HealthMonitoringSection Класс
Некоторые сведения относятся к предварительной версии продукта, в которую до выпуска могут быть внесены существенные изменения. Майкрософт не предоставляет никаких гарантий, явных или подразумеваемых, относительно приведенных здесь сведений.
Конфигурирует профили ASP.NET, определяющие способ отправки событий наблюдения за состоянием поставщикам событий. Этот класс не наследуется.
public ref class HealthMonitoringSection sealed : System::Configuration::ConfigurationSection
public sealed class HealthMonitoringSection : System.Configuration.ConfigurationSection
type HealthMonitoringSection = class
inherit ConfigurationSection
Public NotInheritable Class HealthMonitoringSection
Inherits ConfigurationSection
- Наследование
В следующем фрагменте файла конфигурации показано, как указать HealthMonitoringSection класс .
<add name="Critical Notification"
<add name="Notification"
<add name="Analysis"
<add name="Logging"
<add name="CriticalMailEventProvider"
type="System.Web.Management.SimpleMailWebEventProvider, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
from="sender address"
bodyFooter="Please investigate ASAP."
subjectPrefix="Action required."
bufferMode="Critical Notification"
<add name="EventLogProvider"
type="System.Web.Management.EventLogWebEventProvider, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="SqlWebEventProvider"
type="System.Web.Management.SqlWebEventProvider, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="WmiWebEventProvider"
type="System.Web.Management.WmiWebEventProvider, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="All Events"
type="System.Web.Management.WebBaseEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="HeartBeats"
type="System.Web.Management.WebHeartbeatEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Application Lifetime Events"
type="System.Web.Management.WebApplicationLifetimeEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Request Processing Events"
type="System.Web.Management.WebRequestEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="All Errors"
type="System.Web.Management.WebBaseErrorEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Infrastructure Errors"
type="System.Web.Management.WebErrorEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Request Processing Errors"
type="System.Web.Management.WebRequestErrorEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="All Audits"
type="System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Failure Audits"
type="System.Web.Management.WebFailureAuditEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Success Audits"
type="System.Web.Management.WebSuccessAuditEvent, System.Web, Version=%ASSEMBLY_VERSION%, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=%MICROSOFT_PUBLICKEY%"
<add name="Default"
<add name="Critical"
<add name="All Errors Default"
eventName="All Errors"
<add name="All Audits Default"
eventName="All Audits"
<add name="Failure Audits Default"
eventName="Failure Audits"
<add name="Request Processing Errors"
eventName="Request Processing Errors"
<add name="Infrastructure Notifications"
eventName="Infrastructure Errors"
Приведенный ниже пример кода показывает, как использовать класс HealthMonitoringSection.
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Specialized;
using System.IO;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Web.Configuration;
namespace Samples.Aspnet.SystemWebConfiguration
// Accesses the
// System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection members
// selected by the user.
class UsingHealthMonitoringSection
public static void Main()
// Process the
// System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSectionobject.
// Get the Web application configuration.
System.Configuration.Configuration configuration = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("/aspnet");
// Get the section.
System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection healthMonitoringSection = (System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection) configuration.GetSection("system.web/healthmonitoring");
// Get the current Enabled property value.
Boolean enabledValue = healthMonitoringSection.Enabled;
// Set the Enabled property to false.
healthMonitoringSection.Enabled = false;
// Get the current HeartBeatInterval property value.
TimeSpan heartBeatIntervalValue = healthMonitoringSection.HeartbeatInterval;
// Set the HeartBeatInterval property to
// TimeSpan.Parse("00:10:00").
healthMonitoringSection.HeartbeatInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:10:00");
// Add a BufferModeSettings object to the BufferModes collection property.
