Reporting Data Objects
The Reporting service defines the following data objects.
Data Object | Description |
AccountPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the account performance report data. |
AccountPerformanceReportRequest | Defines an account performance report request. |
AccountReportScope | Defines the set of accounts to include in the report. |
AccountThroughAdGroupReportScope | Defines the set of accounts, campaigns, and ad groups to include in the report. |
AccountThroughAssetGroupReportScope | Defines a AccountThroughAssetGroupReportScope data object. |
AccountThroughCampaignReportScope | Defines the set of accounts and campaigns to include in the report. |
AdApiError | Defines a Reporting Ad API error object that contains the details that explain why the service operation failed. |
AdApiFaultDetail | Defines a Reporting Ad API fault detail object that operations return when generic errors occur, such as an authentication error. |
AdDynamicTextPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the ad dynamic text performance report data. |
AdDynamicTextPerformanceReportRequest | Defines an ad dynamic text performance report request. |
AdExtensionByAdReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the ad extension by ad report data. |
AdExtensionByAdReportRequest | Defines an ad extension by ad report request. |
AdExtensionByKeywordReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the ad extension by keyword report data. |
AdExtensionByKeywordReportRequest | Defines an ad extension by keyword report request. |
AdExtensionDetailReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the ad extension detail report. |
AdExtensionDetailReportRequest | Defines an ad extension detail report request. |
AdGroupPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the ad group performance report data. |
AdGroupPerformanceReportRequest | Defines an ad group performance report request. |
AdGroupReportScope | Defines an ad group to include in the report. |
AdPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the ad performance report request data. |
AdPerformanceReportRequest | Defines an ad performance report request. |
AgeGenderAudienceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the age and gender audience report data. |
AgeGenderAudienceReportRequest | Defines an age and gender audience report request. |
ApiFaultDetail | Defines a Reporting API fault detail object that operations return when web service-specific errors occur, such as when the request message contains incomplete or invalid data. |
ApplicationFault | Defines the base object from which all Reporting fault detail objects derive. |
AssetGroupPerformanceReportFilter | Defines a data object for AssetGroupPerformanceReportFilter. |
AssetGroupPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a data object for AssetGroupPerformanceReportRequest. |
AssetGroupReportScope | Defines a data object for AssetGroupReportScope. |
AssetPerformanceReportRequest | Defines an asset performance report request. |
AudiencePerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the audience performance report data. |
AudiencePerformanceReportRequest | Defines an audience performance report request. |
BatchError | Defines a Reporting batch error object that identifies the item within the batch of items in the request message that caused the operation to fail, and describes the reason for the failure. |
BudgetSummaryReportRequest | Defines a budget summary report request. |
CallDetailReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the call detail report data. |
CallDetailReportRequest | Defines a call detail report request. |
CampaignPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the campaign performance report data. |
CampaignPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a campaign performance report request. |
CampaignReportScope | Defines a campaign to include in the report. |
CategoryClickCoverageReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the category click coverage report data. |
CategoryClickCoverageReportRequest | Defines a category click coverage report request. |
CategoryInsightsReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the category insights report data. |
CategoryInsightsReportRequest | Defines a category insights report request. |
CombinationPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the combination performance report data. |
CombinationPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a combination performance report request. |
ConversionPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the conversion performance report data. |
ConversionPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a conversion performance report request. |
Date | Defines a calendar date by month, day, and year. |
DestinationUrlPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the destination URL performance report data. |
DestinationUrlPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a destination URL performance report request. |
DSAAutoTargetPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the DSA auto target performance report data. |
DSAAutoTargetPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a DSA auto target performance report request. |
DSACategoryPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the DSA category performance report data. |
DSACategoryPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a DSA category performance report request. |
DSASearchQueryPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the DSA search query performance report data. |
DSASearchQueryPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a DSA search query performance report request. |
GeographicPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the geographic performance report data. |
GeographicPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a geographic performance report request. |
GoalsAndFunnelsReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the goals and funnels report data. |
GoalsAndFunnelsReportRequest | Defines a goals and funnels report request. |
HotelDimensionPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the hotel dimension performance report data. |
HotelDimensionPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a hotel dimension performance report request that aggregates the performance data by product category, custom label, title, and type for a specified time period. |
HotelGroupPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the hotel group performance report data. |
HotelGroupPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a hotel group performance report request that aggregates the performance data by product category, custom label, title, and type for a specified time period. |
KeywordPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the keyword performance report data. |
KeywordPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a keyword performance report request. |
KeywordPerformanceReportSort | Defines a keyword performance report column and corresponding sort order. |
NegativeKeywordConflictReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the negative keyword conflict report data. |
NegativeKeywordConflictReportRequest | Defines a negative keyword conflict report request. |
OperationError | Defines a Reporting operation error object that contains the details that explain why the service operation failed. |
ProductDimensionPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the product dimension performance report data. |
ProductDimensionPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a product dimension performance report request that aggregates the performance data by product category, custom label, title, and type for a specified time period. |
ProductMatchCountReportRequest | Defines a product match count report request that aggregates the performance data by product group for a specified time period. |
ProductNegativeKeywordConflictReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the product negative keyword conflict report data. |
ProductNegativeKeywordConflictReportRequest | Defines a product negative keyword conflict report request. |
ProductPartitionPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the product partition performance report data. |
ProductPartitionPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a product partition performance report request that aggregates the performance data by product group and product partition type for a specified time period. |
ProductPartitionUnitPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the product partition performance report data. |
ProductPartitionUnitPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a product partition unit performance report request that aggregates the performance data by product partition unit for a specified time period. |
ProductSearchQueryPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the product search query performance report data. |
ProductSearchQueryPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a Microsoft Shopping campaign product search query performance report request. |
ProfessionalDemographicsAudienceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the professional demographics audience report. |
ProfessionalDemographicsAudienceReportRequest | Defines a professional demographics audience report request. |
PublisherUsagePerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the publisher usage performance report data. |
PublisherUsagePerformanceReportRequest | Defines a publisher usage performance report request. |
ReportRequest | Defines the base object for all report requests. |
ReportRequestStatus | Defines the status of a report request. |
ReportTime | Defines the date range values of a report request. |
SearchCampaignChangeHistoryReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the campaign change history report data. |
SearchCampaignChangeHistoryReportRequest | Defines a change history report request. |
SearchInsightPerformanceReportFilter | Defines a data object for SearchInsightPerformanceReportFilter. |
SearchInsightPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a data object for SearchInsightPerformanceReportRequest. |
SearchQueryPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the search query performance report data. |
SearchQueryPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a search query performance report request. |
ShareOfVoiceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the share of voice report data. |
ShareOfVoiceReportRequest | Defines a share of voice (SOV) report request. |
UserLocationPerformanceReportFilter | Defines the criteria to use to filter the user location performance report data. |
UserLocationPerformanceReportRequest | Defines a user location performance report request. |