
Dela via

channel resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Teams are made up of channels, which are the conversations you have with your teammates. Each channel is dedicated to a specific topic, department, or project. Channels are where the work actually gets done - where text, audio, and video conversations open to the whole team happen, where files are shared, and where tabs are added.


Method Return Type Description
List channels channel collection Get the list of channels in a team.
List incoming channels channel collection Get the list of channels shared with a team.
List all channels channel collection Get the list of channels either in a team or shared with a team (incoming channels).
Create channel channel Create a new channel by including the display name and description.
Get channel channel Read properties and relationships of the channel.
Get primary channel channel The general channel for the team.
Update channel channel Update properties of the channel.
Delete channel None Delete a channel.
List channel messages chatMessage Get messages in a channel
Get all channel messages channel collection Get all messages from all channels that a user is a participant in.
Get all retained channel messages chatMessage collection Get all retained messages across all channels in a team.
Create channel message post chatMessage Send a message to a channel.
Create reply to channel message post chatMessage Reply to a message in a channel.
Get files folder driveItem Retrieves the details of the SharePoint folder where the files for the channel are stored.
List tabs teamsTab Lists tabs pinned to a channel.
List channel members conversationMember collection Get the list of members in a channel.
Add channel member conversationMember Add a member to a channel. Only supported for channels with a membershipType of private or shared.
Get channel member conversationMember collection Get a member in a channel.
Archive channel None Archive a channel.
Unarchive channel None Unarchive a channel.
Update channel member's role conversationMember Update the properties of a member of the channel. Only supported for channels with a membershipType of private or shared.
Remove channel member None Delete a member from a channel. Only supported for channels with a membershipType of private or shared.
Complete migration channel Removes the migration mode from the channel and makes the channel available to users to post and read messages.
List tabs in channel teamsTab List tabs pinned to a channel.
Add tab to channel teamsTab Add (pin) a tab to a channel.
Get tab in channel teamsTab Get a specific tab pinned to a channel.
Update tab in channel teamsTab Updates the properties of a tab in a channel.
Remove tab from channel None Remove (unpin) a tab from a channel.
Provision channel email address provisionChannelEmailResult Provision an email address for the channel.
Remove channel email address None Remove the email address of the channel.
Remove incoming channel None Remove an incoming channel (a channel shared with a team) from a team.
List teams sharing a channel sharedWithChannelTeamInfo collection Get the list of teams that share the specified channel.
Get team sharing a channel sharedWithChannelTeamInfo Get a team that shares the specified channel.
Unshare channel with team None Unshare a channel with a team.
List allowed members conversationMember collection Get the list of team members who have access to the shared channel.
Check user access Boolean Check whether a user has access to a shared channel or not.


Property Type Description
description String Optional textual description for the channel.
displayName String Channel name as it appears to the user in Microsoft Teams. The maximum length is 50 characters.
id String The channel's unique identifier. Read-only.
isFavoriteByDefault Boolean Indicates whether the channel should be marked as recommended for all members of the team to show in their channel list. Note: All recommended channels automatically show in the channels list for education and frontline worker users. The property can only be set programmatically via the Create team method. The default value is false.
email String The email address for sending messages to the channel. Read-only.
webUrl String A hyperlink to the channel in Microsoft Teams. This URL is supplied when you right-click a channel in Microsoft Teams and select Get link to channel. This URL should be treated as an opaque blob, and not parsed. Read-only.
membershipType channelMembershipType The type of the channel. Can be set during creation and can't be changed. The possible values are: standard, private, unknownFutureValue, shared. The default value is standard. You must use the Prefer: include-unknown-enum-members request header to get the following value in this evolvable enum: shared.
createdDateTime dateTimeOffset Read only. Timestamp at which the channel was created.
moderationSettings channelModerationSettings Settings to configure channel moderation to control who can start new posts and reply to posts in that channel.
summary channelSummary Contains summary information about the channel, including number of guests, members, owners, and an indicator for members from other tenants. The summary property is only returned if it appears in the $select clause of the Get channel method.
tenantId string The ID of the Microsoft Entra tenant.
isArchived Boolean Indicates whether the channel is archived. Read-only.

channelMembershipType values

Member Description
standard Channel inherits the list of members of the parent team.
private Channel can have members that are a subset of all the members on the parent team.
unknownFutureValue Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Do not use.
shared Members can be directly added to the channel without adding them to the team.

Instance attributes

Instance attributes are properties with special behaviors. These properties are temporary. They either define behavior that the service should perform, or provide short-term property values, such as a download URL for an item that expires.

Property name Type Description
@microsoft.graph.channelCreationMode string Indicates that the channel is in migration state and is currently being used for migration purposes. It accepts one value: migration.

Note: channelCreationMode is an enum that takes the value migration.

For a POST request example, see Request (create channel in migration state).


Relationship Type Description
messages chatMessage collection A collection of all the messages in the channel. A navigation property. Nullable.
tabs teamsTab collection A collection of all the tabs in the channel. A navigation property.
members conversationMember collection A collection of membership records associated with the channel.
filesFolder driveItem Metadata for the location where the channel's files are stored.
operations teamsAsyncOperation collection The async operations that ran or are running on this team.
sharedWithTeams sharedWithChannelTeamInfo collection A collection of teams with which a channel is shared.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type

  "description": "string",
  "displayName": "string",
  "id": "string (identifier)",
  "isFavoriteByDefault": true,
  "email": "string",
  "webUrl": "string",
  "membershipType": "String",
  "isArchived": false,
  "createdDateTime": "string (timestamp)",
  "moderationSettings": { "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.channelModerationSettings" }