BufferModeSettings bufferModeSetting = new BufferModeSettings("Error Log",
1024, 256, 512, new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), 2);
bufferModeSetting.Name = "Operations Notification";
bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferSize = 128;
bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferThreads = 1;
bufferModeSetting.MaxFlushSize = 24;
bufferModeSetting.RegularFlushInterval = TimeSpan.MaxValue;
bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:01:00");
bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushThreshold = 1;
// Add a BufferModeSettings object to the BufferModes collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Add(new BufferModeSettings("Error Log",
1024, 256, 512, new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), 2));
// Display contents of the BufferModes collection property
Console.WriteLine("BufferModes Collection contains {0} values:",
// Display all elements.
for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Count; i++)
bufferModeSetting = healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes[i];
string name = bufferModeSetting.Name;
int maxBufferSize = bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferSize;
int maxBufferThreads = bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferThreads;
int maxFlushSize = bufferModeSetting.MaxFlushSize;
TimeSpan regularFlushInterval = bufferModeSetting.RegularFlushInterval;
TimeSpan urgentFlushInterval = bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushInterval;
int urgentFlushThreshold = bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushThreshold;
string item = "Name='" + name + "', MaxBufferSize = '" + maxBufferSize +
"', MaxBufferThreads = '" + maxBufferThreads +
"', MaxFlushSize = '" + maxFlushSize +
"', RegularFlushInterval = '" + regularFlushInterval +
"', UrgentFlushInterval = '" + urgentFlushInterval +
"', UrgentFlushThreshold = '" + urgentFlushThreshold + "'";
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item);
// Get a named BufferMode
bufferModeSetting = healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes["Error Log"];
// Remove a BufferModeSettings object from the BufferModes collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Remove("Error Log");
// Clear all BufferModeSettings object from the BufferModes collection property.
// Add a EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
EventMappingSettings eventMappingSetting = new EventMappingSettings(
"Failure Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web");
eventMappingSetting.Name = "All Errors";
eventMappingSetting.Type =
"System.Web.Management.WebErrorEvent, System.Web";
eventMappingSetting.StartEventCode = 0;
eventMappingSetting.EndEventCode = 4096;
// Add an EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Add(new EventMappingSettings(
"Failure Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web"));
// Add an EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Add(new EventMappingSettings(
"Success Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web",
512, Int32.MaxValue));
// Insert an EventMappingsSettings object into the EventMappings collection property.
new EventMappingSettings("HeartBeats", "", 1, 2));
// Display contents of the EventMappings collection property
"EventMappings Collection contains {0} values:", healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Count);
// Display all elements.
for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Count; i++)
eventMappingSetting = healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings[i];
string name = eventMappingSetting.Name;
string type = eventMappingSetting.Type;
int startCd = eventMappingSetting.StartEventCode;
int endCd = eventMappingSetting.EndEventCode;
string item = "Name='" + name + "', Type='" + type +
"', StartEventCode = '" + startCd.ToString() +
"', EndEventCode = '" + endCd.ToString() + "'";
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item);
// See if the EventMappings collection property contains the event 'HeartBeats'.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings contains 'HeartBeats': {0}.",
// Get the index of the 'HeartBeats' event in the EventMappings collection property.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings index for 'HeartBeats': {0}.",
// Get a named EventMappings
eventMappingSetting = healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings["HeartBeats"];
// Remove an EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
// Remove an EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
// Clear all EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
// Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
ProfileSettings profileSetting = new ProfileSettings("Default");
profileSetting.Name = "Custom";
profileSetting.MaxLimit = Int32.MaxValue;
profileSetting.MinInstances = 1;
profileSetting.MinInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:01:00");
profileSetting.Custom = "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator, MyCustom.dll";
// Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Default"));
// Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Critical",
1, 1024, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 00)));
// Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Targeted",
1, Int32.MaxValue, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10),
"MyEvaluators.MyTargetedEvaluator, MyCustom.dll"));
// Insert an ProfileSettings object into the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Insert(1, new ProfileSettings("Default2"));
// Display contents of the Profiles collection property
"Profiles Collection contains {0} values:",
// Display all elements.
for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Count; i++)
profileSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Profiles[i];
string name = profileSetting.Name;
int minInstances = profileSetting.MinInstances;
int maxLimit = profileSetting.MaxLimit;
TimeSpan minInterval = profileSetting.MinInterval;
string custom = profileSetting.Custom;
string item = "Name='" + name +
"', MinInstances = '" + minInstances + "', MaxLimit = '" + maxLimit +
"', MinInterval = '" + minInterval + "', Custom = '" + custom + "'";
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item);
// See if the ProfileSettings collection property contains the event 'Default'.
