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This structure specifies the results of the association operation that is performed by the 802.11 station with an access point (AP) or peer station. The Native 802.11 miniport driver includes a DOT11_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION_PARAMETERS structure when the driver makes an NDIS_STATUS_DOT11_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION indication.


  DOT11_ASSOC_STATUS  uStatus;
  BOOLEAN  bReAssocReq;
  BOOLEAN  bReAssocResp;
  ULONG  uAssocReqOffset;
  ULONG  uAssocReqSize;
  ULONG  uAssocRespOffset;
  ULONG  uAssocRespSize;
  ULONG  uBeaconOffset;
  ULONG  uBeaconSize;
  ULONG  uIHVDataOffset;
  ULONG  uIHVDataSize;
  DOT11_CIPHER_ALGORITHM  UnicastCipher;
  DOT11_CIPHER_ALGORITHM  MulticastCipher;
  ULONG  uActivePhyListOffset;
  ULONG  uActivePhyListSize;
  BOOLEAN  bFourAddressSupported;
  BOOLEAN  bPortAuthorized;
  UCHAR  ucActiveQoSProtocol;
  DOT11_DS_INFO  DSInfo;
  ULONG  uEncapTableOffset;
  ULONG  uEncapTableSize;


  • Header
    The type, revision, and size of the DOT11_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION_PARAMETERS structure. This member is formatted as an NDIS_OBJECT_HEADER structure.

    The miniport driver must set the members of Header to the following values:


    This member must be set to NDIS_OBJECT_TYPE_DEFAULT




    This member must be set to sizeof(DOT11_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION_PARAMETERS)

  • MacAddr
    The media access control (MAC) address of the access point (AP) (for infrastructure BSS networks) or peer station (for independent BSS (IBSS) networks) to which the 802.11 station attempted to connect.
  • uStatus
    The completion status of the association operation, as specified by a value that is defined for DOT11_ASSOC_STATUS
  • bReAssocReq
    A Boolean value that indicates whether the 802.11 station sent an 802.11 Association or Reassociation frame to the AP. If TRUE, the 802.11 station sent an 801.11 Reassociation Request frame to the AP. If FALSE, the 802.11 station sent an 802.11 Association Request frame to the AP.

    A value of TRUE for the bReAssocReq member is valid only if the dot11DesiredBSSType MIB object is set to dot11_BSS_type_infrastructure.

  • bReAssocResp
    A Boolean value that indicates whether the 802.11 station received an 802.11 Association or Reassociation frame from the AP. If TRUE, the 802.11 station received an 802.11 Reassociation Response frame from the AP. If FALSE, the 802.11 station received an 802.11 Association Response frame from the AP.

    A value of TRUE for the bReAssocResp member is valid only if the dot11DesiredBSSType MIB object is set to dot11_BSS_type_infrastructure.

  • uAssocReqOffset
    The offset of the request frame that is used in the association operation. The frame does not include the 802.11 MAC header.

    This offset is relative to the start of the buffer, which contains the DOT11_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION_PARAMETERS structure.

    The Association Request frame that is returned by the miniport driver depends on the setting of the IEEE 802.11 dot11DesiredBSSType MIB object:

    • If the dot11DesiredBSSType MIB object is set to dot11_BSS_type_infrastructure, the frame is either the 802.11 Association Request frame (if bReAssocReq is FALSE) or Reassociation Request frame (if bReAssocReq is TRUE) that was sent to the AP.The miniport driver must return an 802.11 Probe Request frame that is either sent by the association initiator or created by the driver based on information that was exchanged during the association operation.
    • If the dot11DesiredBSSType MIB object is set to dot11_BSS_type_independent, the miniport driver must set the uAssocReqOffset member to zero.

    The miniport driver must set the uAssocReqOffset and uAssocReqSize members to zero if it was unable to send a request frame during the association operation. For example, if the AP failed the 802.11 Authentication frame that was sent by the 802.11 station, the miniport driver must set uAssocReqOffset and uAssocReqSize to zero.

  • uAssocReqSize
    The length of the request frame that is used in the association operation. The length of the frame does not include the 802.11 MAC header.

