How to: Hide and Unhide Columns
This example finds all the cells in the first four columns that have a constant “X” in them and hides the column that contains the X.
Sample code provided by: Dennis Wallentin, VSTO & .NET & Excel | About the Contributor
Sub Hide_Columns()
'Excel objects.
Dim m_wbBook As Workbook
Dim m_wsSheet As Worksheet
Dim m_rnCheck As Range
Dim m_rnFind As Range
Dim m_stAddress As String
'Initialize the Excel objects.
Set m_wbBook = ThisWorkbook
Set m_wsSheet = m_wbBook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
'Search the four columns for any constants.
Set m_rnCheck = m_wsSheet.Range("A1:D1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
'Retrieve all columns that contain an X. If there is at least one, begin the DO/WHILE loop.
With m_rnCheck
Set m_rnFind = .Find(What:="X")
If Not m_rnFind Is Nothing Then
m_stAddress = m_rnFind.Address
'Hide the column, and then find the next X.
m_rnFind.EntireColumn.Hidden = True
Set m_rnFind = .FindNext(m_rnFind)
Loop While Not m_rnFind Is Nothing And m_rnFind.Address <> m_stAddress
End If
End With
End Sub
This example finds all the cells in the first four columns that have a constant “X” in them and unhides the column that contains the X.
Sub Unhide_Columns()
'Excel objects.
Dim m_wbBook As Workbook
Dim m_wsSheet As Worksheet
Dim m_rnCheck As Range
Dim m_rnFind As Range
Dim m_stAddress As String
'Initialize the Excel objects.
Set m_wbBook = ThisWorkbook
Set m_wsSheet = m_wbBook.Worksheets("Sheet1")
'Search the four columns for any constants.
Set m_rnCheck = m_wsSheet.Range("A1:D1").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants)
'Retrieve all columns that contain X. If there is at least one, begin the DO/WHILE loop.
With m_rnCheck
Set m_rnFind = .Find(What:="X", LookIn:=xlFormulas)
If Not m_rnFind Is Nothing Then
m_stAddress = m_rnFind.Address
'Unhide the column, and then find the next X.
m_rnFind.EntireColumn.Hidden = False
Set m_rnFind = .FindNext(m_rnFind)
Loop While Not m_rnFind Is Nothing And m_rnFind.Address <> m_stAddress
End If
End With
End Sub
About the Contributor
Dennis Wallentin is the author of VSTO & .NET & Excel, a blog that focuses on .NET Framework solutions for Excel and Excel Services. Dennis has been developing Excel solutions for over 20 years and is also the co-author of “Professional Excel Development: The Definitive Guide to Developing Applications Using Microsoft Excel, VBA and .NET (2nd Edition)."