Dela via

IVsObjectList2 Interface


Provides information about symbols in a list that is part of an overall organization in the tree view (IVsLiteTree) of the code browsing tools.

public interface class IVsObjectList2
public interface class IVsObjectList2
__interface IVsObjectList2
public interface IVsObjectList2
public interface IVsObjectList2
type IVsObjectList2 = interface
type IVsObjectList2 = interface
Public Interface IVsObjectList2


This interface is an extension of IVsLiteTreeList and provides additional methods that are pertinent to symbols in the project.

Notes to Implementers

Implemented by libraries to participate in the code browsing tools. The IVsLiteTreeList interface and IVsLibrary2 interface must also be implemented with the IVsObjectList2 interface.

Managed code implementations should implement the IVsSimpleObjectList2 interface instead to avoid memory leaks. This also requires implementing the IVsSimpleLibrary2 interface instead of the IVsLibrary2 interface.

Notes to Callers

This interface is returned from a call to one of the following methods:


CanDelete(UInt32, Int32)

Returns a flag indicating if the given list item can be deleted.

CanGoToSource(UInt32, VSOBJGOTOSRCTYPE, Int32)

Returns a flag indicating if navigation to the given list item's source is supported.

CanRename(UInt32, String, Int32)

Returns a flag indicating if the given list item can be renamed.

CountSourceItems(UInt32, IVsHierarchy, UInt32, UInt32)

Returns the hierarchy and the number of ItemIDs corresponding to source files for the given list item.

DoDelete(UInt32, UInt32)

Asks the given list item to do the delete operation.

DoDragDrop(UInt32, IDataObject, UInt32, UInt32)

Asks the given list item to handle a drag-and-drop operation.

DoRename(UInt32, String, UInt32)

Asks the given list item to do the rename operation.

EnumClipboardFormats(UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, VSOBJCLIPFORMAT[], UInt32[])

Asks the given list item to enumerate its supported clipboard formats.

FillDescription(UInt32, UInt32, IVsObjectBrowserDescription2)

Asks the list item to provide description text to be used in the object browser.

FillDescription2(UInt32, UInt32, IVsObjectBrowserDescription3)

Asks the list item to provide description text to be used in the object browser.

GetBrowseObject(UInt32, Object)

Returns a pointer to the property browse IDispatch for the given list item.


Returns an object list's capabilities.

GetCategoryField2(UInt32, Int32, UInt32)

Returns the value for the specified category for the given list item.

GetClipboardFormat(UInt32, UInt32, FORMATETC[], STGMEDIUM[])

Asks the given list item to renders a specific clipboard format that it supports.

GetContextMenu(UInt32, Guid, Int32, IOleCommandTarget)

Allows the list to provide a different context menu and IOleCommandTarget for the given list item.


Retrieves data to draw the requested tree list item.

GetExpandable(UInt32, Int32)

Method information not provided. Return E_NOTIMPL.

GetExpandable3(UInt32, UInt32, Int32)

Returns a flag indicating whether the given list item is expandable.

GetExpandedList(UInt32, Int32, IVsLiteTreeList)

Expands a tree list node.

GetExtendedClipboardVariant(UInt32, UInt32, VSOBJCLIPFORMAT[], Object)

Asks the given list item to renders a specific clipboard format as a variant.


Returns the attributes of the current tree list.


Returns the number of items in the current tree list.

GetList2(UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, VSOBSEARCHCRITERIA2[], IVsObjectList2)

Returns a child IVsObjectList2 for the specified category.


Returns changes that have occurred in a tree list. For future use only.

GetMultipleSourceItems(UInt32, UInt32, UInt32, VSITEMSELECTION[])

Returns the ItemID corresponding to source files for the given list item if more than one.

GetNavigationInfo2(UInt32, VSOBNAVIGATIONINFO3[])

Fills the VSOBNAVIGATIONINFO2 structure for the given list item allowing the list to navigate back to it through LocateNavigationInfo2(VSOBNAVIGATIONINFO3[], VSOBNAVNAMEINFONODE2[], Int32, Int32, UInt32).

GetNavInfo(UInt32, IVsNavInfo)

Reserved for future use.

GetNavInfoNode(UInt32, IVsNavInfoNode)

Reserved for future use.

GetProperty(UInt32, Int32, Object)

Returns the specified property for the specified list item.

GetSourceContext(UInt32, IntPtr, UInt32)

Returns a source filename and line number for the given list item.


Returns a pointer to the text representations for the requested tree list item.


Returns a pointer to the tool tip text for the requested tree list item.

GetUserContext(UInt32, Object)

Returns the user context object for the given list item.


Navigates to the source for the given list item.

LocateExpandedList(IVsLiteTreeList, UInt32)

Returns a pointer to an index number of the specified tree list.

LocateNavigationInfo2(VSOBNAVIGATIONINFO3[], VSOBNAVNAMEINFONODE2[], Int32, Int32, UInt32)

Returns the index of the list item corresponding to the VSOBNAVIGATIONINFO2 structure.

LocateNavInfoNode(IVsNavInfoNode, UInt32)

Reserved for future use.


Notifies the current tree list that it is being closed.

QueryDragDrop(UInt32, IDataObject, UInt32, UInt32)

Returns a flag indicating whether the given list item supports a drag-and-drop operation.


Allows the list to display help for the given list item.

ToggleState(UInt32, UInt32)

Tells the requested tree item to toggle its checked state if it has check boxes.

UpdateCounter(UInt32, UInt32)

Returns the current change counter for the tree list, and is used to indicate that the list contents have changed.

Applies to