Console.WriteLine("Profiles contains 'Default': {0}.",
// Get the index of the 'Default' ProfileSettings in the Profiles collection property.
Console.WriteLine("Profiles index for 'Default': {0}.",
// Get a named ProfileSettings
profileSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Profiles["Default"];
// Remove a ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
// Remove a ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
// Clear all ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
// Display contents of the Providers collection property
Console.WriteLine("Providers Collection contains {0} values:",
// Display all elements.
for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.Providers.Count; i++)
System.Configuration.ProviderSettings provider =
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: Name = '{1}' Type = '{2}'", i,
provider.Name, provider.Type);
// Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
RuleSettings ruleSetting = new RuleSettings("All Errors Default",
"All Errors", "EventLogProvider");
ruleSetting.Name = "All Errors Custom";
ruleSetting.EventName = "All Errors";
ruleSetting.Provider = "EventLogProvider";
ruleSetting.Profile = "Custom";
ruleSetting.MaxLimit = Int32.MaxValue;
ruleSetting.MinInstances = 1;
ruleSetting.MinInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:00:30");
ruleSetting.Custom = "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator2, MyCustom.dll";
// Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("All Errors Default",
"All Errors", "EventLogProvider"));
// Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("Failure Audits Default",
"Failure Audits", "EventLogProvider", "Default", 1, Int32.MaxValue,
new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0)));
// Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("Failure Audits Custom",
"Failure Audits", "EventLogProvider", "Custom", 1, Int32.MaxValue,
new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0), "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator2, MyCustom.dll"));
// Insert an RuleSettings object into the Rules collection property.
new RuleSettings("All Errors Default2",
"All Errors", "EventLogProvider"));
// Display contents of the Rules collection property
"Rules Collection contains {0} values:", healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Count);
// Display all elements.
for (System.Int32 i = 0; i < healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Count; i++)
ruleSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Rules[i];
string name = ruleSetting.Name;
string eventName = ruleSetting.EventName;
string provider = ruleSetting.Provider;
string profile = ruleSetting.Profile;
int minInstances = ruleSetting.MinInstances;
int maxLimit = ruleSetting.MaxLimit;
TimeSpan minInterval = ruleSetting.MinInterval;
string custom = ruleSetting.Custom;
string item = "Name='" + name + "', EventName='" + eventName +
"', Provider = '" + provider + "', Profile = '" + profile +
"', MinInstances = '" + minInstances + "', MaxLimit = '" + maxLimit +
"', MinInterval = '" + minInterval + "', Custom = '" + custom + "'";
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item);
// See if the Rules collection property contains the RuleSettings 'All Errors Default'.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings contains 'All Errors Default': {0}.",
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Contains("All Errors Default"));
// Get the index of the 'All Errors Default' RuleSettings in the Rules collection property.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings index for 'All Errors Default': {0}.",
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.IndexOf("All Errors Default"));
// Get a named RuleSettings
ruleSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Rules["All Errors Default"];
// Remove a RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Remove("All Errors Default");
// Remove a RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
// Clear all RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
// Update if not locked.
if (!healthMonitoringSection.SectionInformation.IsLocked)
Console.WriteLine("** Configuration updated.");
Console.WriteLine("** Could not update, section is locked.");
catch (System.ArgumentException e)
// Unknown error.
"A invalid argument exception detected in UsingHealthMonitoringSection Main.");
Console.WriteLine("Check your command line for errors.");
} // UsingHealthMonitoringSection class end.
} // Samples.Aspnet.SystemWebConfiguration namespace end.
Imports System.Collections
Imports System.Collections.Specialized
Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Imports System.Configuration
Imports System.Web.Configuration
Namespace Samples.Aspnet.SystemWebConfiguration
' Accesses the
' System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection members
' selected by the user.
Class UsingHealthMonitoringSection
Public Shared Sub Main()
' Process the
' System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSectionobject.
' Get the Web application configuration.
Dim configuration As System.Configuration.Configuration = System.Web.Configuration.WebConfigurationManager.OpenWebConfiguration("/aspnet")
' Get the section.
Dim healthMonitoringSection As System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection = CType(configuration.GetSection("system.web/healthmonitoring"), System.Web.Configuration.HealthMonitoringSection)
' Get the current Enabled property value.
