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CMFCTabToolTipInfo Structure


The new home for Visual Studio documentation is Visual Studio 2017 Documentation on docs.microsoft.com.

The latest version of this topic can be found at CMFCTabToolTipInfo Structure.

This structure provides information about the MDI tab that the user is hovering over.


struct CMFCTabToolTipInfo  


Data Members

Name Description
CMFCTabToolTipInfo::m_nTabIndex Specifies the index of the tab control.
CMFCTabToolTipInfo::m_pTabWnd A pointer to the tab control.
CMFCTabToolTipInfo::m_strText The tooltip text.


A pointer to a CMFCTabToolTipInfo structure is passed as a parameter of the AFX_WM_ON_GET_TAB_TOOLTIP message. This message is generated when MDI tabs are enabled and the user hovers over a tab control.


The following example shows how CMFCTabToolTipInfo is used in the MDITabsDemo Sample: MFC Tabbed MDI Application.

LRESULT CMainFrame::OnGetTabToolTip(WPARAM /*wp*/, LPARAM lp)
    CMFCTabToolTipInfo* pInfo = (CMFCTabToolTipInfo*) lp;
    ASSERT (pInfo != NULL);

    if (pInfo)
        ASSERT_VALID (pInfo->m_pTabWnd);
        if (!pInfo->m_pTabWnd->IsMDITab ())
            return 0;
        pInfo->m_strText.Format (_T("Tab #%d Custom Tooltip"), pInfo->m_nTabIndex + 1);

    return 0;

Inheritance Hierarchy



Header: afxbasetabctrl.h


Specifies the index of the tab control.

int m_nTabIndex;  


Index of the tab over which the user is hovering.


The following example shows how m_nTabIndex is used in the MDITabsDemo Sample: MFC Tabbed MDI Application.

LRESULT CMainFrame::OnGetTabToolTip(WPARAM /*wp*/, LPARAM lp)
    CMFCTabToolTipInfo* pInfo = (CMFCTabToolTipInfo*) lp;
    ASSERT (pInfo != NULL);

    if (pInfo)
        ASSERT_VALID (pInfo->m_pTabWnd);
        if (!pInfo->m_pTabWnd->IsMDITab ())
            return 0;
        pInfo->m_strText.Format (_T("Tab #%d Custom Tooltip"), pInfo->m_nTabIndex + 1);

    return 0;


A pointer to the tab control.

CMFCBaseTabCtrl* m_pTabWnd;  


The following example shows how m_pTabWnd is used in the MDITabsDemo Sample: MFC Tabbed MDI Application.

LRESULT CMainFrame::OnGetTabToolTip(WPARAM /*wp*/, LPARAM lp)
    CMFCTabToolTipInfo* pInfo = (CMFCTabToolTipInfo*) lp;
    ASSERT (pInfo != NULL);

    if (pInfo)
        ASSERT_VALID (pInfo->m_pTabWnd);
        if (!pInfo->m_pTabWnd->IsMDITab ())
            return 0;
        pInfo->m_strText.Format (_T("Tab #%d Custom Tooltip"), pInfo->m_nTabIndex + 1);

    return 0;


The tooltip text.

CString m_strText;  


If the string is empty, the tooltip is not displayed.


The following example shows how m_strText is used in the MDITabsDemo Sample: MFC Tabbed MDI Application.

LRESULT CMainFrame::OnGetTabToolTip(WPARAM /*wp*/, LPARAM lp)
    CMFCTabToolTipInfo* pInfo = (CMFCTabToolTipInfo*) lp;
    ASSERT (pInfo != NULL);

    if (pInfo)
        ASSERT_VALID (pInfo->m_pTabWnd);
        if (!pInfo->m_pTabWnd->IsMDITab ())
            return 0;
        pInfo->m_strText.Format (_T("Tab #%d Custom Tooltip"), pInfo->m_nTabIndex + 1);

    return 0;

See Also

Hierarchy Chart