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Returns an XPersistentLocalStorageSpaceInfo struct with storage space details, such as space available.


HRESULT XPersistentLocalStorageGetSpaceInfo(
         XPersistentLocalStorageSpaceInfo* info


info   _Out_
Type: XPersistentLocalStorageSpaceInfo*

The XPersistentLocalStorageSpaceInfo structure, used for storing storage space details.

Return value


Returns S_OK if successful; otherwise, returns an error code. For a list of error codes, see Error Codes.


Use this function to determine how much storage space is available if your title uses Growable Persistent Local Storage (GPLS).

The storage details are contained in the XPersistentLocalStorageSpaceInfo structure.

Storage details include the amount of space in use, how much is available to the title, and whether the user should be prompted to free up space.

Note that calling GetDiskFreeSpaceExW will only tell titles the maximum amount of free space left in PLS - this is not guaranteed to be available. XPersistentLocalStorageGetSpaceInfo will also return the total free space as well as the available free space (the minimum of what is free and the actual space on the underlying drive.)


Header: XPersistentLocalStorage.h

Library: xgameruntime.lib

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also
