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C# Markup


C# Markup is a set of fluent helper methods and classes designed to simplify the process of building declarative .NET Multi-platform App UI (.NET MAUI) user interfaces in code. The fluent API provided by C# Markup is available in the CommunityToolkit.Maui.Markup namespace.

Just as with XAML, C# Markup enables a clean separation between UI (View) and Business Logic (View Model).

C# Markup is available on all platforms supported by .NET MAUI, and supports .NET Hot Reload.

NuGet package

The C# Markup package can be included in your project(s) as described in our Getting started guide.


Here are some brief examples showing how common tasks can be achieved through the use of the Markup package.


C# Markup allows us to define the binding fluently and therefore chain multiple methods together to reduce the verbosity of our code:

new Entry().Bind(Entry.TextProperty, static (ViewModel vm) => vm.RegistrationCode, static (ViewModel vm, string text) => vm.RegistrationCode = text)

For further details on the possible options for the Bind method refer to the BindableObject extensions documentation.


C# Markup allows us to define the sizing fluently and therefore chain multiple methods together to reduce the verbosity of our code:

new Entry().Size(200, 40);

For further details on the possible options for the Size method refer to the VisualElement extensions documentation.

In-depth example

This example creates a Grid object, with child Label and Entry objects. The Label displays text, and the Entry data binds to the RegistrationCode property of the viewmodel. Each child view is set to appear in a specific row in the Grid, and the Entry spans all the columns in the Grid. In addition, the height of the Entry is set, along with its keyboard, colors, the font size of its text, and its Margin.

C# Markup extensions also allow developers to define names for Columns and Rows (e.g. Column.Input) using an enum.

C# Markup enables this to be defined using its fluent API:

using static CommunityToolkit.Maui.Markup.GridRowsColumns;

class SampleContentPage : ContentPage
    public SampleContentPage()
        Content = new Grid
            RowDefinitions = Rows.Define(
                (Row.TextEntry, 36)),

            ColumnDefinitions = Columns.Define(
                (Column.Description, Star),
                (Column.Input, Stars(2))),

            Children =
                new Label()

                new Entry
                    Keyboard = Keyboard.Numeric,
                 .Placeholder("Enter number")
                 .Margin(5, 5)
                 .Bind(Entry.TextProperty, static (ViewModel vm) => vm.RegistrationCode, static (ViewModel vm, string text) => vm.RegistrationCode = text)

    enum Row { TextEntry }
    enum Column { Description, Input }


The C# Markup package provides the ability to define IValueConverter and IMultiValueConverter implementations inline when building your applications UI.

Converter Description
FuncConverter The FuncConverter provides the ability to define an IValueConverter implementation inline when build your UI.
FuncMultiConverter The FuncMultiConverter provides the ability to define an IMultiValueConverter implementation inline when build your UI.



C# Markup includes extension methods that set specific view properties. They are designed to improve code readability, and can be used in combination with property setters. It's recommended to always use an extension method when one exists for a property, but you can choose your preferred balance.

Extension Description
AbsoluteLayout The AbsoluteLayout extensions provide a series of extension methods that support positioning Views in AbsoluteLayouts.
AutomationProperties The AutomationProperties extensions provide a series of extension methods that support the configuring of accessibility related settings.
BindableLayout The BindableLayout extensions provide a series of extension methods that support configuring its EmptyView, ItemSource and ItemTemplate.
BindableObject The BindableObject extensions provide a series of extension methods that support configuring Bindings on a BindableObject.
DynamicResourceHandler The DynamicResourceHandler extensions provide a series of extension methods that support configuring IDynamicResourceHandler which can be used to theme an App.
Element The Element extensions provide a series of extension methods that support configuring the padding, effects, font attributes, dynamic resources, text, and text color of an Element.
FlexLayout The FlexLayout extensions provide a series of extension methods that support positioning a View in a FlexLayout.
Grid The Grid extensions provide a series of extension methods that support configuring a Grid.
Image The Image extensions provide a series of extension methods that support configuring IImage controls.
ItemsView The ItemsView extensions provide a series of extension methods that support configuring ItemsView controls such as CarouselView and CollectionView.
Label The Label extensions provide a series of extension methods that support configuring Label controls.
Placeholder The Placeholder extensions provide a series of extension methods that support configuring IPlaceholder controls.
SemanticProperties The SemanticProperties extensions provide a series of extension methods that support the configuring of accessibility related settings.
Style Style<T> provides a series of fluent extension methods that support configuring Microsoft.Maui.Controls.Style.
TextAlignment The TextAlignment extensions provide a series of extension methods that support configuring the HorizontalTextAlignment and VeticalTextAlignment properties on controls implementing ITextAlignment.
View The View extensions provide a series of extension methods that support configuring the alignment of controls inheriting from View.
VisualElement The VisualElement extensions provide a series of extension methods that support configuring the sizing, styling and behaviors of a VisualElement.