set's disks (os, data).


true if managed disk is used for the virtual machine scale set's disks (os, data)


public abstract boolean isManagedServiceIdentityEnabled()

Checks whether Managed Service Identity is enabled for the virtual machine scale set.


true if Managed Service Identity is enabled for the virtual machine scale set


public abstract boolean isSinglePlacementGroupEnabled()

Checks whether single placement group is enabled for the virtual machine scale set.


true if single placement group is enabled for the virtual machine scale set.


public abstract PagedIterable listAvailableSkus()

Gets available SKUs for the virtual machine scale set.


available SKUs for the virtual machine scale set, including the minimum and maximum virtual machine instances allowed for a particular SKU


public abstract PagedIterable listNetworkInterfaces()

Gets the network interfaces associated with all virtual machine instances in a scale set.


the network interfaces associated with all virtual machine instances in a scale set


public abstract PagedIterable listNetworkInterfacesByInstanceId(String virtualMachineInstanceId)

Lists the network interface associated with a specific virtual machine instance in the scale set.


virtualMachineInstanceId - the instance ID


the network interfaces


public abstract PagedFlux listNetworkInterfacesByInstanceIdAsync(String virtualMachineInstanceId)

Lists the network interface associated with a specific virtual machine instance in the scale set asynchronously.


virtualMachineInstanceId - the instance ID


the network interfaces


public abstract Map listPrimaryInternalLoadBalancerBackends()

Gets the internal load balancer's backends associated with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.


the internal load balancer's backends associated with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set



- the IO exception


public abstract Map listPrimaryInternalLoadBalancerInboundNatPools()

Gets the inbound NAT pools of the internal load balancer associated with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.


the inbound NAT pools of the internal load balancer associated with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set, if any.



- the IO exception


public abstract Map listPrimaryInternetFacingLoadBalancerBackends()

Gets the Internet-facing load balancer's backends associated with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.


the Internet-facing load balancer's backends associated with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set



- the IO exception


public abstract Map listPrimaryInternetFacingLoadBalancerInboundNatPools()

Gets the Internet-facing load balancer's inbound NAT pool associated with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set.


the Internet-facing load balancer's inbound NAT pool associated with the primary network interface of the virtual machines in the scale set



- the IO exception


public abstract StorageAccountTypes managedOSDiskStorageAccountType()

Gets the storage account type of the OS managed disk.


the storage account type of the OS managed disk. A null value will be returned if the virtual machine scale set is based on un-managed disk.


public abstract ResourceIdentityType managedServiceIdentityType()

Gets the type of Managed Service Identity used for the virtual machine scale set.


the type of Managed Service Identity used for the virtual machine scale set.


public abstract VirtualMachineScaleSetNetworkProfile networkProfile()

Gets the network profile.


the network profile


public abstract String networkSecurityGroupId()

Gets the network security group ARM id.


the network security group ARM id.


public abstract OrchestrationMode orchestrationMode()

Get orchestration mode of the Virtual Machine Scale Set. Scale set orchestration modes allow you to have greater control over how virtual machine instances are managed by the scale set.


the orchestration mode of the virtual machine scale set


public abstract CachingTypes osDiskCachingType()

Gets the operating system disk caching type.


the operating system disk caching type


public abstract String osDiskName()

Gets the name of the OS disk of virtual machines in the scale set.


the name of the OS disk of virtual machines in the scale set


public abstract OperatingSystemTypes osType()

Gets the operating system of the virtual machines in the scale set.


the operating system of the virtual machines in the scale set


public abstract boolean overProvisionEnabled()

Checks whether over provision is enabled for the virtual machines.


true if over provision is enabled for the virtual machines, false otherwise


public abstract Plan plan()

Gets the purchase plan information about marketplace image.


the purchase plan information about marketplace image


public abstract void powerOff()

Powers off (stops) the virtual machines in the scale set.


public abstract Mono powerOffAsync()

Powers off (stops) the virtual machines in the scale set asynchronously.


a representation of the deferred computation of this call


public abstract List primaryPublicIpAddressIds()

Gets the list of IDs of the public IP addresses associated with the primary Internet-facing load balancer of the scale set


the list of IDs of the public IP addresses associated with the primary Internet-facing load balancer of the scale set



- the IO exception


public abstract ProximityPlacementGroup proximityPlacementGroup()

Get specifies information about the proximity placement group that the virtual machine scale set should be assigned to.


the proximityPlacementGroup.


public abstract void reimage()

