
Dela via

pstnCallLogRow resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph.callRecords


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Represents a row of data in the public switched telephone network (PSTN) call log. Each row maps to one call.


Method Return Type Description
Get PSTN calls microsoft.graph.callRecords.pstnCallLogRow collection List pstnCallLogRow objects in a call record.


Property Type Description
administrativeUnitInfos microsoft.graph.callRecords.administrativeUnitInfo collection Collection of administrative units associated to a call.
callDurationSource microsoft.graph.callRecords.pstnCallDurationSource The source of the call duration data. If the call uses a third-party telecommunications operator via the Operator Connect Program, the operator may provide their own call duration data. In this case, the property value is operator. Otherwise, the value is microsoft.
calleeNumber String Number of the user or bot who received the call (E.164).
callerNumber String Number of the user or bot who made the call (E.164).
callId String Call identifier. Not guaranteed to be unique.
callType String Indicates whether the call was a PSTN outbound or inbound call and the type of call such as a call placed by a user or an audio conference.
charge Decimal Amount of money or cost of the call that is charged to your account.
clientLocalIpV4Address String Local IPv4 of the client that is retrieved from the operating system of the client.
clientLocalIpV6Address String Local IPv6 of the client that is retrieved from the operating system of the client.
clientPublicIpV4Address String Public IPv4 of the client that can be used to determine the location of the client.
clientPublicIpV6Address String Public IPv6 of the client that can be used to determine the location of the client.
conferenceId String ID of the audio conference.
connectionCharge Decimal Connection fee price.
currency String Type of currency used to calculate the cost of the call (ISO 4217).
destinationContext String Indicates whether the call was Domestic (within a country or region) or International (outside a country or region) based on the user's location.
destinationName String Country or region dialed.
duration Int32 How long the call was connected, in seconds.
endDateTime DateTimeOffset Call end time.
id String Unique call identifier (GUID).
inventoryType String User's phone number type, such as a service of toll-free number.
licenseCapability String The license used for the call.
operator String The telecommunications operator that provided PSTN services for this call. It may be Microsoft, or it may be a third-party operator via the Operator Connect Program.
otherPartyCountryCode String Country code of the caller for an incoming call, or callee for an outgoing call. For details, see ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
startDateTime DateTimeOffset Call start time.
tenantCountryCode String Country code of the tenant. For details, see ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
usageCountryCode String Country code of the user. For details, see ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
userDisplayName String Display name of the user.
userId String The unique identifier (GUID) of the user in Microsoft Entra ID. This and other user info is null/empty for bot call types (ucap_in, ucap_out).
userPrincipalName String The user principal name (sign-in name) in Microsoft Entra ID. It is usually the same as the user's SIP address and can be the same as the user's e-mail address.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.callRecords.pstnCallLogRow",
  "administrativeUnitInfos": [{"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.callRecords.administrativeUnitInfo"}],
  "callDurationSource": "String",
  "calleeNumber": "String",
  "callerNumber": "String",
  "callId": "String",
  "callType": "String",
  "charge": "Decimal",
  "clientLocalIpV4Address": "String",
  "clientLocalIpV6Address": "String",
  "clientPublicIpV4Address": "String",
  "clientPublicIpV6Address": "String",
  "conferenceId": "String",
  "connectionCharge": "Decimal",
  "currency": "String",
  "destinationContext": "String",
  "destinationName": "String",
  "duration": "Int32",
  "endDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "inventoryType": "String",
  "licenseCapability": "String",
  "operator": "String",
  "otherPartyCountryCode": "String",
  "startDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "tenantCountryCode": "String",
  "usageCountryCode": "String",
  "userDisplayName": "String",
  "userId": "String",
  "userPrincipalName": "String"