Web API Functions and Actions Sample (Client-side JavaScript)

This sample contains code that demonstrates how to use Web API functions and actions using client-side JavaScript to complete the set of operations described by the Web API Functions and Actions Sample.

This code uses the DataverseWebAPI.js sample library and is designed to run in the context of a Single Page Application (SPA) sample available on GitHub. Learn more about the sample application


This code is for a Single Page Application (SPA) and doesn't represent the pattern to use with model-driven apps, Power Apps components framework (PCF) components, or Power pages. Use the Xrm.WebApi (Client API), Code components WebAPI, and Power Pages Portals Web API for these scenarios.


This sample has the same prerequisites as Quick Start Web API with client-side JavaScript and Visual Studio Code. To run this sample, you should complete the quick start first. You can use the same application registration information for that quick start to run this sample.


This sample starts when the user selects a button that triggers the following event handler:

// Add event listener to the basic operations button
document.getElementById("functionsAndActionsButton").onclick = async function () {
   runSample(new FunctionsAndActions(client, container));

The runSample function takes an instance of the FunctionsAndActions class where the constructor accepts a DataverseWebAPI.Client instance and a reference to a container to write messages to.

// Runs all samples in a consistent way
async function runSample(sample) {
  // Disable the buttons to prevent multiple clicks

  // Disable the logout button while the sample is running

  // Run the sample
  await sample.SetUp();
  await sample.Run();
  await sample.CleanUp();

  // Re-enable the buttons


This sample is different from others because it installs a managed solution that contains a bound function defined by a Custom API named sample_IsSystemAdmin included in a managed solution named IsSystemAdminFunction. The IsSystemAdminFunction_1_0_0_0_managed.js library provides the base64 encoded string value that represents the IsSystemAdminFunction_1_0_0_0_managed.zip solution file. The private #installIsSystemAdminFunctionSolution method uses this data with the ImportSolution Action to create this sample_IsSystemAdmin function.

Learn more about the IsSystemAdmin custom API sample

The following is the FunctionsAndActions class that contains the code for this sample.

import { Util } from "../scripts/Util.js";
import { DataverseWebAPI as dv } from "../scripts/DataverseWebAPI.js";
import { customizationFile } from "../solutions/IsSystemAdminFunction_1_0_0_0_managed.js";
export class FunctionsAndActions {
    * @type {dv.Client}
    * @private
   #client; // The DataverseWebAPIClient.Client instance
   #container; // The container element to display messages
   #entityStore = []; // Store for created records to delete at the end of the sample
   #util; // Util instance for utility functions
   #whoIAm; // The current user's information
   #isSystemAdminFunctionSolutionId = null; // ID of the SystemAdminFunction solution
   #name = "Functions and actions"; // Name of the sample

   // Constructor to initialize the client, container, and utility helper functions
   constructor(client, container) {
      this.#client = client;
      this.#container = container;
      this.#util = new Util(container);

   // Public functions to set up, run, and clean up data created by the sample
   async SetUp() {
      // Clear the container
      this.#util.appendMessage(this.#name + " sample started");
      // Get the current user's information
      try {
         this.#whoIAm = await this.#client.WhoAmI();

         const contosoConsulting = {
            accountcategorycode: 1,
            address1_addresstypecode: 3,
            address1_city: "Redmond",
            address1_country: "USA",
            address1_line1: "123 Maple St.",
            address1_name: "Corporate Headquarters",
            address1_postalcode: "98000",
            address1_shippingmethodcode: 4,
            address1_stateorprovince: "WA",
            address1_telephone1: "555-1234",
            customertypecode: 3,
            description: "Contoso is a business consulting company.",
            emailaddress1: "info@contoso.com",
            industrycode: 7,
            name: "Contoso Consulting",
            numberofemployees: 150,
            ownershipcode: 2,
            preferredcontactmethodcode: 2,
            telephone1: "(425) 555-1234",

         const contosoConsultingId = await this.#client.Create(
            entitySetName: "accounts",
            id: contosoConsultingId,
            entityName: "account",
            name: contosoConsulting.name,
      } catch (error) {

      this.#isSystemAdminFunctionSolutionId =
         await this.#getIsSystemAdminFunctionSolutionId();
      if (!this.#isSystemAdminFunctionSolutionId) {
            "IsSystemAdmin Function solution is not installed. Installing it now... "
         // Install the IsSystemAdmin Function solution
         await this.#installIsSystemAdminFunctionSolution();

