Changing Debug Zones (Windows Embedded CE 6.0)
You can set debug zones from within code, from the kernel debugger, and from the Target Control window.
To change debug zones during runtime from within a module or process in code
From within a module or process, you can change the zone settings during run-time from code. For more information about the existing zones, see Viewing Debug Zones.
For example, the following code line changes the zone settings from within a module:
dpCurSettings.ulZoneMask = 0x00000001
To change debug zones for a module or process inside another application or module
If you want to change the zones for a process or module using code that is inside another application or module, use the SetDbgZone.
DBGPARAM dbg; // OK if uninitialized, receives new settings SetDbgZone(hProcess, hModule, 0, dwZone, &dbg);
Use hProcess=0 if you are controlling a DLL; use hModule=0 if you are controlling a process.
To change debug zones from the debugger at a breakpoint
You can change zone settings from the debugger at a breakpoint by opening a watch window and typing
- or -
And then modifying the value. When you continue execution, the new debug zones will be used.
To set debug zones from the Target Control window
You can change zone settings from Target Control window using the zo command. For example, the following command sets the zone for a module at index 0 to 0x100
Zo m 0 0x100
For more information, see Target Control Debugging: zo Command.
Code Example
The following code example shows how to associate a bitmask with a debug zone. In this example, an application header file defines 16 (0–15) debug zones.
#define ZONEID_INIT 0
#define ZONEID_ERROR 15
After defining a debug zone to a bitmask, associate a debug zone mask name with the defined bitmask. A debug zone mask is a named bitmask that is used to turn a debug zone on or off.
The following code example shows how to associate debug zone mask names with the 16 previously defined debug zones.
See Also
Setting Initial Debug Zones
Setting Debug Zone Parameters