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Reference material for XStore APIs.

Provides commerce related functionality to a game including, details about available content to purchase, downloadable content package management, license management, and game trials.


Function Description
XStoreAcquireLicenseForDurablesAsync Acquires a license for the specified durable.
XStoreAcquireLicenseForDurablesResult Retrieves the result of a call to XStoreAcquireLicenseForDurablesAsync.
XStoreAcquireLicenseForPackageAsync Acquires a license for a game's DLC that the user is entitled to use.
XStoreAcquireLicenseForPackageResult Retrieves the results of a call to XStoreAcquireLicenseForPackageAsync.
XStoreCanAcquireLicenseForPackageAsync Retrieves a preview license for DLC.
XStoreCanAcquireLicenseForPackageResult Gets the results for a call to XStoreCanAcquireLicenseForPackageAsync.
XStoreCanAcquireLicenseForStoreIdAsync Retrieves a preview license for content.
XStoreCanAcquireLicenseForStoreIdResult Gets the results for a call to XStoreCanAcquireLicenseForStoreIdAsync.
XStoreCloseContextHandle Closes the specified store context handle.
XStoreCloseLicenseHandle Closes the specified store license handle.
XStoreCloseProductsQueryHandle Closes the specified store products query handle.
XStoreCreateContext Creates a store context for the specified user.
XStoreDownloadAndInstallPackagesAsync Downloads and installs the specified store packages.
XStoreDownloadAndInstallPackagesResult Gets the results for a call to XStoreDownloadAndInstallPackagesAsync.
XStoreDownloadAndInstallPackagesResultCount Gets the number of items in the result that will be returned by XStoreDownloadAndInstallPackagesResult.
XStoreDownloadAndInstallPackageUpdatesAsync Downloads and installs updates for the specified store packages.
XStoreDownloadAndInstallPackageUpdatesResult Gets the results for a call to XStoreDownloadAndInstallPackageUpdatesAsync.
XStoreDownloadPackageUpdatesAsync Downloads updates for the specified packages.
XStoreDownloadPackageUpdatesResult Gets the results for a call to XStoreDownloadPackageUpdatesAsync.
XStoreEnumerateProductsQuery Enumerates the results of a products query.
XStoreGameLicenseChangedCallback A game defined callback for the game license changed event.
XStoreGetUserCollectionsIdAsync Gets a customer collections ID.
XStoreGetUserCollectionsIdResult Gets the results of a call to XStoreGetUserCollectionsIdAsync.
XStoreGetUserCollectionsIdResultSize Gets the size of the ID returned by XStoreGetUserCollectionsIdResult.
XStoreGetUserPurchaseIdAsync Retrieves a customer purchase ID.
XStoreGetUserPurchaseIdResult Gets the result of a call to XStoreGetUserPurchaseIdAsync.
XStoreGetUserPurchaseIdResultSize Gets the size of the result returned by XStoreGetUserPurchaseIdResult.
XStoreIsLicenseValid Checks if the specified license is valid.
XStorePackageLicenseLostCallback Game defined callback for the license lost event.
XStoreProductQueryCallback Game defined callback for a product query.
XStoreProductsQueryHasMorePages Checks if there are more results pages for the specified query.
XStoreProductsQueryNextPageAsync Gets the next page of query results.
XStoreProductsQueryNextPageResult Gets the next page of results from a product query.
XStoreQueryAddOnLicensesAsync Enumerates the licenses the user was granted for durables without bits of the currently running game.
XStoreQueryAddOnLicensesResult Retrieves the result of a call to XStoreQueryAddOnLicensesAsync.
XStoreQueryAddOnLicensesResultCount Gets the number of licenses retrieved by XStoreQueryAddonLicensesAsync.
XStoreQueryAssociatedProductsAsync Gets store listing information for the products that can be purchased from within the current game.
XStoreQueryAssociatedProductsForStoreIdAsync Gets store listing information for the products that can be purchased from the product specified by the Store ID.
XStoreQueryAssociatedProductsForStoreIdResult Gets the results for a call to XStoreQueryAssociatedProductsForStoreIdAsync.
XStoreQueryAssociatedProductsResult Gets the results for a call to XStoreQueryAssociatedProductsAsync.
XStoreQueryConsumableBalanceRemainingAsync Get the consumable balance remaining for the specified product ID.
XStoreQueryConsumableBalanceRemainingResult Retrieves the results of a call to XStoreQueryConsumableBalanceRemainingAsync.
XStoreQueryEntitledProductsAsync Provides the Store product information for all add-ons of the current game the user has purchased.
XStoreQueryEntitledProductsResult Gets the results for a call to XStoreQueryEntitledProductsAsync.
XStoreQueryGameAndDlcPackageUpdatesAsync Gets game and optional updates for the current package.
XStoreQueryGameAndDlcPackageUpdatesResult Gets the result for a call to XStoreQueryGameAndDlcPackageUpdatesAsync.