         // Try to retrieve the ID after installing the solution
         this.#isSystemAdminFunctionSolutionId =
            await this.#getIsSystemAdminFunctionSolutionId();
         if (this.#isSystemAdminFunctionSolutionId) {
               entitySetName: "solutions",
               id: this.#isSystemAdminFunctionSolutionId,
               entityName: "solution",
               name: "IsSystemAdmin Function",

            // Pause for 30 seconds to give time for the API to be available
            await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 30000));

               "Installed IsSystemAdminFunction solution and added it to the entity store:"

         } else {
               "Failed to install retrieve the ID of the IsSystemAdminFunction solution."
      } else {
            "IsSystemAdmin Function solution is already installed."

      // Create account to share
      const accountToShare = {
         name: "Account to Share",

      try {
         const accountToShareId = await this.#client.Create(
            entitySetName: "accounts",
            id: accountToShareId,
            entityName: "account",
            name: accountToShare.name,
      } catch (error) {
            "Couldn't create the account record for sharing:" + error.message

   //#region Section 0: Install Solution in Setup

   async #getIsSystemAdminFunctionSolutionId() {
      try {
         const records = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple(
            "$select=solutionid&$filter=uniquename eq 'IsSystemAdminFunction'"

         if (records.value.length === 0) {
            return null;
         return records.value[0].solutionid;
      } catch (error) {
            `Failed to retrieve IsSystemAdminFunction solution ID: ${error.message}`

   async #installIsSystemAdminFunctionSolution() {

      // The customizationFile is a JavaScript object that contains the solution package.
      // It is imported from the IsSystemAdminFunction_1_0_0_0_managed.js file.
      // The solution package is a managed solution that contains the IsSystemAdminFunction custom API.

      const request = new Request(
         new URL(
            method: "POST",
            headers: {
               "Content-Type": "application/json",
               "Consistency": "Strong"
            body: JSON.stringify({
               OverwriteUnmanagedCustomizations: false,
               PublishWorkflows: false,
               CustomizationFile: customizationFile,
               ImportJobId: "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",

      try {
         await this.#client.Send(request);
      } catch (error) {
            `Failed to install the IsSystemAdminFunction solution: ${error.message}`

   //#endregion Section 0: Install Solution in Setup

   // Run the sample
   async Run() {
      try {
         this.#util.appendMessage("<h2>1: Unbound Function WhoAmI</h2>");
         await this.#whoAmIExample();
         this.#util.appendMessage("<h2>2: Unbound Function FormatAddress</h2>");
         await this.#formatAddressExample();
         this.#util.appendMessage("<h2>3: Unbound Function InitializeFrom</h2>");
         await this.#initializeFromExample();
            "<h2>4: Unbound Function RetrieveCurrentOrganization</h2>"
         await this.#retrieveCurrentOrganizationExample();
            "<h2>5: Unbound Function RetrieveTotalRecordCount</h2>"
         await this.#retrieveTotalRecordCountExample();
            "<h2>6: Bound Function IsSystemAdmin custom API</h2>"
         await this.#isSystemAdminExample();
         this.#util.appendMessage("<h2>7: Unbound Action GrantAccess</h2>");
         await this.#grantAccessExample();
         this.#util.appendMessage("<h2>8: Bound Action AddPrivilegesRole</h2>");
         await this.#addPrivilegesRoleExample();
      } catch (error) {
         // Try to clean up even if an error occurs
         await this.CleanUp();

