If the CWnd object is associated with a menu, OnMenuSelect is called by the framework when the user selects a menu item.
afx_msg void OnMenuSelect(
UINT nFlags,
HMENU hSysMenu
Identifies the item selected. If the selected item is a menu item, nItemID contains the menu-item ID. If the selected item contains a pop-up menu, nItemID contains the pop-up menu index, and hSysMenu contains the handle of the main (clicked-on) menu.nFlags
Contains a combination of the following menu flags:MF_BITMAP Item is a bitmap.
MF_CHECKED Item is checked.
MF_DISABLED Item is disabled.
MF_GRAYED Item is dimmed.
MF_MOUSESELECT Item was selected with a mouse.
MF_OWNERDRAW Item is an owner-draw item.
MF_POPUP Item contains a pop-up menu.
MF_SEPARATOR Item is a menu-item separator.
MF_SYSMENU Item is contained in the Control menu.
If nFlags contains MF_SYSMENU, identifies the menu associated with the message. If nFlags contains MF_POPUP, identifies the handle of the main menu. If nFlags contains neither MF_SYSMENU nor MF_POPUP, it is unused.
If nFlags contains 0xFFFF and hSysMenu contains 0, Windows has closed the menu because the user pressed the ESC key or clicked outside the menu.
Примечание. |
This member function is called by the framework to allow your application to handle a Windows message. The parameters passed to your function reflect the parameters received by the framework when the message was received. If you call the base-class implementation of this function, that implementation will use the parameters originally passed with the message and not the parameters you supply to the function. |
Header: afxwin.h