
Dela via

calendar resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Represents a container for event resources. It can be a calendar for a user, or the default calendar of a Microsoft 365 group.

Note: There are a few minor differences in the way you can interact with user calendars and group calendars:

  • You can organize only user calendars in a calendarGroup.
  • Outlook automatically accepts all meeting requests on behalf of groups. You can accept, tentatively accept, or decline meeting requests for user calendars only.
  • Outlook doesn't support reminders for group events. You can snooze or dismiss a reminder for user calendars only.


Method Return Type Description
List calendar collection Get all the user's calendars, or the calendars in the default or other specific calendar group.
Create calendar Create a new calendar in the default calendar group or specified calendar group for a user.
Get calendar Get the properties and relationships of a calendar object. The calendar can be one for a user, or the default calendar of a Microsoft 365 group.
Update calendar Update the properties of a calendar object. The calendar can be one for a user, or the default calendar of a Microsoft 365 group.
Delete None Delete calendar object.
Permanently delete None Permanently delete the calendar folder and remove it from the mailbox.
List calendar view event collection Get the occurrences, exceptions, and single instances of events in a calendar view defined by a time range, from the user's primary calendar (../me/calendarView) or from a specified calendar.
List events event collection Retrieve a list of events in a calendar. The list contains single instance meetings and series masters.
Create event event Create a new event in the default or specified calendar.
Get free/busy schedule scheduleInformation collection Get the free/busy availability information for a collection of users, distributions lists, or resources, for a specified time period.
Find meeting times meetingTimeSuggestionsResult Suggest meeting times and locations based on organizer and attendee availability, and time or location constraints.
Create single-value property calendar Create one or more single-value extended properties in a new or existing calendar.
Get single-value property calendar Get calendars that contain a single-value extended property by using $expand or $filter.
Create multi-value property calendar Create one or more multi-value extended properties in a new or existing calendar.
Get multi-value property calendar Get a calendar that contains a multi-value extended property by using $expand.


Property Type Description
allowedOnlineMeetingProviders onlineMeetingProviderType collection Represent the online meeting service providers that can be used to create online meetings in this calendar. Possible values are: unknown, skypeForBusiness, skypeForConsumer, teamsForBusiness.
calendarGroupId String The calendarGroup in which to create the calendar. If the user has never explicitly set a group for the calendar, this property is null.
canEdit Boolean true if the user can write to the calendar, false otherwise. This property is true for the user who created the calendar. This property is also true for a user who has been shared a calendar and granted write access, through an Outlook client or the corresponding calendarPermission resource. Read-only.
canShare Boolean true if the user has the permission to share the calendar, false otherwise. Only the user who created the calendar can share it. Read-only.
canViewPrivateItems Boolean true if the user can read calendar items that have been marked private, false otherwise. This property is set through an Outlook client or the corresponding calendarPermission resource. Read-only.
changeKey String Identifies the version of the calendar object. Every time the calendar is changed, changeKey changes as well. This allows Exchange to apply changes to the correct version of the object. Read-only.
color calendarColor Specifies the color theme to distinguish the calendar from other calendars in a UI. The property values are: auto, lightBlue, lightGreen, lightOrange, lightGray, lightYellow, lightTeal, lightPink, lightBrown, lightRed, maxColor.
defaultOnlineMeetingProvider onlineMeetingProviderType The default online meeting provider for meetings sent from this calendar. Possible values are: unknown, skypeForBusiness, skypeForConsumer, teamsForBusiness.
hexColor String The calendar color, expressed in a hex color code of three hexadecimal values, each ranging from 00 to FF and representing the red, green, or blue components of the color in the RGB color space. If the user has never explicitly set a color for the calendar, this property is empty.
id String The calendar's unique identifier. Read-only.
isDefaultCalendar Boolean true if this is the default calendar where new events are created by default, false otherwise.
isRemovable Boolean Indicates whether this user calendar can be deleted from the user mailbox.
isShared Boolean true if the user has shared the calendar with other users, false otherwise. Since only the user who created the calendar can share it, isShared and isSharedWithMe cannot be true for the same user. This property is set when sharing is initiated in an Outlook client, and can be reset when the sharing is cancelled through the client or the corresponding calendarPermission resource. Read-only.
isSharedWithMe Boolean true if the user has been shared this calendar, false otherwise. This property is always false for a calendar owner. This property is set when sharing is initiated in an Outlook client, and can be reset when the sharing is cancelled through the client or the corresponding calendarPermission resource. Read-only.
isTallyingResponses Boolean Indicates whether this user calendar supports tracking of meeting responses. Only meeting invites sent from users' primary calendars support tracking of meeting responses.
name String The calendar name.
owner emailAddress If set, this represents the user who created or added the calendar. For a calendar that the user created or added, the owner property is set to the user. For a calendar shared with the user, the owner property is set to the person who shared that calendar with the user. Read-only.


Relationship Type Description
calendarPermissions calendarPermission collection The permissions of the users with whom the calendar is shared.
calendarView event collection The calendar view for the calendar. Navigation property. Read-only.
events event collection The events in the calendar. Navigation property. Read-only.
multiValueExtendedProperties multiValueLegacyExtendedProperty collection The collection of multi-value extended properties defined for the calendar. Read-only. Nullable.
singleValueExtendedProperties singleValueLegacyExtendedProperty collection The collection of single-value extended properties defined for the calendar. Read-only. Nullable.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "allowedOnlineMeetingProviders": ["string"],
  "canEdit": "boolean",
  "canShare": "boolean",
  "canViewPrivateItems": "boolean",
  "changeKey": "string",
  "color": "String",
  "defaultOnlineMeetingProvider": "string",
  "hexColor": "String",
  "id": "string (identifier)",
  "isDefaultCalendar": "boolean",
  "isRemovable": "boolean",
  "isShared": "boolean",
  "isSharedWithMe": "boolean",
  "isTallyingResponses": "boolean",
  "name": "string",
  "owner": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.emailAddress"}