   //#region Section 1: Unbound Function WhoAmI
   // Demonstrates calling the WhoAmI function
   async #whoAmIExample() {
      try {
         // Invoke the WhoAmI function

         const request = new Request(
            new URL(
               method: "GET"

         const response = await this.#client.Send(request);
         let message = [
            "<a target='_blank' href='https://learn.",
            "whoami'>WhoAmI function</a> returns the current user's information ",
            "with the properties of the <a target='_blank' href='https://learn.",
            "whoamiresponse'>WhoAmIResponse complex type</a>:",


         const data = await response.json();
         const table = this.#util.createTable(data);
      } catch (e) {
         this.#util.showError(`Failed to call WhoAmI: ${e.message}`);
         throw e;
   //#endregion Section 1: Unbound Function WhoAmI

   //#region Section 2: Unbound Function FormatAddress

   async #formatAddressExample() {
      // Function to generate aliases and parameter assignment
      // for a function where all the parameter types are strings.
      function generateStringAliasesAndAssignments(object) {
         const keys = Object.keys(object);
         const values = Object.values(object);

         // Validate that all the values are strings
         for (const value of values) {
            if (typeof value !== "string") {
               throw new Error(
                  "This function requires that all values are strings."

         // Generate aliases
         const aliases = keys
            .map((key, index) => `${key}=@p${index + 1}`)

         // Generate assigned values
         const assignedValues = keys
            .map((key, index) => `@p${index + 1}='${values[index]}'`)

         return { aliases, assignedValues };

      // Define the address object
      const address1 = {
         Line1: "123 Maple St.",
         City: "Seattle",
         StateOrProvince: "WA",
         PostalCode: "98007",
         Country: "USA",

      // Call the FormatAddress function
      try {
         const { aliases, assignedValues } =

         const request = new Request(
            new URL(
               `FormatAddress(${aliases})?${assignedValues}`.replace(/'/g, "%27"),
               method: "GET"
         const response = await this.#client.Send(request);
         const data = await response.json();

         const message = [
            "<a target='_blank' href='https://learn.",
            "formataddress'>FormatAddress function</a> returns a formatted address ",
            "with the properties of the <a target='_blank' href='https://learn.",
            "formataddressresponse'>FormatAddressResponse complex type</a>:",


         const addressMessage = [
            "<strong>Formatted US Address:</strong>",
            `<div style="white-space: pre-line;">${data.Address}</div>`

      } catch (error) {
         this.#util.showError(`Failed to format address1: ${error.message}`);

      // Define a new  address object
      const address2 = {
         Line1: "1-2-3 Sakura",
         City: "Nagoya",
         StateOrProvince: "Aichi",
         PostalCode: "455-2345",
         Country: "JAPAN",

      try {
         const { aliases, assignedValues } =
         const request = new Request(
            new URL(
               `FormatAddress(${aliases})?${assignedValues}`.replace(/'/g, "%27"),
               method: "GET"
         const response = await this.#client.Send(request);
         const data = await response.json();

         const addressMessage = [
            "<strong>Formatted US Address:</strong>",
            `<div style="white-space: pre-line;">${data.Address}</div>`

      } catch (error) {
         this.#util.showError(`Failed to format address2: ${error.message}`);

   //#endregion Section 2: Unbound Function FormatAddress

   //#region Section 3: Unbound Function InitializeFrom

   async #initializeFromExample() {
      // Get the account ID for Contoso Consulting created in SetUp
      const contosoAccountId = this.#entityStore.find(
         (item) => item.name === "Contoso Consulting"

      const aliases = [

      const assignedValues = [

      const request = new Request(
         new URL(
            `InitializeFrom(${aliases})?${assignedValues}`.replace(/'/g, "%27"),
            method: "GET"

