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CEShortcuts (Windows CE 5.0)

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The CEShortcuts key, a Windows CE-specific key under the [DefaultInstall] section, is optional and describes the shortcuts that the installation application creates on the target device.



  • shortcut_filename
    String that identifies the shortcut name.

    It does not require the .lnk extension.

    Note   Use only Unicode characters that can be converted into ANSI characters without data loss. This enables backward compatibility with earlier device versions. For more information, see CAB Wizard.

  • shortcut_type_flag
    Numeric value.

    Zero or empty represents a shortcut to a file.

    Any nonzero numeric value represents a shortcut to a folder.

  • target_file/path
    String value that specifies the destination file or folder.

    For a file, use the target file name — for example, MyApp.exe — that must be defined in a file copy list.

    For a path, use a file_list_section name defined in the [DestinationDirs] section — for example, DefaultDestDir — or the %InstallDir% string.

    Note   Use only Unicode characters that can be converted into ANSI characters without data loss. This enables backward compatibility with earlier device versions. For more information, see CAB Wizard.

  • standard_destination_path
    Optional string value that specifies where the shortcut file is created, using a standard %CEx% path or %InstallDir%.

    If no value is specified, the default value that is used is the destination directory listed for the shortcut_list_section from the [DestinationDirs] section.

The following code example shows two methods of creating shortcuts:

CEShortcuts = Shortcuts

Shortcuts = 0,%CE2%\Help

Sample App,0,Sample.exe,%InstallDir%
App Help Link,0,AppHelp.htm

In this example, the first method directly specifies a path for an application called Sample.exe, while the second method uses a [Shortcuts] section that uses the path specified in [DestinationDirs] to specify a path for a Help file named AppHelp.htm.

See Also

Information File | CAB Wizard

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