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ProductNegativeKeywordConflictReportRequest Data Object - Reporting

Defines a product negative keyword conflict report request. Use this report to confirm that negative keywords applied to your Shopping campaigns are not excessively restricting campaign performance.

You can request negative keywords and the corresponding products which they're preventing from showing in your Shopping campaigns.

To request a report of this type, pass this object to the SubmitGenerateReport operation.


Performance max campaign data will not be returned if the columns AdGroupName, AdGroupId, AdGroupStatus, AdId, AdStatus are selected, and the columns AssetGroupId, AssetGroupName, AssetGroupStatus, CampaignType are not selected.

If the columns AssetGroupId, AssetGroupName, AssetGroupStatus, CampaignType are selected, then the columns AdGroupName, AdGroupId, AdGroupStatus, AdId, AdStatus can be null for Performance max campaign data.


<xs:complexType name="ProductNegativeKeywordConflictReportRequest" xmlns:xs="">
  <xs:complexContent mixed="false">
    <xs:extension base="tns:ReportRequest">
        <xs:element name="Columns" nillable="true" type="tns:ArrayOfProductNegativeKeywordConflictReportColumn" />
        <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="Filter" nillable="true" type="tns:ProductNegativeKeywordConflictReportFilter" />
        <xs:element name="Scope" nillable="true" type="tns:AccountThroughAdGroupReportScope" />


The ProductNegativeKeywordConflictReportRequest object has the following elements: Columns, Filter, Scope.

Element Description Data Type
Columns The list of attributes and performance statistics to include in the report. The report will include the columns in the order that you specify them. ProductNegativeKeywordConflictReportColumn array
Filter The filter information to use to filter the report data. ProductNegativeKeywordConflictReportFilter
Scope The entity scope of the report.

Use this element to limit the report data to specific accounts, ad groups, or campaigns.

The ProductNegativeKeywordConflictReportRequest object has Inherited Elements.

Inherited Elements

Inherited Elements from ReportRequest

The ProductNegativeKeywordConflictReportRequest object derives from the ReportRequest object, and inherits the following elements: ExcludeColumnHeaders, ExcludeReportFooter, ExcludeReportHeader, Format, FormatVersion, ReportName, ReturnOnlyCompleteData. The descriptions below are specific to ProductNegativeKeywordConflictReportRequest, and might not apply to other objects that inherit the same elements from the ReportRequest object.

Element Description Data Type
ExcludeColumnHeaders Determines whether or not the downloaded report should contain header descriptions for each column. The report column header matches the requested column name e.g. Impressions and Clicks.

Set this property true if you want the report column headers excluded from the downloaded report. The default value is false.
ExcludeReportFooter Determines whether or not the downloaded report should contain footer metadata such as Microsoft copyright (@2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.).

Set this property true if you want the report footer metadata excluded from the downloaded report. The default value is false.
ExcludeReportHeader Determines whether or not the downloaded report should contain header metadata such as report name, date range, and aggregation.

Set this property true if you want the report header metadata excluded from the downloaded report. The default value is false.
Format The format of the report data. For example, you can request the data in comma-separated values (Csv) format or tab-separated values (Tsv) format.

The default value is Csv.

All downloaded files are ZIP compressed.
FormatVersion Determines the format for certain fields in the downloaded report file.

The data format for certain fields can be updated within the current API version without breaking existing client applications. You can get the latest data format by setting this optional request field to 2.0. If you do not set this field, the service defaults to version 1.0.

For details about changes between format versions, see Report Format Version.
ReportName The name of the report. The name is included in the report header. If you do not specify a report name, the system generates a name in the form, ReportType-ReportDateTime.

The maximum length of the report name is 200.
ReturnOnlyCompleteData Not applicable for the product negative keyword conflict report. boolean


Service: ReportingService.svc v13