      // Will set the data for the new record.
      let newaccount = null;
      try {
         // const response = await this.#client.SendRequest(intializeFromRequest);
         const response = await this.#client.Send(request);
         // Check if the response is successful

         let message = [
            "The <a target='_blank' href='https://learn.",
            "initializefrom'>InitializeFrom function</a> returns a ",
            "<a target='_blank' href='https://learn.microsoft.com/power-apps/",
            " object with the following properties that ",
            "provide default values copied from the source record:",


         const data = await response.json();
         newaccount = data;
         const table = this.#util.createTable(newaccount, false);
      } catch (error) {
         this.#util.showError(`Failed to initialize from: ${error.message}`);

      if (newaccount) {
         // Create a new account using the initialized values
         newaccount.name = "Contoso Consulting Chicago Branch";
         newaccount.address1_city = "Chicago";
         newaccount.address1_line1 = "456 Elm St.";
         newaccount.address1_name = "Chicago Branch Office";
         newaccount.address1_postalcode = "60007";
         newaccount.address1_stateorprovince = "IL";
         newaccount.address1_telephone1 = "(312) 555-3456";
         newaccount.numberofemployees = 12;

         // Remove the ownerid@odata.bind property from the new account object
         // if it exists. This will only occur if this column is mapped.
         // This column should not be mapped.
         // The calling user will be set as the owner of the new record.
         if (newaccount["ownerid@odata.bind"]) {
            delete newaccount["ownerid@odata.bind"];

         // Converts object properties to an array of strings
         // that can be used with $select.
         function getSelectablePropertyNames(obj) {
            const result = {};
            for (const key in obj) {
               if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
                  if (!key.startsWith("@")) {
                     if (key.endsWith("@odata.bind")) {
                        const newKey = "_" + key.replace(/@odata\.bind$/, "_value");
                        result[newKey] = obj[key];
                     } else {
                        result[key] = obj[key];
            return Object.keys(result);

         // Transform the object to remove @odata.bind properties
         const columns = getSelectablePropertyNames(newaccount);

         try {
            const contosoChicago = await this.#client.CreateRetrieve(
               entitySetName: "accounts",
               id: contosoChicago.accountid,
               entityName: "account",
               name: newaccount.name,

               `New ${contosoChicago.name} account record created.`
            const table = this.#util.createTable(contosoChicago, true);
         } catch (error) {
               `Failed to create new record using payload from initializeFrom message: ${error.message}`

   //#endregion Section 3: Unbound Function InitializeFrom

   //#region Section 4: Unbound Function RetrieveCurrentOrganization

   async #retrieveCurrentOrganizationExample() {
      try {

         const request = new Request(
            new URL(
               "RetrieveCurrentOrganization(AccessType=@p1)?" +
               method: "GET"
         const response = await this.#client.Send(request);
         const data = await response.json();

         let message = [
            "<a target='_blank' ",
            "RetrieveCurrentOrganization function</a> returns the current ",
            "organization information with the properties of the ",
            "<a target='_blank' href='https://learn.microsoft.com/power-apps",
            "RetrieveCurrentOrganizationResponse complex type</a>. ",
            "The <strong>Details</strong> property contains the following information:",

         const table = this.#util.createTable(data.Detail);
      } catch (error) {
            `Failed to retrieve current organization: ${error.message}`
   //#endregion Section 4: Unbound Function RetrieveCurrentOrganization

   //#region Section 5: Unbound Function RetrieveTotalRecordCount

   async #retrieveTotalRecordCountExample() {
      let message = [
         "<a target='_blank' ",
         "RetrieveTotalRecordCount function</a> returns the current ",
         "organization information with the properties of the ",
         "<a target='_blank' href='https://learn.microsoft.com/power-apps/",
         "RetrieveTotalRecordCountResponse  complex type</a>. ",
         "The <strong>EntityRecordCountCollection</strong> property contains the following information:",

      const request = new Request(
         new URL(
            method: "GET"

      try {
         const response = await this.#client.Send(request);
         const data = await response.json();