    If the dot11DesiredBSSType MIB object is set to dot11_BSS_type_independent, the miniport driver must set the uAssocReqSize member to zero.

  • uAssocRespOffset
    The offset of the response frame that is used in the association operation. The frame does not include the 802.11 MAC header.

    This offset is relative to the start of the buffer, which contains the DOT11_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION_PARAMETERS structure.

    The association response frame that is returned by the miniport driver depends on the setting of the IEEE 802.11 dot11DesiredBSSType MIB object:

    • If the dot11DesiredBSSType MIB object is set to dot11_BSS_type_infrastructure, the frame is either the 802.11 Association Response frame (if bReAssocReq is TRUE) or Reassociation Response frame (if bReAssocReq is FALSE) that was received from the AP.

    The miniport driver must return an 802.11 Probe Response frame that is either sent to the association initiator or created by the driver based on information exchanged during the association operation.

    • If the dot11DesiredBSSType MIB object is set to dot11_BSS_type_independent, the miniport driver must set the uAssocRespOffset member to zero.

    The miniport driver must set the uAssocRespOffset and uAssocRespSize members to zero if it did not receive a response frame during the association operation.

  • uAssocRespSize
    The length of the response frame that is used in the association operation. The length of the frame does not include the 802.11 MAC header.

    If the dot11DesiredBSSType MIB object is set to dot11_BSS_type_independent, the miniport driver must set the uAssocRespSize member to zero.

  • uBeaconOffset
    The offset of the last received 802.11 Beacon or Probe Response frames. The miniport driver must exclude the 802.11 MAC header for these frames when it makes the NDIS_STATUS_DOT11_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION indication.

    This offset is relative to the start of the buffer, which contains the DOT11_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION_PARAMETERS structure.


    If the authentication algorithm that is used on the association was Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) or IEEE 802.11i Robust Security Network Association (RSNA), the miniport driver must always return the last received 802.11 Beacon frame and must not set the uBeaconOffset and uBeaconSize members to zero.

  • uBeaconSize
    The length of the last received 802.11 Beacon frame. The length of the frame does not include the 802.11 MAC header.
  • uIHVDataOffset
    The offset of a block of data in a proprietary format that is defined by the IHV. The IHV can use this data block for any purposes that are related to the NDIS_STATUS_DOT11_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION indication. This offset is relative to the start of the buffer, which contains the DOT11_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION_PARAMETERS structure. If the miniport driver is not returning IHV data in the NDIS_STATUS_DOT11_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION indication, it must set uIHVDataOffset to zero.
  • uIHVDataSize
    The length of the data block that is used by the IHV for the NDIS_STATUS_DOT11_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION indication. If the miniport driver is not returning IHV data in this indication, it must set uIHVDataSize to zero.
  • AuthAlgo
    The authentication algorithm that the 802.11 station resolved with the AP or peer station during the association operation. For more information about the data type for the AuthAlgo member, see DOT11_AUTH_ALGORITHM.

    The miniport driver must set this member to zero if uStatus is not set to DOT11_ASSOCIATION_STATUS_SUCCESS.

  • UnicastCipher
    The unicast cipher algorithm that the 802.11 station resolved with the AP or peer station during the association operation. For more information about the data type for the UnicastCipher member, see DOT11_CIPHER_ALGORITHM.

    The miniport driver must set this member to zero if uStatus is not set to DOT11_ASSOCIATION_STATUS_SUCCESS.

  • MulticastCipher
    The multicast cipher algorithm that the 802.11 station resolved with the AP or peer station during the association operation. For more information about the data type for the MulticastCipher member, see DOT11_CIPHER_ALGORITHM.

    The miniport driver must set this member to zero if uStatus is not set to DOT11_ASSOCIATION_STATUS_SUCCESS.

  • uActivePhyListOffset
    The offset of the list of PHY identifiers (IDs) that the 802.11 station uses to send or receive packets on the BSS network connection.

    The Extensible Station (ExtSTA) msDot11ActivePhyList MIB object also references the active PHY list. For more information about this MIB object, see OID_DOT11_ACTIVE_PHY_LIST.

