Web API Basic Operations Sample (client-side JavaScript)

This sample contains code that demonstrates how to perform basic CRUD (create, retrieve, update, and delete) and association and dissociation operations on tables rows (entity records) using client-side JavaScript. This sample completes the set of operations described by the Web API Basic Operations Sample.

This code uses the DataverseWebAPI.js sample library and is designed to run in the context of a Single Page Application (SPA) sample available on GitHub. Learn more about the sample application


This code is for a Single Page Application (SPA) and doesn't represent the pattern to use with model-driven apps, Power Apps components framework (PCF) components, or Power pages. Use the Xrm.WebApi (Client API), Code components WebAPI, and Power Pages Portals Web API for these scenarios.


This sample has the same prerequisites as Quick Start Web API with client-side JavaScript and Visual Studio Code. To run this sample, you should complete the quick start first. You can use the same application registration information for that quick start to run this sample.


This sample starts when the user selects a button that triggers the following event handler:

// Add event listener to the basic operations button
document.getElementById("basicOperationsButton").onclick = async function () {
   runSample(new BasicOperationsSample(client, container));

The runSample function takes an instance of the BasicOperationsSample class where the constructor accepts a DataverseWebAPI.Client instance and a reference to a container to write messages to.

// Runs all samples in a consistent way
async function runSample(sample) {
  // Disable the buttons to prevent multiple clicks

  // Disable the logout button while the sample is running

  // Run the sample
  await sample.SetUp();
  await sample.Run();
  await sample.CleanUp();

  // Re-enable the buttons


The following is the BasicOperationsSample class that contains the code for this sample.

import { Util } from "../scripts/Util.js";
import { DataverseWebAPI as dv } from "../scripts/DataverseWebAPI.js";
export class BasicOperationsSample {
   * @type {dv.Client}
   * @private
  #client; // The DataverseWebAPIClient.Client instance
  #container; // The container element to display messages
  #entityStore = []; // Store for created records to delete at the end of the sample
  #whoIAm; // Store for the current user's information
  #util; // Util instance for utility functions
  #name = "Basic Operations";

  // Constructor to initialize the client, container, and utility helper functions
  constructor(client, container) {
    this.#client = client;
    this.#container = container;
    this.#util = new Util(container);

  // Public functions to set up, run, and clean up data created by the sample
  async SetUp() {
    // Clear the container
    this.#util.appendMessage(this.#name + " sample started");
    // Get the current user's information
    try {
      this.#whoIAm = await this.#client.WhoAmI();
    } catch (error) {
  // Run the sample
  async Run() {
    try {
      // Section 1: Basic create and update operations
        "<h2>1: Basic create and update operations</h2>"
      const rafelShilloId = await this.#createContact();
      await this.#updateContact(rafelShilloId);
      await this.#retrieveContact(rafelShilloId);
      await this.#updateContactAgain(rafelShilloId);
      await this.#retrieveContact(rafelShilloId);
      await this.#setPhoneNumber(rafelShilloId);
      await this.#getPhoneNumber(rafelShilloId);
      // Section 2: Create with association
      this.#util.appendMessage("<h2>2: Create with association</h2>");
      const contosoAccountId = await this.#createWithAssociation(rafelShilloId);
      await this.#retrievePrimaryContactFromAccount(contosoAccountId);
      // Section 3: Create related table rows (deep insert)
        "<h2>3: Create related table rows (deep insert)</h2>"
      const fourthCoffeeId = await this.#createRelatedTableRows();
      const susieCurtisId = await this.#retrieveFourthCoffeePrimaryContact(
      await this.#retrieveContactRelatedTasks(susieCurtisId);
      // Section 4: Associate and disassociate existing entities
        "<h2>4: Associate and disassociate existing entities</h2>"
      await this.#associateContactToAccount(fourthCoffeeId, rafelShilloId);
      await this.#showRelatedContacts(fourthCoffeeId);
      const roleId = await this.#createSecurityRole();
      await this.#associateRoleToUser(roleId);
      await this.#retrieveRelatedRole(roleId);
      await this.#disassociateRoleFromUser(roleId);
    } catch (error) {
      // Try to clean up even if an error occurs
      await this.CleanUp();

  //#region Section 1: Basic create and update operations
  // Demonstrates creating a record
  async #createContact() {
    const contact = {
      firstname: "Rafel",
      lastname: "Shillo",
    try {
      const contactId = await this.#client.Create("contacts", contact);
        `Created contact: ${contact.firstname} ${contact.lastname}`
      // To delete later
        name: `${contact.firstname} ${contact.lastname}`,
        entityName: "contact",
        entitySetName: "contacts",
        id: contactId,
      return contactId;
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError(`Failed to create contact: ${e.message}`);
      throw e;