            "The number of records for each table according to RetrieveTotalRecordCount:"

         const keys = data.EntityRecordCountCollection.Keys;
         const values = data.EntityRecordCountCollection.Values;

         const tableRecordCounts = {};
         for (let i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
            tableRecordCounts[keys[i]] = values[i];

         const table = this.#util.createTable(tableRecordCounts, false);
      } catch (error) {
            `Failed to retrieve total record count: ${error.message}`

   //#endregion Section 5: Unbound Function RetrieveTotalRecordCount

   //#region Section 6: Bound Function IsSystemAdmin custom API

   async #isSystemAdminExample() {
      let startMessage = [
         "The <strong>sample_IsSystemAdmin</strong> function is a ",
         "custom API that checks if the user has the system administrator role. ",
         "It is bound to the system user table and returns a boolean value ",
         "indicating whether the user is a system administrator.",
         "<br />",
         "This function is contained within a solution called ",
         "<strong>IsSystemAdminFunction</strong> that is installed if it isn't found ",
         "when the samples starts, and is deleted at the end of the sample if it was installed.",
         "The sample calls the <strong>sample_IsSystemAdmin</strong> function for the ",
         "first 10 enabled interactive users in the system who do not have a # ",
         "character in their name and are enabled.",
         "<a target='_blank' href='https://learn.microsoft.com/power-apps/developer/",
         "data-platform/org-service/samples/issystemadmin-customapi-sample-plugin'> ",
         "Learn more about how this custom API was created</a>.",


      // Check if the IsSystemAdminFunction solution is installed
      if (!this.#isSystemAdminFunctionSolutionId) {
         this.#util.showError("IsSystemAdminFunction solution is not installed.");

      // Get top 10 user records that don't start with # character
      const records = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple(
            "$filter=not contains(fullname,'%23') and accessmode eq 0",

      // Check if each user is a system admin
      const checkPromises = records.value.map((record) =>
      const results = await Promise.all(checkPromises);

      let message = [];

      results.forEach(({ record, isSystemAdmin }) => {
         let item = [
            isSystemAdmin ? " <strong>HAS</strong> " : " does not have ",
            "the system administrator role.",

      this.#util.appendMessage(message.join(""), null, "ul");

   async #checkIsSystemAdmin(record) {
      if (!record || !record.systemuserid) {
         this.#util.showError("Invalid record or systemuserid.");
         return { record, isSystemAdmin: false };

      const request = new Request(
         new URL(
            method: "GET"

      try {
         const response = await this.#client.Send(request);
         const data = await response.json();
         return { record, isSystemAdmin: data.HasRole };
      } catch (error) {
            `Failed to check IsSystemAdmin for user ${record.systemuserid}: ${error.message}`
         return { record, isSystemAdmin: false };
   //#endregion Section 6: Bound Function IsSystemAdmin custom API

   //#region Section 7: Unbound Action GrantAccess

   async #grantAccessExample() {
      const startMessage = [
         "Use the <a target='_blank' ",
         "webapi/reference/grantaccess'>GrantAccess action</a> ",
         "to grant access rights to a record for ",
         "a principal, which means a user or team. ",
         "This unbound action requires a reference to ",
         "the record using the <strong>Target</strong> parameter. ",
         "The <strong>PrincipalAccess</strong> parameter contains ",
         "data about the principal and the access rights to be granted ",
         "using a <a target='_blank' ",
         "/webapi/reference/principalaccess'>PrincipalAccess complex type</a> ",


      // Get the ID for "Account to Share" account record created in SetUp
      const accountToShareId = this.#entityStore.find(
         (item) => item.name === "Account to Share"

