Additional Properties.
(Inherited from Activity)
Maximum number of data integration units that can be used to perform this data movement. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.
Activity depends on condition.
(Inherited from Activity)
Activity description.
(Inherited from Activity)
Whether to skip incompatible row. Default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).
Specifies whether to copy data via an interim staging. Default value is false. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).
List of inputs for the activity.
Linked service reference.
(Inherited from ExecutionActivity)
Log settings customer needs provide when enabling log.
(Deprecated. Please use LogSettings) Log storage settings customer need to provide when enabling session log.
Activity name.
(Inherited from Activity)
Status result of the activity when the state is set to Inactive. This is an optional property and if not provided when the activity is inactive, the status will be Succeeded by default.
(Inherited from Activity)
List of outputs for the activity.
Maximum number of concurrent sessions opened on the source or sink to avoid overloading the data store. Type: integer (or Expression with resultType integer), minimum: 0.
Activity policy.
(Inherited from ExecutionActivity)
Preserve rules.
Preserve Rules.
Redirect incompatible row settings when EnableSkipIncompatibleRow is true.
Copy activity sink.
Please note CopySink is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes.
The available derived classes include AvroSink, AzureBlobFSSink, AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeSink, AzureDataExplorerSink, AzureDataLakeStoreSink, AzureMySqlSink, AzurePostgreSqlSink, AzureQueueSink, AzureSearchIndexSink, AzureSqlSink, AzureTableSink, BinarySink, BlobSink, CommonDataServiceForAppsSink, CosmosDbMongoDbApiSink, CosmosDbSqlApiSink, DelimitedTextSink, DocumentDbCollectionSink, DynamicsCrmSink, DynamicsSink, FileSystemSink, IcebergSink, InformixSink, JsonSink, LakeHouseTableSink, MicrosoftAccessSink, OdbcSink, OracleSink, OrcSink, ParquetSink, RestSink, SalesforceServiceCloudSink, SalesforceServiceCloudV2Sink, SalesforceSink, SalesforceV2Sink, SapCloudForCustomerSink, SnowflakeSink, SnowflakeV2Sink, SqlDWSink, SqlMISink, SqlServerSink, SqlSink, TeradataSink and WarehouseSink.
Specify the fault tolerance for data consistency.
Copy activity source.
Please note CopySource is the base class. According to the scenario, a derived class of the base class might need to be assigned here, or this property needs to be casted to one of the possible derived classes.
The available derived classes include AmazonMWSSource, AmazonRdsForOracleSource, AmazonRdsForSqlServerSource, AmazonRedshiftSource, AvroSource, AzureBlobFSSource, AzureDatabricksDeltaLakeSource, AzureDataExplorerSource, AzureDataLakeStoreSource, AzureMariaDBSource, AzureMySqlSource, AzurePostgreSqlSource, AzureSqlSource, AzureTableSource, BinarySource, BlobSource, CassandraSource, CommonDataServiceForAppsSource, ConcurSource, CosmosDbMongoDbApiSource, CosmosDbSqlApiSource, CouchbaseSource, Db2Source, DelimitedTextSource, DocumentDbCollectionSource, DrillSource, DynamicsAXSource, DynamicsCrmSource, DynamicsSource, EloquaSource, ExcelSource, FileSystemSource, GoogleAdWordsSource, GoogleBigQuerySource, GoogleBigQueryV2Source, GreenplumSource, HBaseSource, HdfsSource, HiveSource, HttpSource, HubspotSource, ImpalaSource, InformixSource, JiraSource, JsonSource, LakeHouseTableSource, MagentoSource, MariaDBSource, MarketoSource, MicrosoftAccessSource, MongoDbAtlasSource, MongoDbSource, MongoDbV2Source, MySqlSource, NetezzaSource, ODataSource, OdbcSource, Office365Source, OracleServiceCloudSource, OracleSource, OrcSource, ParquetSource, PaypalSource, PhoenixSource, PostgreSqlSource, PostgreSqlV2Source, PrestoSource, QuickBooksSource, RelationalSource, ResponsysSource, RestSource, SalesforceMarketingCloudSource, SalesforceServiceCloudSource, SalesforceServiceCloudV2Source, SalesforceSource, SalesforceV2Source, SapBwSource, SapCloudForCustomerSource, SapEccSource, SapHanaSource, SapOdpSource, SapOpenHubSource, SapTableSource, ServiceNowSource, ServiceNowV2Source, SharePointOnlineListSource, ShopifySource, SnowflakeSource, SnowflakeV2Source, SparkSource, SqlDWSource, SqlMISource, SqlServerSource, SqlSource, SquareSource, SybaseSource, TabularSource, TeradataSource, VerticaSource, WarehouseSource, WebSource, XeroSource, XmlSource and ZohoSource.
Specifies interim staging settings when EnableStaging is true.
Activity state. This is an optional property and if not provided, the state will be Active by default.
(Inherited from Activity)
Copy activity translator. If not specified, tabular translator is used.
Activity user properties.
(Inherited from Activity)
Whether to enable Data Consistency validation. Type: boolean (or Expression with resultType boolean).