Microsoft.VisualStudio.VCProjectEngine - пространство имен
Класс | Описание | |
_dispVCProjectEngineEvents_SinkHelper | Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only. | |
VCProjectEngineEventsClass | Инфраструктура. Refer to VCProjectEngineEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate from this class. | |
VCProjectEngineObjectClass | The main object for VCProjectEngine automation model. |
Интерфейс | Описание | |
_dispVCProjectEngineEvents | Инфраструктура. Microsoft internal use only. | |
_dispVCProjectEngineEvents_Event | Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only. | |
_VCProjectEngineEvents | Refer to VCProjectEngineEvents for this functionality. Do not instantiate this class. | |
IGenericUserDefinedTool | Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only. | |
ISimpleErrorContext | Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only. | |
ISimplePropertyContainer | Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only. | |
IToolPropertyWriter | Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only. | |
IUserDefinedTool | Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only. | |
IVCCollection | An IVCCollection object contains the functionality that can be exercised on a collections object. | |
IVCProjectEngineEvents | Interface that contains the VCProjectEngine events methods. | |
VCActiveXReference | Represents a reference to an ActiveX object. | |
VCALinkTool | Represents the ALink tool, which is used to generate satellite assemblies from managed resources. | |
VCAppVerifierTool | Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only. | |
VCAssemblyReference | Represents a reference to a .NET assembly. | |
VCBscMakeTool | The VCBscMakeTool object contains properties that allow you to programmatically manipulate the settings on the properties in the Browse Information folder, which is in the Configuration Properties folder of a project's Property Pages dialog box. See Modifying Project Settings for information about accessing a project's Property Pages dialog box. | |
VCCLCompilerTool | The VCCLCompilerTool object exposes the functionality of the C++ compiler options. See Compiler Options for more information about compiler options. | |
VCConfiguration | The VCConfiguration object programmatically accesses the properties in the General property page of a project's Property Pages dialog box. This object also allows access to the tools used to build this configuration. | |
VCCustomBuildRule | Interface to access custom build rules and custom build rule files. | |
VCCustomBuildTool | The VCCustomBuildTool object programmatically accesses the properties in the Custom Build Step property page in a project's Property Pages dialog box. | |
VCDebugSettings | The VCDebugSettings object contains properties that allow you to programmatically manipulate the settings on the Debug property page, which is in the Configuration Properties folder of a project's Property Pages dialog box. | |
VCFile | The VCFile object describes the operations that can take place on a file in the active project. | |
VCFileConfiguration | The VCFileConfiguration object contains build information about a file (VCFile object), including such things as what tool is attached to the file for that configuration. | |
VCFilter | A VCFilter object exposes the functionality on a folder in Solution Explorer for a Visual C++ project. | |
VCFxCopTool | Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only. | |
VCLibrarianTool | Exposes the functionality of the LIB Reference tool. | |
VCLinkerTool | Exposes the functionality of the linker options. | |
VCManagedResourceCompilerTool | Represents the managed resource compiler, a tool used to compile .resx files. | |
VCManifestTool | Enables combining manifest files. | |
VCMidlTool | Programmatically accesses the properties in the MIDL folder of a project's Property Pages dialog box. | |
VCNMakeTool | Programmatically accesses the properties in the NMAKE folder of a project's Property Pages dialog box. See Modifying Project Settings for information about how to access a project's Property Pages dialog box. | |
VCPlatform | Affects platform-specific properties, including those exposed in the VC++ Directories, Projects and Solutions, Options Dialog Box. | |
VCPostBuildEventTool | Programmatically accesses the properties on the Post-Build Event property page, in the Build Events folder in a project's Property Pages dialog box. | |
VCPreBuildEventTool | Programmatically accesses the properties on the Pre-Build Event property page, in the Build Events folder in a project's Property Pages dialog box. | |
VCPreLinkEventTool | Programmatically accesses the properties on the PreLink Event property page, in the Build Events folder in a project's Property Pages dialog box. | |
VCProject | This object exposes the properties on a Visual C++ project. | |
VCProjectEngine | The only Visual C++ project model object that can be returned by CoCreateInstance. | |
VCProjectEngineEvents | The VCProjectEngineEvents object exposes events fired by a Visual C++ project. Use VCProjectEngineEvents for functionality and refer to _dispVCProjectEngineEvents for this object's documentation. | |
VCProjectEngineObject | The main object for VCProjectEngine automation model. | |
VCProjectItem | A file or folder in a project. | |
VCProjectReference | Represents a reference to a project in the same solution. | |
VCPropertySheet | Provides access to the project engine property sheets. | |
VCReference | Represents a reference in the project. | |
VCReferences | A collection of VCReference objects, each representing a reference in the project. | |
VCResourceCompilerTool | Programmatically accesses the properties on the Resources folder in a project's Property Pages dialog box. | |
VCRuntimeBooleanProperty | Provides access to runtime boolean properties. | |
VCRuntimeEnumProperty | Provides access to runtime enumeration properties. | |
VCRuntimeEnumValue | Gives access to a runtime enum property. | |
VCRuntimeIntegerProperty | Provides access to runtime integer properties. | |
VCRuntimeProperty | Provides access to runtime properties. | |
VCRuntimeStringProperty | Provides access to runtime string properties. | |
