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Configuring the SWIFT Disassembler

The SWIFT disassembler (DASM) performs the following tasks when you invoke it in a Microsoft BizTalk Server receive pipeline:

  • Dynamically discovers the message type and resolves the document schema

  • Parses SWIFT flat files into XML

  • Invokes the XML validating reader to perform XML (schema) validation

  • Invokes the Business Rule Engine (BRE) to perform BRE validation

  • Publishes a parsed XML message to the MessageBox database with promoted context properties and serialized error collection XML

  • Processes inbound batches

    You can configure the functionality listed above to meet the specific requirements for a user scenario and A4SWIFT solution.

    BizTalk Pipeline Designer configures the SWIFT disassembler during development time of the custom receive pipeline.

    To configure the SWIFT disassembler after it has been added to the disassemble stage of a custom receive pipeline, select the SWIFT disassembler component on the BizTalk Pipeline Designer canvas. The SWIFT disassembler then receives focus and you can set its configuration properties using the Properties window within Microsoft Visual Studio.NET.

    For a table of available configuration properties and their descriptions and usage details, see SWIFT Disassembler Configuration Properties.

    For information about using the SWIFT disassembler for different scenarios and setting the configuration properties, see Working with the SWIFT Disassembler and Assembler.

    When A4SWIFT compiles the custom pipeline binary, it statically writes the configuration settings to the custom pipeline. Therefore, you cannot change configuration properties during deployment or run time.


After you configure, compile, and deploy a custom pipeline, changes in the configuration require recompiling and redeployment of the custom pipeline.

For information about creating, building, and deploying custom pipelines, see BizTalk Server Help.

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