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Export Azure carbon optimization emissions data (Preview)

Export Azure carbon optimization emissions data through the REST API or using the Azure portal to download a CSV file. Emissions data is available for the previous month by the 17th day of the current month.

Export emissions data to a CSV file using the Azure portal

You can export your emissions data in CSV format from the Emissions Trends page and the Emissions Details page in Azure carbon optimization in the Azure portal. Download and analyze your emissions data using your preferred tools, such as Excel or Power BI. To export emissions data from these pages, select the Export to CSV.

A screenshot showing how to export emissions data to a CSV file.

The following data is available in a downloaded CSV file.

  • Emissions Trends. The last 12 month's data for the selected filters, including:
    • Scope 1, 2, 3 and total emissions
    • Carbon intensity
  • Emissions Details
    • Subscription/Resource Group/Resource/Service/Location
    • Latest month emissions
    • Previous month emissions
  • Emission Reductions
    • Recommended actions to reduce emissions

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