      // Get an enabled, interactive user other than current user
      let otherUser = null;
      try {
         const records = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple(
                  "$filter=systemuserid ne ",
                  " and isdisabled eq false",
                  " and accessmode eq 0",
                  " and not startswith(fullname,'%23')",

         if (records.value.length > 0) {
            otherUser = records.value[0];
         } else {
               "No other enabled interactive users found in the system. Can't demonstrate the GrantAccess action."
      } catch (error) {
         this.#util.showError(`Failed to retrieve other user: ${error.message}`);

      if (otherUser && accountToShareId) {
         const accessRights = await this.#retrievePrincipalAccessRequest(

         // Display the access rights
               " has the following access rights to the account record: ",

         // Show if the user has DeleteAccess rights
               accessRights.includes("DeleteAccess") ? " has " : " does not have ",
               "DeleteAccess rights to the account record.",

         // Give them DeleteAccess rights if they don't have it
         if (!accessRights.includes("DeleteAccess")) {
            // Prepare the body for the GrantAccess request
            const grantAccessBody = {
               Target: {
                  accountid: accountToShareId,
                  "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.account",
               PrincipalAccess: {
                  Principal: {
                     systemuserid: otherUser.systemuserid,
                     "@odata.type": "Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.systemuser",
                  AccessMask: "DeleteAccess",

            const request = new Request(
               new URL("GrantAccess", this.#client.apiEndpoint),
                  method: "POST",
                  headers: {
                     "Content-Type": "application/json",
                  body: JSON.stringify(grantAccessBody),

            try {
               // Send the GrantAccess request
               await this.#client.Send(request);
                  `Granted DeleteAccess rights to ${otherUser.fullname} for the account record.`
            } catch (error) {
               this.#util.showError(`Failed to grant access: ${error.message}`);

            // Retrieve the updated access rights
            const updatedAccessRights = await this.#retrievePrincipalAccessRequest(

            if (updatedAccessRights.includes("DeleteAccess")) {
                  `${otherUser.fullname} DeleteAccess rights to the account record is confirmed.`
            } else {
                  `${otherUser.fullname} still does not have DeleteAccess rights to the account record.`
         } else {
               `${otherUser.fullname} already has DeleteAccess rights to the account record.`

    * Retrieves the principal access rights for a given system user and account.
    * @param {string} systemUserId - The ID of the system user.
    * @param {string} accountid - The ID of the account.
    * @returns {Promise<string>} A promise that resolves to the access rights of the principal.
    * @throws Will throw an error if the request fails.
    * @private
   async #retrievePrincipalAccessRequest(systemUserId, accountid) {

      const request = new Request(
         new URL(
            `systemusers(${systemUserId})/Microsoft.Dynamics.CRM.RetrievePrincipalAccess` +
            `(Target=@p1)?@p1={ '@odata.id':'accounts(${accountid})'}`,
            method: "GET"

      try {
         const response = await this.#client.Send(request);
         const data = await response.json();
         return data.AccessRights;
      } catch (error) {
            `Failed to retrieve principal access for user ${systemUserId} and account ${accountid}: ${error.message}`

   //#endregion Section 7: Unbound Action GrantAccess

   //#region Section 8: Bound Action AddPrivilegesRole

   async #addPrivilegesRoleExample() {
      const startMessage = [
         "Use the <a target='_blank' href='https://learn.microsoft.",
         "addprivilegesrole'>AddPrivilegesRole action</a> to add privileges to a security role. ",
         "This action is bound to the <a target='_blank' href='htt",
         "rm/webapi/reference/role'>role entity type</a>. ",
         "The <strong>Target</strong> parameter contains a reference to the record.",
         "The <strong>Privileges</strong> parameter contains data ",
         "about the privileges to be added.",
         "Use a collection of <a target='_blank' href='https://lea",
         "i/reference/roleprivilege'>RolePrivilege complex type</a> ",
         "instances. to set the privileges.",
         "RolePrivilege are added to the role in the context of a business unit,",
         " in this case the user's business unit. ",
         "Each RolePrivilege must have a <strong>Depth</strong> assigned using <a targ",
         "et='_blank' href='https://learn.microsoft.com/power-apps/",
         "PrivilegeDepth enum type</a> values.",
         "The Depth value is set to <strong>Basic</strong> in this ",