VCToolFile | Gives access to custom build rules. | |
VCUserMacro | Gives access to user defined macros. | |
VCWebDeploymentTool | The VCWebDeploymentTool object provides programmatic access to the Web deployment tool. | |
VCWebServiceProxyGeneratorTool | Programmatically exposes the properties available from the Web References Property Page. | |
VCXDCMakeTool | Interface to control the creation of XML doc files. | |
VCXMLDataGeneratorTool | Represents the XML data generator. Used to generate Visual C++ code from XML. |
Делегат | Описание | |
_dispVCProjectEngineEvents_ItemAddedEventHandler | Инфраструктура. Microsoft internal use only. | |
_dispVCProjectEngineEvents_ItemMovedEventHandler | Инфраструктура. Microsoft internal use only. | |
_dispVCProjectEngineEvents_ItemPropertyChangeEventHandler | Инфраструктура. Microsoft internal use only. | |
_dispVCProjectEngineEvents_ItemRemovedEventHandler | Инфраструктура. Microsoft internal use only. | |
_dispVCProjectEngineEvents_ItemRenamedEventHandler | Инфраструктура. Microsoft internal use only. | |
_dispVCProjectEngineEvents_ProjectBuildFinishedEventHandler | Инфраструктура. Microsoft internal use only. | |
_dispVCProjectEngineEvents_ProjectBuildStartedEventHandler | Инфраструктура. Microsoft internal use only. | |
_dispVCProjectEngineEvents_ReportErrorEventHandler | Инфраструктура. Microsoft internal use only. | |
_dispVCProjectEngineEvents_SccEventEventHandler | Инфраструктура. Microsoft internal use only. | |
_dispVCProjectEngineEvents_SolutionLoadedEventHandler | Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only. |
Перечисление | Описание | |
addressAwarenessType | Used to specify whether the linker is able to handle addresses larger than 2 GB. | |
AppVrfBaseLayerOptions | Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only. | |
asmListingOption | Used by the AssemblerOutput property. | |
AVPageHeapProtectionDirection | Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only. | |
basicRuntimeCheckOption | Used by the BasicRuntimeChecks property. | |
browseInfoOption | Used by the BrowseInformation property. | |
BuildWithPropertySheetType | Describes settings for builds. | |
callingConventionOption | Used to select the default calling convention. | |
charSet | Defines whether _UNICODE or _MBCS should be set. It also affects the linker entry point where appropriate. | |
compileAsManagedOptions | Used by the CompileAsManaged property. | |
CompileAsOptions | Used to select compile language option for .c and .cpp files. | |
compilerErrorReportingType | Allows you to provide internal compiler error (ICE) information directly to the Visual C++ team. | |
ConfigurationTypes | Specifies the type of output this configuration generates. | |
cppExceptionHandling | Used by the | |
debugOption | Used by the DebugInformationFormat property. | |
driverOption | Used by the AdditionalOptions linker property. | |
eAppProtectionOption | Used to signify the level of process isolation used by the virtual directory. | |
eCLRImageType | Specifies the type of a CLR image. Useful when linking object files of different types. | |
eCLRThreadAttribute | Used by the CLRThreadAttribute property. | |
eDebuggerTypes | Types of debuggers available to C++ projects. | |
eFileType | Used by the FileType property. | |
enhancedInstructionSetType | Used by the EnableEnhancedInstructionSet property. | |
enumFileFormat | Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only. | |
enumMPIAcceptModes | Specifies the Multi-Processor-Interface accept modes for the debugger. | |
enumResourceLangID | Used by the Culture property. | |
enumSccEvent | Signifies an event that has occurred in the project engine. | |
eSqlClrPermissionLevel | Enumeration to indicate the SQL permission level. | |
eWebRefUrlBehavior | Инфраструктура. Microsoft Internal Use Only. | |
favorSizeOrSpeedOption | Used to indicate whether to minimize or maximize the size of EXEs and DLLs. | |
floatingPointModel | Specifies floating point behavior. | |
genProxyLanguage | Used by the GeneratedProxyLanguage property. | |
inlineExpansionOption | Used to define the level of inline function expansion for the build. | |
linkAssemblyDebug | Used by the AssemblyDebug property. | |
linkerErrorReportingType | Allows you to provide internal linker error information directly to the Visual C++ team. | |
linkFixedBaseAddress | Advises the operating system to load the program only at its preferred base address. If the preferred base address is unavailable, the operating system does not load the file. | |
linkIncrementalType | Used to switch on incremental linking. It is used by the LinkIncremental property. | |
linkProgressOption | Used by the ShowProgress property. | |
LinkTimeCodeGenerationOption | Corresponds to the Link Time Code Generation command line options. | |
machineTypeOption | Used by the TargetMachine property. | |
midlCharOption | Used by the DefaultCharType property. | |
midlErrorCheckOption | Used by the EnableErrorChecks property. | |
midlStructMemberAlignOption | Used by the StructMemberAlignment property. | |
midlTargetEnvironment | Used by the TargetEnvironment property. | |
midlWarningLevelOption | Used by the WarnLevel property. | |
optFoldingType | Used by the EnableCOMDATFolding property. | |
optimizeOption | Used by the Optimization property. | |
optRefType | Used by the OptimizeReferences property. | |
optWin98Type | Used by the OptimizeForWindows98 property. | |
pchOption | Used by the UsePrecompiledHeader property. | |
preprocessOption | Used by the GeneratePreprocessedFile property. | |
RemoteDebuggerType | Used by the Remote property. | |
runtimeLibraryOption | Used by the RuntimeLibrary property. | |
structMemberAlignOption | Used by the StructMemberAlignment property. | |
subSystemOption | Used by the SubSystem property. | |
termSvrAwarenessType | Used by the TerminalServerAware property. | |
TypeOfDebugger | Used by the DebuggerType property. It specifies the debugger type to use. | |
useOfATL | Used by the useOfATL property. | |
useOfMfc | Used by the useOfMfc property. | |
warningLevelOption | Used by the WarnLevel property. | |
WholeProgramOptimizationTypes | Specifies that the program will be optimized across object boundaries |