Dim enabledValue As Boolean = healthMonitoringSection.Enabled
' Set the Enabled property to False.
healthMonitoringSection.Enabled = False
' Get the current HeartBeatInterval property value.
Dim heartBeatIntervalValue As TimeSpan = healthMonitoringSection.HeartbeatInterval
' Set the HeartBeatInterval property to
' TimeSpan.Parse("00:10:00").
healthMonitoringSection.HeartbeatInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:10:00")
' Add a BufferModeSettings object to the BufferModes collection property.
Dim bufferModeSetting As BufferModeSettings = new BufferModeSettings("Error Log", _
1024, 256, 512, new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), 2)
bufferModeSetting.Name = "Operations Notification"
bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferSize = 128
bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferThreads = 1
bufferModeSetting.MaxFlushSize = 24
bufferModeSetting.RegularFlushInterval = TimeSpan.MaxValue
bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:01:00")
bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushThreshold = 1
' Add a BufferModeSettings object to the BufferModes collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Add(new BufferModeSettings("Error Log", _
1024, 256, 512, new TimeSpan(0, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(0, 5, 0), 2))
' Display contents of the BufferModes collection property
Console.WriteLine("BufferModes Collection contains {0} values:", _
' Display all elements.
For i As System.Int32 = 0 To healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Count - 1
bufferModeSetting = healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes(i)
Dim name As String = bufferModeSetting.Name
Dim maxBufferSize As Integer = bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferSize
Dim maxBufferThreads As Integer = bufferModeSetting.MaxBufferThreads
Dim maxFlushSize As Integer = bufferModeSetting.MaxFlushSize
Dim regularFlushInterval As TimeSpan = bufferModeSetting.RegularFlushInterval
Dim urgentFlushInterval As TimeSpan = bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushInterval
Dim urgentFlushThreshold As Integer = bufferModeSetting.UrgentFlushThreshold
Dim item As String = "Name='" & name & "', MaxBufferSize = '" & maxBufferSize & _
"', MaxBufferThreads = '" & maxBufferThreads & _
"', MaxFlushSize = '" & maxFlushSize & _
"', RegularFlushInterval = '" & regularFlushInterval.ToString() & _
"', UrgentFlushInterval = '" & urgentFlushInterval.ToString() & _
"', UrgentFlushThreshold = '" & urgentFlushThreshold & "'"
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item)
' Get a named BufferMode
bufferModeSetting = healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes("Error Log")
' Remove a BufferModeSettings object from the BufferModes collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.BufferModes.Remove("Error Log")
' Clear all BufferModeSettings object from the BufferModes collection property.
' Add a EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
Dim eventMappingSetting As EventMappingSettings = New EventMappingSettings( _
"Failure Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web")
eventMappingSetting.Name = "All Errors"
eventMappingSetting.Type = _
"System.Web.Management.WebErrorEvent, System.Web"
eventMappingSetting.StartEventCode = 0
eventMappingSetting.EndEventCode = 4096
' Add an EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Add(new EventMappingSettings( _
"Failure Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web"))
' Add an EventMappingsSettings object to the EventMappings collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Add(new EventMappingSettings( _
"Success Audits", "System.Web.Management.WebAuditEvent, System.Web", _
512, Int32.MaxValue))
' Insert an EventMappingsSettings object into the EventMappings collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Insert(1, _
new EventMappingSettings("HeartBeats", "", 1, 2))
' Display contents of the EventMappings collection property
Console.WriteLine( _
"EventMappings Collection contains {0} values:", healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Count)
' Display all elements.
For i As System.Int32 = 0 To healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings.Count - 1
eventMappingSetting = healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings(i)
Dim name As String = eventMappingSetting.Name
Dim type As String = eventMappingSetting.Type
Dim startCd As Integer = eventMappingSetting.StartEventCode
Dim endCd As Integer = eventMappingSetting.EndEventCode
Dim item As String = "Name='" & name & "', Type='" & type & _
"', StartEventCode = '" & startCd.ToString() & _
"', EndEventCode = '" & endCd.ToString() & "'"
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item)
' See if the EventMappings collection property contains the event 'HeartBeats'.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings contains 'HeartBeats': {0}.", _
' Get the index of the 'HeartBeats' event in the EventMappings collection property.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings index for 'HeartBeats': {0}.", _
' Get a named EventMappings
eventMappingSetting = healthMonitoringSection.EventMappings("HeartBeats")
' Remove an EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
' Remove an EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
' Clear all EventMappingsSettings object from the EventMappings collection property.
' Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
Dim profileSetting As ProfileSettings = New ProfileSettings("Default")
profileSetting.Name = "Custom"
profileSetting.MaxLimit = Int32.MaxValue
profileSetting.MinInstances = 1
profileSetting.MinInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:01:00")
profileSetting.Custom = "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator, MyCustom.dll"
' Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Default"))
' Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Critical", _
1, 1024, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 00)))
' Add a ProfileSettings object to the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Add(new ProfileSettings("Targeted", _
1, Int32.MaxValue, new TimeSpan(0, 0, 10), _
"MyEvaluators.MyTargetedEvaluator, MyCustom.dll"))
' Insert an ProfileSettings object into the Profiles collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Insert(1, new ProfileSettings("Default2"))
' Display contents of the Profiles collection property
Console.WriteLine( _
"Profiles Collection contains {0} values:", _
' Display all elements.
For i As System.Int32 = 0 To healthMonitoringSection.Profiles.Count - 1
profileSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Profiles(i)
Dim name As String = profileSetting.Name
Dim minInstances As Integer = profileSetting.MinInstances
Dim maxLimit As Integer = profileSetting.MaxLimit
Dim minInterval As TimeSpan = profileSetting.MinInterval
Dim custom As String = profileSetting.Custom
Dim item As String = "Name='" & name & _
"', MinInstances = '" & minInstances & "', MaxLimit = '" & maxLimit & _
"', MinInterval = '" & minInterval.ToString() & "', Custom = '" & custom & "'"
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item)
' See if the ProfileSettings collection property contains the event 'Default'.
Console.WriteLine("Profiles contains 'Default': {0}.", _
' Get the index of the 'Default' ProfileSettings in the Profiles collection property.
Console.WriteLine("Profiles index for 'Default': {0}.", _
' Get a named ProfileSettings
profileSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Profiles("Default")
' Remove a ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
' Remove a ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
' Clear all ProfileSettings object from the Profiles collection property.
' Display contents of the Providers collection property
Console.WriteLine("Providers Collection contains {0} values:", _
' Display all elements.
For i As System.Int32 = 0 To healthMonitoringSection.Providers.Count - 1
Dim providerStg As System.Configuration.ProviderSettings = _
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: Name = '{1}' Type = '{2}'", i, _
providerStg.Name, providerStg.Type)
' Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
Dim ruleSetting As RuleSettings = new RuleSettings("All Errors Default", _
"All Errors", "EventLogProvider")
ruleSetting.Name = "All Errors Custom"
ruleSetting.EventName = "All Errors"
ruleSetting.Provider = "EventLogProvider"
ruleSetting.Profile = "Custom"
ruleSetting.MaxLimit = Int32.MaxValue
ruleSetting.MinInstances = 1
ruleSetting.MinInterval = TimeSpan.Parse("00:00:30")
ruleSetting.Custom = "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator2, MyCustom.dll"
' Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("All Errors Default", _
"All Errors", "EventLogProvider"))
' Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("Failure Audits Default", _
"Failure Audits", "EventLogProvider", "Default", 1, Int32.MaxValue, _
new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0)))
' Add a RuleSettings object to the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Add(new RuleSettings("Failure Audits Custom", _
"Failure Audits", "EventLogProvider", "Custom", 1, Int32.MaxValue, _
new TimeSpan(0, 1, 0), "MyEvaluators.MyCustomeEvaluator2, MyCustom.dll"))
' Insert an RuleSettings object into the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Insert(1, _
new RuleSettings("All Errors Default2", _
"All Errors", "EventLogProvider"))
' Display contents of the Rules collection property
Console.WriteLine( _
"Rules Collection contains {0} values:", healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Count)
' Display all elements.
