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Enumerates the licenses of any Durable add-ons that are attached to a digital game license. This applies solely to Durable without package types and can only be used with a digital license, not disc licenses. Running this with a disc license will result in empty results, even if there exist individual durables that are owned or licensable by the user. For disc scenarios, use XStoreAcquireLicenseForDurablesAsync instead.


HRESULT XStoreQueryAddOnLicensesAsync(  
         const XStoreContextHandle storeContextHandle,  
         XAsyncBlock* async  


storeContextHandle   _In_
Type: XStoreContextHandle

The store context handle for the user returned by XStoreCreateContext.

async   _Inout_
Type: XAsyncBlock*

An XAsyncBlock defining the asynchronous work being done. The XAsyncBlock can be used to poll for the call's status and retrieve call results. See XAsyncBlock for more information.

Return value


HRESULT success or error code.


To retrieve the add-on license as well as the execution result of this function call XStoreQueryAddonLicensesResult after calling this function. To retrieve the number of licenses obtained by this function call XStoreQueryAddonLicensesResultCount after calling this function. The result count function is important as it will allow you to determine the appropriate size of array to pass to the result function.

The following code snippet shows an example of retrieving Durable add-on licenses (without package) the user owns or can license:

void CALLBACK QueryAddOnLicensesCallback(XAsyncBlock* asyncBlock)
    uint32_t count;
    HRESULT hr = XStoreQueryAddOnLicensesResultCount(

    if (FAILED(hr))
        printf("Failed retrieve the add-on license count: 0x%x\r\n", hr);

    printf("Number of add-on licenses: %d", count);

    XStoreAddonLicense* addOnLicenses = new XStoreAddonLicense[count];
    hr = XStoreQueryAddOnLicensesResult(asyncBlock, count, &addOnLicenses);

    if (FAILED(hr))
        printf("Failed retrieve the add-on licenses: 0x%x\r\n", hr);
        delete[] addOnLicenses;

    for (uint32_t index = 0; index < count; index++)
        printf("expirationDate : %d\r\n", addOnLicenses[index].expirationDate);
        printf("inAppOfferToken: %s\r\n", addOnLicenses[index].inAppOfferToken);
        printf("isActive       : %s\r\n", addOnLicenses[index].isActive ? "true" : "false");
        printf("skuStoreId     : %s\r\n", addOnLicenses[index].skuStoreId);

    delete[] addOnLicenses;

void QueryAddOnLicenses(XStoreContextHandle storeContextHandle, XTaskQueueHandle taskQueueHandle)
    auto asyncBlock = std::make_unique<XAsyncBlock>();
    ZeroMemory(asyncBlock.get(), sizeof(*asyncBlock));
    asyncBlock->queue = taskQueueHandle;
    asyncBlock->callback = QueryAddOnLicensesCallback;

    HRESULT hr = XStoreQueryAddOnLicensesAsync(

    if (FAILED(hr))
        printf("Failed to get add-on licenses: 0x%x\r\n", hr);


Header: XStore.h (included in XGameRuntime.h)

Library: xgameruntime.lib

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also
