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SWIFT Disassembler Configuration Properties

The following table provides SWIFT disassembler (DASM) properties, descriptions, data types, and value ranges.

Property name Description Data type Value range
Batch Header Schema Specifies the flat file schema you use for parsing the batch envelope header. Use only if Inbound Debatching is set to True. String None or any deployed schema name
Batch Trailer Schema Specifies the flat file schema to use for parsing the batch envelope trailer. Use only if Inbound Debatching is set to True. String None or any deployed schema name
BRE Validation Enables/disables invocation of Business Rule Engine (BRE) validation. If set to True, messages are validated by the BRE against deployed policies (for example, to enforce SWIFT Network Rules). If set to False, BRE validation is not invoked. Boolean True, False
Dual Type Message List Specifies the SWIFT message types that must inspect a second header field to determine the message sub-type during dynamic message type resolution. The default list is 102 103 521 523 574. Note: If any or all of the message-type strings are removed from the Dual Type Message List, then for all messages other than MT574, the original schema and its business rules are used in processing the message. For example, an MT102 PLUS instance uses MT102, an MT103PLUS instance uses MT103, an MT521_ISITC instance uses MT521, and an MT523_ISITC instance uses MT523. For all MT574 instances, the following error is returned: Finding document specification by message type failed. Verify that the schema is deployed properly." String Space-separated list of 3-digit numbers
Fragmentation Enables/disables fragmentation of inbound batches. If set to True, messages in an inbound batch are published to the MessageBox database as separate messages. If set to False, the entire inbound batch is published to the MessageBox database as a single message (as an exact copy of the input). Use only if inbound debatching is set to True. Boolean True, False
Inbound Debatching Enables/disables processing of inbound batches. If set to True, inbound batches are expected and are debatched during processing. If set to False, single messages are expected and do not require debatching. Boolean True, False
Message Header Schema Specifies the flat file schema to use for parsing the message envelope header (for a message in a batch). Use only if Inbound Debatching is set to True. String None or any deployed schema name
Message Trailer Schema Specifies the flat file schema to use for parsing the message envelope trailer (for a message in a batch). Use only if Inbound Debatching is set to True. String None or any deployed schema name
Preserve Batch Header Enables/disables preservation of batch envelope header when Fragmentation is enabled. If set to True, the batch envelope header is published to the MessageBox database as a separate message. If set to False, the batch envelope header is discarded after it is parsed. Use only if Batch Header Schema is specified. Boolean True, False
Preserve Batch Trailer Enables/disables preservation of batch envelope trailer when Fragmentation is enabled. If set to True, the batch envelope trailer is published to the MessageBox database as a separate message. If set to False, the batch envelope trailer is discarded after it is parsed. Use only if Batch Trailer Schema is specified. Boolean True, False
Preserve Message Header Enables/disables preservation of message envelope header (for a message in a batch) when Fragmentation is enabled. If set to True, the message envelope header is published to the MessageBox database in the header part of the corresponding SWIFT message in the batch. If set to False, the message envelope header is discarded after it is parsed. Use only if Message Header Schema is specified. Boolean True, False
Preserve Message Trailer Enables/disables preservation of message envelope trailer (for a message in a batch) when Fragmentation is enabled. If set to True, the message envelope trailer is published to the MessageBox database in the trailer part of the corresponding SWIFT message in the batch. If set to False, the message envelope trailer is discarded after it is parsed. Use only if Message Trailer Schema is specified. Boolean True, False
Preserve Session and Sequence Number If set to True, preserve any character strings in the session and sequence-number fields in header block 1.

If set to False, insert truncated spaces in these fields.
Boolean True, False
Promote A4SWIFT SWIFTBound Property If set to True, promote the SWIFTBound property for messages received through this pipeline with a header block 2 (input).

If set to False, do not promote the SWIFTBound property in any case.
Boolean True, False
Suppress Missing Policy Warnings Enables/disables logging of Business Rule Engine (BRE) warnings in the Event Log for missing (undeployed) BRE validation policies. If set to True, the warnings are suppressed. If set to False, a warning is logged every time a validation policy is not found. Use only if BRE Validation is enabled. Boolean True, False
SWIFT Header Schema Specifies the flat file schema to use for parsing the SWIFT message header and inspecting the parsed values to dynamically discover the message type. Specify only if dynamic message type resolution is required (pipeline will process SWIFT messages of different types). Specify if SWIFT Interchange Schema is not specified. If SWIFT Interchange and SWIFT Header Schema are both unspecified, SWIFT Header Schema defaults to Micrsoft.Solutions.FinancialServices.SWIFT.RuntimeSchemas.HeaderSchema. String None or any deployed schema name
SWIFT Interchange Schema Specifies the flat file schema to use for parsing the entire SWIFT message (interchange). Specify only if dynamic message type resolution is not required (pipeline will only process SWIFT messages of the specified type). Must be specified if SWIFT Header Schema is not specified. String None or any deployed schema name
Treat blank lines as parse errors If set to True, when blank lines are encountered in many multi-line fields, these are flagged as parse errors (blank lines are not good practice according to SWIFT). Note that for debatching scenarios, these parse errors do NOT terminate the batch processing (the message is treated as a message in error and produces an error part), and messages in the batch without errors are properly processed.

If set to False, blank lines are allowed in many multi-line fields.
Boolean True, False
XML Validation Enables/disables invocation of XML validation. If set to True, messages are validated by the XML validating reader against schema constraints (for example, to enforce the length or range of a value). If set to False, XML validation is not invoked. Boolean True, False

See Also

Configuring the SWIFT Disassembler
Configuring the SWIFT Assembler