For i As System.Int32 = 0 To healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Count -1
ruleSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Rules(i)
Dim name As String = ruleSetting.Name
Dim eventName As String = ruleSetting.EventName
Dim provider As String = ruleSetting.Provider
Dim profile As String = ruleSetting.Profile
Dim minInstances As Integer = ruleSetting.MinInstances
Dim maxLimit As Integer = ruleSetting.MaxLimit
Dim minInterval As TimeSpan = ruleSetting.MinInterval
Dim custom As String = ruleSetting.Custom
Dim item As String = "Name='" & name & "', EventName='" & eventName & _
"', Provider = '" & provider & "', Profile = '" & profile & _
"', MinInstances = '" & minInstances & "', MaxLimit = '" & maxLimit & _
"', MinInterval = '" & minInterval.ToString() & "', Custom = '" & custom & "'"
Console.WriteLine(" Item {0}: {1}", i, item)
' See if the Rules collection property contains the RuleSettings 'All Errors Default'.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings contains 'All Errors Default': {0}.", _
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Contains("All Errors Default"))
' Get the index of the 'All Errors Default' RuleSettings in the Rules collection property.
Console.WriteLine("EventMappings index for 'All Errors Default': {0}.", _
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.IndexOf("All Errors Default"))
' Get a named RuleSettings
ruleSetting = healthMonitoringSection.Rules("All Errors Default")
' Remove a RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
healthMonitoringSection.Rules.Remove("All Errors Default")
' Remove a RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
' Clear all RuleSettings object from the Rules collection property.
' Update if not locked.
If Not healthMonitoringSection.SectionInformation.IsLocked Then
Console.WriteLine("** Configuration updated.")
Console.WriteLine("** Could not update, section is locked.")
End If
Catch e As System.ArgumentException
' Unknown error.
Console.WriteLine( _
"A invalid argument exception detected in UsingHealthMonitoringSection Main.")
Console.WriteLine("Check your command line for errors.")
End Try
End Sub
End Class
End Namespace ' Samples.Aspnet.SystemWebConfiguration
Этот класс соответствует элементу <healthMonitoring>
файла конфигурации.
Для создания события требуется среднее доверие или выше.
HealthMonitoringSection() |
Инициализирует новый экземпляр класса HealthMonitoringSection значениями по умолчанию. |
BufferModes |
Получает коллекцию объектов, определяющую настройки режимов буфера. |
CurrentConfiguration |
Возвращает ссылку на экземпляр Configuration верхнего уровня, представляющий иерархию конфигурации, к которой относится текущий экземпляр ConfigurationElement. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
ElementInformation |
Возвращает объект ElementInformation, содержащий неизменяемую информацию и функциональность объекта ConfigurationElement. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
ElementProperty |
Возвращает объект ConfigurationElementProperty, представляющий сам объект ConfigurationElement. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
Enabled |
Получает или задает значение, указывающее включено ли наблюдение за состоянием. |
EvaluationContext |
Возвращает объект ContextInformation для объекта ConfigurationElement. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
EventMappings |
Получает коллекцию EventMappingSettingsCollection объектов EventMappingSettings. |
HasContext |
Возвращает значение, указывающее, имеет ли свойство CurrentConfiguration значение |
HeartbeatInterval |
Получает или задает интервал, используемый доменом приложения при вызове события WebHeartbeatEvent. |
Item[ConfigurationProperty] |
Возвращает или задает свойство или атрибут данного элемента конфигурации. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
Item[String] |
Получает или задает свойство, атрибут или дочерний элемент данного элемента конфигурации. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
LockAllAttributesExcept |
Возвращает коллекцию заблокированных атрибутов. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
LockAllElementsExcept |
Возвращает коллекцию заблокированных элементов. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
LockAttributes |
Возвращает коллекцию заблокированных атрибутов. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
LockElements |
Возвращает коллекцию заблокированных элементов. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
LockItem |
Возвращает или задает значение, указывающее, заблокирован ли элемент. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
Profiles |
Получает коллекцию ProfileSettingsCollection объектов ProfileSettings. |
Properties |
Возвращает коллекцию свойств. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
Providers |
Получает коллекцию ProviderSettingsCollection объектов ProviderSettings. |
Rules |
Получает коллекцию RuleSettingsCollection объектов RuleSettings. |
SectionInformation |
Возвращает объект SectionInformation, содержащий неизменяемую информацию и функциональность объекта ConfigurationSection. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationSection) |
DeserializeElement(XmlReader, Boolean) |
