EncryptedXml.EncryptKey Метод
Некоторые сведения относятся к предварительной версии продукта, в которую до выпуска могут быть внесены существенные изменения. Майкрософт не предоставляет никаких гарантий, явных или подразумеваемых, относительно приведенных здесь сведений.
Шифрует ключ, используемый получателем для расшифровки элемента <EncryptedData>
EncryptKey(Byte[], SymmetricAlgorithm) |
Шифрует ключ с помощью симметричного алгоритма. Этот ключ используется получателем для расшифровки элемента |
EncryptKey(Byte[], RSA, Boolean) |
Шифрует ключ, используемый получателем для расшифровки элемента |
В следующем примере кода показано, как зашифровать XML-документ с помощью асимметричного ключа. В этом примере создается симметричный ключ сеанса для шифрования документа, а затем используется асимметричный ключ для внедрения зашифрованной версии сеансового ключа в XML-документ.
#using <System.Xml.dll>
#using <System.Security.dll>
#using <System.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography::Xml;
static void Encrypt( XmlDocument^ Doc, String^ ElementToEncrypt, RSA^ Alg, String^ KeyName )
// Check the arguments.
if ( Doc == nullptr )
throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Doc" );
if ( ElementToEncrypt == nullptr )
throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"ElementToEncrypt" );
if ( Alg == nullptr )
throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Alg" );
// Find the specified element in the XmlDocument
// object and create a new XmlElemnt object.
XmlElement^ elementToEncrypt = dynamic_cast<XmlElement^>(Doc->GetElementsByTagName( ElementToEncrypt )->Item( 0 ));
// Throw an XmlException if the element was not found.
if ( elementToEncrypt == nullptr )
throw gcnew XmlException( L"The specified element was not found" );
// Create a new instance of the EncryptedXml class
// and use it to encrypt the XmlElement with the
// a new random symmetric key.
// Create a 256 bit Aes key.
Aes^ sessionKey = Aes::Create();
sessionKey->KeySize = 256;
EncryptedXml^ eXml = gcnew EncryptedXml;
array<Byte>^encryptedElement = eXml->EncryptData( elementToEncrypt, sessionKey, false );
// Construct an EncryptedData object and populate
// it with the desired encryption information.
EncryptedData^ edElement = gcnew EncryptedData;
edElement->Type = EncryptedXml::XmlEncElementUrl;
// Create an EncryptionMethod element so that the
// receiver knows which algorithm to use for decryption.
edElement->EncryptionMethod = gcnew EncryptionMethod( EncryptedXml::XmlEncAES256Url );
// Encrypt the session key and add it to an EncryptedKey element.
EncryptedKey^ ek = gcnew EncryptedKey;
array<Byte>^encryptedKey = EncryptedXml::EncryptKey( sessionKey->Key, Alg, false );
ek->CipherData = gcnew CipherData( encryptedKey );
ek->EncryptionMethod = gcnew EncryptionMethod( EncryptedXml::XmlEncRSA15Url );
// Set the KeyInfo element to specify the
// name of the RSA key.
// Create a new KeyInfo element.
edElement->KeyInfo = gcnew KeyInfo;
// Create a new KeyInfoName element.
KeyInfoName^ kin = gcnew KeyInfoName;
// Specify a name for the key.
kin->Value = KeyName;
// Add the KeyInfoName element to the
// EncryptedKey object.
ek->KeyInfo->AddClause( kin );
// Add the encrypted key to the
// EncryptedData object.
edElement->KeyInfo->AddClause( gcnew KeyInfoEncryptedKey( ek ) );
// Add the encrypted element data to the
// EncryptedData object.
edElement->CipherData->CipherValue = encryptedElement;
// Replace the element from the original XmlDocument
// object with the EncryptedData element.
EncryptedXml::ReplaceElement( elementToEncrypt, edElement, false );
static void Decrypt( XmlDocument^ Doc, RSA^ Alg, String^ KeyName )
// Check the arguments.
if ( Doc == nullptr )
throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Doc" );
if ( Alg == nullptr )
throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Alg" );
if ( KeyName == nullptr )
throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"KeyName" );
// Create a new EncryptedXml object.
EncryptedXml^ exml = gcnew EncryptedXml( Doc );
// Add a key-name mapping.
// This method can only decrypt documents
// that present the specified key name.
exml->AddKeyNameMapping( KeyName, Alg );
// Decrypt the element.
int main()
// Create an XmlDocument object.
