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BindableLayout extensions

The BindableLayout extensions provide a series of extension methods that support configuring its EmptyView, ItemSource and ItemTemplate.


The EmptyView method sets the EmptyView property on an ILayout.

The following example sets the EmptyView to new Label().Text("No Items Found"):

new VerticalStackLayout().EmptyView(new Label().Text("No Items Found"));


The EmptyViewTemplate method sets the EmptyViewTemplate property on an ILayout.

The following example sets the EmptyViewTemplate to new DataTemplate(() => new Label().Text("No Items Found")):

new VerticalStackLayout().EmptyViewTemplate(new DataTemplate(() => new Label().Text("No Items Found")));

An overload method exists for EmptyViewTemplate that accepts a Func<object> that is used to initialize the DataTemplate.

new VerticalStackLayout().EmptyViewTemplate(() => new Label().Text("No Items Found"));


The ItemsSource method sets the ItemsSource property on an ILayout.

The following example sets the ItemsSource to new List<string> { "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Indigo", "Violet" }:

new VerticalStackLayout().ItemsSource(new List<string> { "Red", "Orange", "Yellow", "Green", "Blue", "Indigo", "Violet" });


The ItemTemplate method sets the ItemTemplate property on an ILayout.

The following example sets the ItemTemplate to new DataTemplate(() => new Label().Bind(Label.TextProperty, "."):

new VerticalStackLayout().ItemTemplate(new DataTemplate(() => new Label().Bind(Label.TextProperty, Binding.SelfPath)));

An overload method exists for ItemTemplate that accepts a Func<object> that is used to initialize the DataTemplate.

new VerticalStackLayout().ItemTemplate(() => new Label().Bind(Label.TextProperty, Binding.SelfPath));


The ItemTemplateSelector method sets the ItemTemplateSelector property on an ILayout.

The following example sets the ItemTemplateSelector to new CustomDataTemplateSelector():

new VerticalStackLayout().ItemTemplateSelector(new CustomDataTemplateSelector())

class CustomDataTemplateSelector : DataTemplateSelector
  // ...