Re-images (updates the version of the installed operating system) the virtual machines in the scale set.


public abstract Mono reimageAsync()

Re-images (updates the version of the installed operating system) the virtual machines in the scale set asynchronously.


a representation of the deferred computation of this call


public abstract void restart()

Restarts the virtual machines in the scale set.


public abstract Mono restartAsync()

Restarts the virtual machines in the scale set asynchronously.


a representation of the deferred computation of this call


public abstract RunCommandResult runCommandInVMInstance(String vmId, RunCommandInput inputCommand)

Run commands in a virtual machine instance in a scale set.


vmId - the virtual machine instance id
inputCommand - command input


result of execution


public abstract Mono runCommandVMInstanceAsync(String vmId, RunCommandInput inputCommand)

Run commands in a virtual machine instance in a scale set asynchronously.


vmId - the virtual machine instance id
inputCommand - command input


handle to the asynchronous execution


public abstract RunCommandResult runPowerShellScriptInVMInstance(String vmId, List scriptLines, List scriptParameters)

Run PowerShell script in a virtual machine instance in a scale set.


vmId - the virtual machine instance id
scriptLines - PowerShell script lines
scriptParameters - script parameters


result of PowerShell script execution


public abstract Mono runPowerShellScriptInVMInstanceAsync(String vmId, List scriptLines, List scriptParameters)

Run PowerShell in a virtual machine instance in a scale set asynchronously.


vmId - the virtual machine instance id
scriptLines - PowerShell script lines
scriptParameters - script parameters


handle to the asynchronous execution


public abstract RunCommandResult runShellScriptInVMInstance(String vmId, List scriptLines, List scriptParameters)

Run shell script in a virtual machine instance in a scale set.


vmId - the virtual machine instance id
scriptLines - shell script lines
scriptParameters - script parameters


result of shell script execution


public abstract Mono runShellScriptInVMInstanceAsync(String vmId, List scriptLines, List scriptParameters)

Run shell script in a virtual machine instance in a scale set asynchronously.


vmId - the virtual machine instance id
scriptLines - shell script lines
scriptParameters - script parameters


handle to the asynchronous execution


public abstract VirtualMachineScaleSetSkuTypes sku()

Gets the SKU of the virtual machines in the scale set.


the SKU of the virtual machines in the scale set


public abstract void start()

Starts the virtual machines in the scale set.


public abstract Mono startAsync()

Starts the virtual machines in the scale set asynchronously.


a representation of the deferred computation of this call


public abstract VirtualMachineScaleSetStorageProfile storageProfile()

Gets the storage profile.


the storage profile


public abstract String systemAssignedManagedServiceIdentityPrincipalId()

Gets the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity specific Active Directory service principal ID assigned to the virtual machine scale set.


the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity specific Active Directory service principal ID assigned to the virtual machine scale set.


public abstract String systemAssignedManagedServiceIdentityTenantId()

Gets the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity specific Active Directory tenant ID assigned to the virtual machine scale set.


the System Assigned (Local) Managed Service Identity specific Active Directory tenant ID assigned to the virtual machine scale set.


public abstract UpgradeMode upgradeModel()

Gets the upgrade model, null for scale set with FLEXIBLE.


the upgrade model, null for scale set with FLEXIBLE


public abstract Set userAssignedManagedServiceIdentityIds()

Gets the resource ids of User Assigned Managed Service Identities associated with the virtual machine scale set.


the resource ids of User Assigned Managed Service Identities associated with the virtual machine scale set.


public abstract List vhdContainers()

Gets the URL to storage containers that store the VHDs of the virtual machines in the scale set.


the URL to storage containers that store the VHDs of the virtual machines in the scale set


public abstract VirtualMachineEvictionPolicyTypes virtualMachineEvictionPolicy()

Gets the eviction policy of the virtual machines in the scale set.


the eviction policy of the virtual machines in the scale set.


public abstract VirtualMachinePriorityTypes virtualMachinePriority()

Gets the priority of virtual machines in the scale set.


the priority of virtual machines in the scale set.


public abstract VirtualMachineScaleSetPublicIpAddressConfiguration virtualMachinePublicIpConfig()

Gets the public ip configuration of virtual machines in the scale set.


the public ip configuration of virtual machines in the scale set.


public abstract VirtualMachineScaleSetVMs virtualMachines()

Gets entry point to manage virtual machine instances in the scale set..


entry point to manage virtual machine instances in the scale set.

Applies to