  // Demonstrates updating a record
  async #updateContact(contactId) {
    const contact = {
      annualincome: 80000,
      jobtitle: "Junior Developer",
    try {
      await this.#client.Update("contacts", contactId, contact);
        `Updated contact setting new job title and annual income.`
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to update contact.");
      throw e;

  // Demonstrates retrieving a record
  async #retrieveContact(contactId) {
    try {
      const contact = await this.#client.Retrieve(

      this.#util.appendMessage(`Retrieved contact with id: ${contactId}`);
      const table = this.#util.createTable(contact);
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve contact.");
      throw e;

  // Demonstrates updating the record again.
  async #updateContactAgain(contactId) {
    const contact = {
      annualincome: 95000,
      jobtitle: "Senior Developer",
      description: "Assignment to-be-determined",
    try {
      await this.#client.Update("contacts", contactId, contact);
        `Updated contact setting new job title, annual income, and description.`
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to update contact.");
      throw e;

  // Demonstrates setting a single value on a record
  async #setPhoneNumber(contactId) {
    const phoneNumber = "555-0105";
    try {
      await this.#client.SetValue(
      this.#util.appendMessage(`Set contact phone number to: ${phoneNumber}`);
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to update contact.");
      throw e;

  // Demonstrates retrieving a single value from a record
  async #getPhoneNumber(contactId) {
    try {
      const phoneNumber = await this.#client.GetValue(
        `Contact's telephone number is: ${phoneNumber}.`
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve contact phone number.");
      throw e;
  //#endregion Section 1: Basic create and update operations

  //#region Section 2: Create with association

  // Demonstrates creating a record with an association to another record
  async #createWithAssociation(contactId) {
    // Use the @odata.bind notation to create an account associated with an existing primary contact
    const contosoAccount = {
      name: "Contoso Ltd",
      telephone1: "555-5555",
      "primarycontactid@odata.bind": "contacts(" + contactId + ")",

    try {
      const accountId = await this.#client.Create("accounts", contosoAccount);

      this.#util.appendMessage(`Created ${contosoAccount.name} account`);
        name: contosoAccount.name,
        entityName: "account",
        entitySetName: "accounts",
        id: accountId,
      return accountId;
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError(`Failed to create account: ${e.message}`);
      throw e;

  // Demonstrates retrieving a record with an associated record
  async #retrievePrimaryContactFromAccount(accountId) {
    try {
      const account = await this.#client.Retrieve(

        `Account '${account.name}' has primary contact '${account.primarycontactid.fullname}':`
      const table = this.#util.createTable(account.primarycontactid);
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError("Failed to retrieve account.");
      throw e;

  //#endregion Section 2: Create with association

  //#region Section 3: Create related table rows (deep insert)

  // Demonstrates creating a record with related table rows (deep insert)
  async #createRelatedTableRows() {
    const fourthCoffee = {
      name: "Fourth Coffee",
      primarycontactid: {
        firstname: "Susie",
        lastname: "Curtis",
        jobtitle: "Coffee Master",
        annualincome: 48000,
        Contact_Tasks: [
            subject: "Sign invoice",
            description: "Invoice #12321",
            scheduledstart: new Date(Date.UTC(2025, 3, 18, 20)),
            scheduledend: new Date(Date.UTC(2025, 3, 18, 21)),
            scheduleddurationminutes: 60,
            subject: "Setup new display",
            description: "Theme is - Spring is in the air",
            scheduledstart: new Date(Date.UTC(2025, 4, 18, 20)),
            scheduledend: new Date(Date.UTC(2025, 4, 18, 21)),
            scheduleddurationminutes: 60,
            subject: "Conduct training",
            description: "Train team on making our new blended coffee",
            scheduledstart: new Date(Date.UTC(2025, 4, 21, 20)),
            scheduledend: new Date(Date.UTC(2025, 4, 21, 21)),
            scheduleddurationminutes: 60,
    try {
      const accountId = await this.#client.Create("accounts", fourthCoffee);
      this.#util.appendMessage(`Account '${fourthCoffee.name}' created.`);
        name: fourthCoffee.name,
        entityName: "account",
        entitySetName: "accounts",
        id: accountId,
      return accountId;
    } catch (e) {
        `Failed to create account '${fourthCoffee.name}' : ${e.message}.`
      throw e;

