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DestinationDirs (Windows CE 5.0)

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The [DestinationDirs] section is required and describes the names and paths of the destination directories for your application on the target device.

file_list_section = 0,subdir
[file_list_section = 0,subdir]


  • file_list_section
    Section name used in "[DefaultInstall] CopyFiles". For more information, see DefaultInstall.

    Note   If a value for DefaultDestDir is not specified, you must also list in this section the file_list_sections that the CopyFiles key specifies in the [DefaultInstall] section. Conversely, if a value for DefaultDestDir is specified, and you do not specify the destination directory for any file list section, the destination directory for that section will be set to the value specified by DefaultDestDir.

  • subdir
    Destination directory, which uses the format of an absolute target device path, a directory macro, or the install directory %InstallDir%.

  • shortcut_list_section
    Optional directory that you can use to specify where the shortcut file is located after it is created. For more information, see CEShortcuts.

    Note   If a value for DefaultDestDir is not specified, you must also list in this section the shortcut_list_sections that the CopyFiles key specifies in the [DefaultInstall] section. Conversely, if a value for DefaultDestDir is specified, and you do not specify the destination directory for any shortcut list section, the destination directory for that shortcut will be set to the value specified by DefaultDestDir.

The following [DestinationDirs] code example uses the string %CE2%, which corresponds to the Windows directory, and the string %CE1%, which corresponds to the Program Files directory:

Files.Common   = 0,%CE1%\My Subdir
Files.Shared   = 0,%CE2%

See Also

Information File | CAB Wizard

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