    Entries in the active PHY list can be one of the following values:

    • A PHY ID that is specified by the ExtSTA msDot11DesiredPhyList MIB object. For more information about this MIB object, see OID_DOT11_DESIRED_PHY_LIST.
    • DOT11_PHY_ID_ANY. The miniport driver can set an entry to this value if the msDot11ActivePhyList MIB object specifies all the PHY IDs that are specified by the msDot11DesiredPhyList MIB object.An entry with the value of DOT11_PHY_ID_ANY must be the only entry in the active PHY list.

    The offset of the active PHY list is relative to the start of the buffer, which contains the DOT11_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION_PARAMETERS structure.

    The miniport driver must set the uActivePhyListOffset and uActivePhyListSize members to zero if uStatus is not set to DOT11_ASSOCIATION_STATUS_SUCCESS.

  • uActivePhyListSize
    The length of the active PHY list. The uActivePhyListSize member must be a multiple of sizeof(ULONG).
  • bFourAddressSupported
    A Boolean value that, if set to TRUE, specifies that the 802.11 station has associated with an AP that supports distribution system (DS) services for ISO Layer 2 bridging on any station in the BSS network, including mobile stations and APs. The determination of this support is specific to the implementation by the IHV.

    A miniport driver must set the bFourAddressSupported member to FALSE if any one of the following is true:

    • The IEEE 802.11 dot11DesiredBSSType MIB object is set to dot11_BSS_type_independent
    • The 802.11 station did not associate with an AP that supports DS services or cannot determine whether the AP supports DS services
    • The uStatus member is not set to DOT11_ASSOCIATION_STATUS_SUCCESS
  • bPortAuthorized
    A Boolean value that, if set to TRUE, specifies that the 802.11 station has successfully performed port authorization during the association operation. Port authorization could be based on either the IEEE 802.1X/802.11i standards or a proprietary algorithm that is developed by the IHV.

    The miniport driver must set bPortAuthorized to FALSE if any one of the following is true:

    • The 802.11 station does not perform port authorization.
    • The uStatus member is not set to DOT11_ASSOCIATION_STATUS_SUCCESS.
  • ucActiveQoSProtocol
    A flag that specifies the quality of service (QoS) protocol that is currently active for this association. This member is either zero (indicating that no QoS protocol is active) or one of the following flags:


    The network adapter is using the 802.11 WMM QoS protocol.


    The network adapter is using the 802.11e QoS protocol.

  • DSInfo
    A DOT11_DS_INFO value that specifies whether the 802.11 station is connected to the same DS from the previous association operation.

    The DSInfo member is formatted as a DOT11_DS_INFO enumeration, which specifies the following values:


    The 802.11 station has connected to a new DS after the association operation.


    The 802.11 station is connected to the same DS from the association operation.


    The miniport driver cannot determine whether the DS has changed after the association operation.


    The miniport driver must set DSInfo to DOT11_DS_UNKNOWN if the dot11DesiredBSSType MIB object is set to dot11_BSS_type_independent.

  • uEncapTableOffset
    The offset of the list of IEEE EtherType encapsulations for the BSS association.

    This offset is relative to the start of the buffer, which contains the DOT11_ASSOCIATION_COMPLETION_PARAMETERS structure. The value of uEncapTableOffset must be aligned on a 4-byte boundary.

    The miniport driver formats each entry in this list as a DOT11_ENCAP_ENTRY structure.

  • uEncapTableSize
    The length of the EtherType encapsulation list


The miniport driver must set the uEncapTableOffset and uEncapTableSize members to zero if any one of the following is true:

  • The BSS association does not require changes to the operating system’s default list of EtherType encapsulations
  • The uStatus member is not set to DOT11_ASSOCIATION_STATUS_SUCCESS.
  • The Extensible Station (ExtSTA) dot11DesiredBSSType management information base (MIB) object is set to dot11_BSS_type_independent.

For more information about the IEEE 802.11 dot11DesiredBSSType MIB object, see OID_DOT11_DESIRED_BSS_TYPE.




See Also


Native 802.11 Data Types
Native 802.11 Wireless LAN Reference

Other Resources