  // Demonstrates retrieving a record with related table rows
  async #retrieveFourthCoffeePrimaryContact(fourthCoffeeId) {
    try {
      const account = await this.#client.Retrieve(
        `Account '${account.name}' has primary contact '${account.primarycontactid.fullname}':`
      const table = this.#util.createTable(account.primarycontactid);
      return account.primarycontactid.contactid;
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError(`Failed to retrieve account: ${e.message}`);
      throw e;

  // Demonstrates retrieving a record with related table rows
  async #retrieveContactRelatedTasks(contactId) {
    try {
      const contact = await this.#client.Retrieve(
        `Contact has ${contact.Contact_Tasks.length} related tasks:`

      let taskList = document.createElement("ul");
      for (const task of contact.Contact_Tasks) {
        const taskItem = this.#util.appendMessage(
          `Task: ${task.subject}`,
        const table = this.#util.createTable(task);
    } catch (e) {
        `Failed to retrieve contact with related tasks: ${e.message}`
      throw e;
  //#endregion Section 3: Create related table rows (deep insert)

  //#region Section 4: Associate and disassociate existing entities

  async #associateContactToAccount(accountId, contactId) {
    try {
      await this.#client.Associate(
        "Associated contact Rafel Shillo to account Contoso Ltd."
    } catch (e) {
        `Failed to associate contact with id: ${contactId} to account with id: ${accountId}: ${e.message}`
      throw e;

  // Demonstrates retrieving related records
  async #showRelatedContacts(accountId) {
    try {
      const contacts = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple(
        "accounts(" + accountId + ")/contact_customer_accounts",
        `Account has ${contacts.value.length} related contacts:`
      let contactList = document.createElement("ul");
      for (const contact of contacts.value) {
        const contactItem = this.#util.appendMessage(
          `Name: ${contact.fullname}`,
        const table = this.#util.createTable(contact);
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError(`Failed to retrieve related contacts: ${e.message}`);
      throw e;

  async #createSecurityRole() {
    const role = {
      name: "Example Security Role",
      "businessunitid@odata.bind": `businessunits(${

    try {
      const roleId = await this.#client.Create("roles", role);
        `Created the ${role.name} security role with id: ${roleId}`
      // To delete later
        name: role.name,
        entityName: "role",
        entitySetName: "roles",
        id: roleId,
      return roleId;
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError(`Failed to create a security role: ${e.message}`);
      throw e;

  async #associateRoleToUser(roleId) {
    try {
      await this.#client.Associate(
        "Security Role 'Example Security Role' associated with to your user account."
    } catch (e) {
        `Failed to associate role with id: ${roleId} to user with id: ${
        }: ${e.message}`
      throw e;

  // Verifies that the role is associated with the user
  async #retrieveRelatedRole(roleId) {
    try {
      const roles = await this.#client.RetrieveMultiple(
        `$select=name&$filter=roleid eq ${roleId}&$top=1`
      if (roles.value.length > 0) {
        this.#util.appendMessage(`Role is associated with user.`);
    } catch (e) {
      this.#util.showError(`Failed to retrieve related role: ${e.message}`);
      throw e;

  async #disassociateRoleFromUser(roleId) {
    try {
      await this.#client.Disassociate(
        "Security Role 'Example Security Role' disassociated from your user account."
    } catch (e) {
        `Failed to disassociate role with id: ${roleId} from user with id: ${
        }: ${e.message}`
      throw e;

  //#endregion Section 4: Associate and disassociate existing entities

  // Clean up the created records
  async CleanUp() {
    this.#util.appendMessage("Deleting the records created by this sample");

    let deleteMessageList = document.createElement("ul");

    for (const item of this.#entityStore) {
      try {
        await this.#client.Delete(item.entitySetName, item.id);
        const message = document.createElement("li");
        message.textContent = `Deleted ${item.entityName} ${item.name}`;
      } catch (e) {
        const message = document.createElement("li");
        message.textContent = `Failed to delete ${item.entityName} ${item.name}`;
        message.className = "error";

    // Set the entity store to an empty array
    this.#entityStore = [];
    this.#util.appendMessage(this.#name + " sample completed.");
    this.#util.appendMessage("<a href='#'>Go to top</a>");

See also

Use the Dataverse Web API
Create a table row using the Web API
Retrieve a table row using the Web API
Update and delete table rows using the Web API
Web API Samples
Web API Basic Operations Sample
Web API Basic Operations Sample (C#)
Web API Samples (Client-side JavaScript)
Web API Query Data Sample (Client-side JavaScript)
Web API Conditional Operations Sample (Client-side JavaScript)
Web API Functions and Actions Sample (Client-side JavaScript)