XStoreQueryGameAndDlcPackageUpdatesResultCount Gets the number of updates retrieved by XStoreQueryGameAndDlcPackageUpdatesAsync.
XStoreQueryGameLicenseAsync Retrieves information about the license that was acquired to allow the game to launch.
XStoreQueryGameLicenseResult Gets the results of a call to XStoreQueryGameLicenseAsync.
XStoreQueryLicenseTokenAsync Provides an opaque token to the calling game that can be passed to the game's service to make B2B calls.
XStoreQueryLicenseTokenResult Retrieves the results of a call to XStoreQueryLicenseTokenAsync.
XStoreQueryLicenseTokenResultSize Gets the size of the result that will be returned by XstoreQueryLicenseTokenResult.
XStoreQueryPackageIdentifier Retrieves the package identifier for the specified store ID.
XStoreQueryPackageUpdatesAsync Retrieves the available updates for the packages specified.
XStoreQueryPackageUpdatesResult Gets the result for a call to XStoreQueryPackageUpdatesAsync.
XStoreQueryPackageUpdatesResultCount Gets the number of updates retrieved by XStoreQueryPackageUpdatesAsync.
XStoreQueryProductForCurrentGameAsync Provides store product information for the currently running game, its skus and availabilities, and other metadata.
XStoreQueryProductForCurrentGameResult Gets the results for a call to XStoreQueryProductForCurrentGameAsync.
XStoreQueryProductForPackageAsync Retrieves store product information for the specified package.
XStoreQueryProductForPackageResult Gets the results of a call to XStoreQueryProductForPackageAsync.
XStoreQueryProductsAsync Returns listing information for the specified products that are associated with the current game, regardless of whether the products are currently available for purchase within the current game.
XStoreQueryProductsResult Gets the results for a call to XStoreQueryProductsAsync.
XStoreRegisterGameLicenseChanged Registers a callback for the game license changed event.
XStoreRegisterPackageLicenseLost Registers a callback for the license lost event.
XStoreReportConsumableFulfillmentAsync Consumes the specified quantity of a consumable.
XStoreReportConsumableFulfillmentResult Gets the results of a call to XStoreReportConsumableFulfillmentAsync.
XStoreShowAssociatedProductsUIAsync This will open up the Microsoft Store app and show the set of available add-ons associated with the game. This can be further filtered by product type.
XStoreShowAssociatedProductsUIResult Gets the result of a call to XStoreShowAssociatedProductsUIAsync.
XStoreShowGiftingUIAsync Allows the game to request purchasing a particular store product as a gift for another user.
XStoreShowGiftingUIResult Gets the results of a call to XStoreShowGiftingUIAsync.
XStoreShowProductPageUIAsync Opens the Store app directly to the details page of the specified ProductId.
XStoreShowProductPageUIResult Gets the result of a call to XStoreShowProductPageUIAsync.
XStoreShowPurchaseUIAsync Allows the game to request a purchase for a particular store product.
XStoreShowPurchaseUIResult Gets the results of a call to XStoreShowPurchaseUIAsync.
XStoreShowRateAndReviewUIAsync Displays a system dialog to pop up to allow the user to provide a review or decline to do so.
XStoreShowRateAndReviewUIResult Gets the result of a call to XStoreShowRateAndReviewUIAsync.
XStoreShowRedeemTokenUIAsync Triggers a token redemption for the current user for a specified token.
XStoreShowRedeemTokenUIResult Gets the results of a call to XStoreShowRedeemTokenUIAsync.
XStoreUnregisterGameLicenseChanged Unregisters the specified game license changed callback.
XStoreUnregisterPackageLicenseLost Unregisters the specified store license lost callback.


Structure Description
XStoreAddonLicense Describes an add-on license.
XStoreAvailability Describes the availability of a product.
XStoreCanAcquireLicenseResult Gets the result of a call to XStoreCanAcquireLicenseForPackageAsync or XStoreCanAcquireLicenseForStoreIdAsync.
XStoreCollectionData Describes a store collection.
XStoreConsumableResult Represents the quantity of the consumable.
XStoreGameLicense Describes a game license.
XStoreImage Describes an image.
XStorePackageUpdate Describes a package update.
XStorePrice Store price information.
XStoreProduct Describes a store product.
XStoreRateAndReviewResult The results for a call to XStoreShowRateAndReviewUIAsync.
XStoreSku Describes a store SKU.
XStoreSubscriptionInfo Contains information on a subscription.
XStoreVideo Describes a store video.


Enumeration Description
XStoreCanLicenseStatus Indicates if a user would be able to license a package.
XStoreDurationUnit Units of a duration value.
XStoreProductKind Indicates the product type.

See also

System API reference
XPackage API reference
Commerce Overview