Считывает XML из файла конфигурации. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
DeserializeSection(XmlReader) |
Считывает XML из файла конфигурации. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationSection) |
Equals(Object) |
Сравнивает текущий экземпляр ConfigurationElement с указанным объектом. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
GetHashCode() |
Получает уникальное значение, представляющее текущий экземпляр ConfigurationElement. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
GetRuntimeObject() |
Возвращает пользовательский объект при переопределении в производном классе. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationSection) |
GetTransformedAssemblyString(String) |
Возвращает преобразованную версию указанного имени сборки. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
GetTransformedTypeString(String) |
Возвращает преобразованную версию указанного имени типа. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
GetType() |
Возвращает объект Type для текущего экземпляра. (Унаследовано от Object) |
Init() |
Задает объект ConfigurationElement в исходное состояние. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
InitializeDefault() |
Используется для инициализации набора значений по умолчанию для объекта ConfigurationElement. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
IsModified() |
При реализации в производном классе указывает, был ли изменен данный элемент конфигурации с момента последнего сохранения или загрузки. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationSection) |
IsReadOnly() |
Получает значение, показывающее, является ли объект ConfigurationElement доступным только для чтения. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
ListErrors(IList) |
Добавляет ошибку "недействительное свойство" в данном объекте ConfigurationElement и всех его дочерних элементах к переданному списку. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
MemberwiseClone() |
Создает неполную копию текущего объекта Object. (Унаследовано от Object) |
OnDeserializeUnrecognizedAttribute(String, String) |
Возвращает значение, указывающее, встретился ли неизвестный атрибут при десериализации. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
OnDeserializeUnrecognizedElement(String, XmlReader) |
Возвращает значение, указывающее, встретился ли неизвестный элемент при десериализации. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
OnRequiredPropertyNotFound(String) |
Выдает исключение, если требуемое свойство не найдено. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
PostDeserialize() |
Вызывается после десериализации. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
PreSerialize(XmlWriter) |
Вызывается до сериализации. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
Reset(ConfigurationElement) |
Восстанавливает внутреннее состояние объекта ConfigurationElement, включая блокировки и коллекции свойств. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
ResetModified() |
Переустанавливает значение метода IsModified() в |
SerializeElement(XmlWriter, Boolean) |
Записывает содержание данного элемента конфигурации в файл конфигурации при реализации в производном классе. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
SerializeSection(ConfigurationElement, String, ConfigurationSaveMode) |
Создает XML-строку, содержащую разъединенное представление об объекте ConfigurationSection, как об отдельном разделе, записываемым в файл. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationSection) |
SerializeToXmlElement(XmlWriter, String) |
Записывает внешние теги данного элемента конфигурации в файл конфигурации при реализации в производном классе. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
SetPropertyValue(ConfigurationProperty, Object, Boolean) |
Задает для свойства указанное значение. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
SetReadOnly() |
Задает свойство IsReadOnly() для объекта ConfigurationElement и всех подчиненных элементов. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |
ShouldSerializeElementInTargetVersion(ConfigurationElement, String, FrameworkName) |
Указывает, следует ли сериализовать указанный элемент при сериализации иерархии объектов конфигурации для указанной целевой версии платформа .NET Framework. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationSection) |
ShouldSerializePropertyInTargetVersion(ConfigurationProperty, String, FrameworkName, ConfigurationElement) |
Указывает, следует ли сериализовать указанное свойство при сериализации иерархии объектов конфигурации для указанной целевой версии платформа .NET Framework. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationSection) |
ShouldSerializeSectionInTargetVersion(FrameworkName) |
Указывает, следует ли сериализовать текущий ConfigurationSection экземпляр при сериализации иерархии объектов конфигурации для указанной целевой версии платформа .NET Framework. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationSection) |
ToString() |
Возвращает строку, представляющую текущий объект. (Унаследовано от Object) |
Unmerge(ConfigurationElement, ConfigurationElement, ConfigurationSaveMode) |
Изменяет объект ConfigurationElement для удаления всех значений, которые не должны сохраняться. (Унаследовано от ConfigurationElement) |