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VCCustomBuildRule - члены

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Interface to access custom build rules and custom build rule files.

Универсальный тип VCCustomBuildRule предоставляет следующий члены.


  Имя Описание
Открытый метод AddBooleanProperty Adds a Boolean property to the custom build rule with the given name.
Открытый метод AddEnumProperty Adds an enumeration property to the custom build rule with the given name.
Открытый метод AddIntegerProperty Adds an integer property to the custom build rule with the given name.
Открытый метод AddStringProperty Adds a string property to the custom build rule with the given name.
Открытый метод RemoveProperty Removes the given property from the custom build rule.

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  Имя Описание
Открытое свойство AdditionalDependencies Gets or sets additional, configuration-specific items to add to the link line, such as comdlg32.lib or kernel32.lib.
Открытое свойство AdditionalOptions Gets or sets options to add to the end of the command line immediately before the file name(s). An example is if an option is not supported in the object model.
Открытое свойство BatchingSeparator Gets or sets the text to insert between input file names when a custom build rule supports file batching.
Открытое свойство CommandLine Gets or sets a command line for the build event tool to run.
Открытое свойство DisplayName Gets or sets the full name of the object.
Открытое свойство ExecutionDescription Gets or sets the text that is displayed in the output window prior to executing the command line during a build.
Открытое свойство FileExtensions Gets or sets the file extensions used to associate the build rule with new files added to the project.
Открытое свойство Name Gets or sets the name of the build rule.
Открытое свойство Outputs Gets or sets the output files the custom build step generates.
Открытое свойство Properties Gets the collection of properties for the object.
Открытое свойство ShowOnlyRuleProperties Gets or sets a value indicating whether the build rule's user properties are shown in the property grid.
Открытое свойство SupportsFileBatching Gets or sets a value indicating whether the command line-inputs are evaluated to all the files that can be batched into a single command-line execution (excludes files with file properties set).
Открытое свойство TargetRule Gets whether to use the target rule.

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См. также


VCCustomBuildRule Интерфейс

Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine - пространство имен