      // Create a security role to add privileges to
      const role = {
         "businessunitid@odata.bind": `businessunits(${this.#whoIAm.BusinessUnitId
         name: "Test Role",

      let roleId = null;
      try {
         roleId = await this.#client.Create("roles", role);
         // To delete later
            entitySetName: "roles",
            id: roleId,
            entityName: "role",
            name: role.name,

         this.#util.appendMessage(`Created a security role named ${role.name}.`);
      } catch (error) {
         this.#util.showError(`Failed to create security role: ${error.message}`);

      if (roleId) {
         try {
            // Show the current privileges for the role
            await this.#showRolePrivileges(roleId, role.name);
         } catch (error) {

         // Retrieve the prvCreateAccount and prvReadAccount privileges

         try {
            const privileges = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple(
                  "$filter=name eq 'prvCreateAccount' or name eq 'prvReadAccount'",

            let rolePrivileges = [];

            privileges.value.forEach((privilege) => {
                  BusinessUnitId: this.#whoIAm.BusinessUnitId,
                  Depth: "Basic",
                  PrivilegeId: privilege.privilegeid,
                  PrivilegeName: privilege.name,

            const request = new Request(
               new URL(
                  method: "POST",
                  headers: {
                     "Content-Type": "application/json",
                  body: JSON.stringify({ Privileges: rolePrivileges }),

            // Send the request to add the privileges
            try {
               await this.#client.Send(request);

                  `Added the 'prvCreateAccount' and 'prvReadAccount' privileges to the ${role.name} security role:`

               try {
                  // Show the updated privileges for the role
                  await this.#showRolePrivileges(roleId, role.name);
               } catch (error) {
            } catch (error) {
                  `Failed to add privileges to the security role: ${error.message}`
         } catch (error) {
               `Failed to retrieve 'prvCreateAccount' and 'prvReadAccount' privileges: ${error.message}`
      } else {
            "Failed to create security role. Cannot add privileges."

   async #showRolePrivileges(roleId, name) {
      // Get the roles currently associated with the role

      try {
         const rolePrivileges = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple(

            `The ${name} security role has the following ${rolePrivileges.value.length} privileges:`
         let list = [];
         rolePrivileges.value.forEach((privilege) => {
         this.#util.appendMessage(list.join(""), null, "ul");
      } catch (error) {
         throw new Error(
            `Failed to retrieve privileges for role ${roleId}: ${error.message}`

   //#endregion Section 8: Bound Action AddPrivilegesRole

   // Clean up the created records
   async CleanUp() {
      if (this.#entityStore.length === 0) {
         this.#util.appendMessage("No records to delete");

      this.#util.appendMessage("<h2>9: Delete sample records</h2>");
      this.#util.appendMessage("Deleting the records created by this sample:");

      let deleteMessageList = document.createElement("ul");

      for (const item of this.#entityStore) {
         try {
            await this.#client.Delete(item.entitySetName, item.id);
            const message = document.createElement("li");
            message.textContent = `Deleted ${item.entityName} ${item.name}`;
         } catch (e) {
            const message = document.createElement("li");
            message.textContent = `Failed to delete ${item.entityName} ${item.name}`;
            message.className = "error";

      // Set the entity store to an empty array
      this.#entityStore = [];
      this.#util.appendMessage(this.#name + " sample completed.");
      this.#util.appendMessage("<a href='#'>Go to top</a>");

See also

Use the Dataverse Web API
Use Web API functions
Use Web API actions
Web API Samples
Web API Functions and Actions Sample
Web API Functions and Actions Sample (C#)
Web API Samples (Client-side JavaScript)
Web API Basic Operations Sample (Client-side JavaScript)
Web API Query Data Sample (Client-side JavaScript)
Web API Conditional Operations Sample (Client-side JavaScript)