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SharedEntityAssociation Data Object - Campaign Management

Defines an object that associates a campaign to negative keyword list, or an ad account to a website exclusion list.


<xs:complexType name="SharedEntityAssociation" xmlns:xs="">
    <xs:element name="EntityId" type="xs:long" />
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="EntityType" nillable="true" type="xs:string" />
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SharedEntityCustomerId" nillable="true" type="xs:long">
          <DefaultValue EmitDefaultValue="false" xmlns="" />
    <xs:element name="SharedEntityId" type="xs:long" />
    <xs:element minOccurs="0" name="SharedEntityType" nillable="true" type="xs:string" />


The SharedEntityAssociation object has the following elements: EntityId, EntityType, SharedEntityCustomerId, SharedEntityId, SharedEntityType.

Element Description Data Type
EntityId The identifier of the campaign or ad account (according to EntityType) that is associated with the shared entity. long
EntityType The type of entity.

This element must be set to "Campaign" for negative keyword list to campaign associations in your ad account shared library.

This element must be set to "Account" for website exclusion list to ad account associations in your manager account (customer) shared library.
SharedEntityCustomerId Determines the owner of a website exclusion list.

This read-only element is only available for PlacementExclusionList associations. Only the users of the manager account (customer) that owns a website exclusion list can update or delete the list, add or delete list items, and associate the list with ad accounts. If your ad account is associated with a website exclusion list that you do not own, you can disassociate the list from your account, but the list and list items are read-only.
SharedEntityId The identifier of the shared entity. long
SharedEntityType The type of shared entity.

This element must be set to "NegativeKeywordList" for negative keyword list to campaign associations in your ad account shared library.

This element must be set to "PlacementExclusionList" for website exclusion list to ad account associations in your manager account (customer) shared library.


Service: CampaignManagementService.svc v13

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