XmlDocument^ xmlDoc = gcnew XmlDocument;
// Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
xmlDoc->PreserveWhitespace = true;
xmlDoc->Load( L"test.xml" );
catch ( Exception^ e )
Console::WriteLine( e->Message );
return 0;
// Create a new RSA key. This key will encrypt a symmetric key,
// which will then be imbedded in the XML document.
RSA^ rsaKey = RSA::Create();
// Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
Encrypt( xmlDoc, L"creditcard", rsaKey, L"rsaKey" );
// Display the encrypted XML to the console.
Console::WriteLine( L"Encrypted XML:" );
Console::WriteLine( xmlDoc->OuterXml );
xmlDoc->Save( L"test.xml" );
// Decrypt the "creditcard" element.
Decrypt( xmlDoc, rsaKey, L"rsaKey" );
// Display the encrypted XML to the console.
Console::WriteLine( L"Decrypted XML:" );
Console::WriteLine( xmlDoc->OuterXml );
xmlDoc->Save( L"test.xml" );
catch ( Exception^ e )
Console::WriteLine( e->Message );
// Clear the RSA key.
return 1;
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.Xml;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create an XmlDocument object.
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
// Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
catch (Exception e)
// Create a new RSA key. This key will encrypt a symmetric key,
// which will then be imbedded in the XML document.
RSA rsaKey = RSA.Create();
// Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
Encrypt(xmlDoc, "creditcard", rsaKey, "rsaKey");
// Display the encrypted XML to the console.
Console.WriteLine("Encrypted XML:");
// Decrypt the "creditcard" element.
Decrypt(xmlDoc, rsaKey, "rsaKey");
// Display the encrypted XML to the console.
Console.WriteLine("Decrypted XML:");
catch (Exception e)
// Clear the RSA key.
public static void Encrypt(XmlDocument Doc, string ElementToEncrypt, RSA Alg, string KeyName)
// Check the arguments.
if (Doc == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Doc");
if (ElementToEncrypt == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("ElementToEncrypt");
if (Alg == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Alg");
// Find the specified element in the XmlDocument
// object and create a new XmlElemnt object.
XmlElement elementToEncrypt = Doc.GetElementsByTagName(ElementToEncrypt)[0] as XmlElement;
// Throw an XmlException if the element was not found.
if (elementToEncrypt == null)
throw new XmlException("The specified element was not found");
// Create a new instance of the EncryptedXml class
// and use it to encrypt the XmlElement with the
// a new random symmetric key.
// Create a 256 bit Aes key.
Aes sessionKey = Aes.Create();
sessionKey.KeySize = 256;
EncryptedXml eXml = new EncryptedXml();
byte[] encryptedElement = eXml.EncryptData(elementToEncrypt, sessionKey, false);
// Construct an EncryptedData object and populate
// it with the desired encryption information.
EncryptedData edElement = new EncryptedData();
edElement.Type = EncryptedXml.XmlEncElementUrl;
// Create an EncryptionMethod element so that the
// receiver knows which algorithm to use for decryption.
edElement.EncryptionMethod = new EncryptionMethod(EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES256Url);
// Encrypt the session key and add it to an EncryptedKey element.
EncryptedKey ek = new EncryptedKey();
byte[] encryptedKey = EncryptedXml.EncryptKey(sessionKey.Key, Alg, false);
ek.CipherData = new CipherData(encryptedKey);
ek.EncryptionMethod = new EncryptionMethod(EncryptedXml.XmlEncRSA15Url);
// Set the KeyInfo element to specify the
// name of the RSA key.
// Create a new KeyInfo element.
edElement.KeyInfo = new KeyInfo();
// Create a new KeyInfoName element.
KeyInfoName kin = new KeyInfoName();
// Specify a name for the key.
kin.Value = KeyName;
// Add the KeyInfoName element to the
// EncryptedKey object.
// Add the encrypted key to the
// EncryptedData object.
edElement.KeyInfo.AddClause(new KeyInfoEncryptedKey(ek));
// Add the encrypted element data to the
// EncryptedData object.
edElement.CipherData.CipherValue = encryptedElement;
// Replace the element from the original XmlDocument
// object with the EncryptedData element.
EncryptedXml.ReplaceElement(elementToEncrypt, edElement, false);
public static void Decrypt(XmlDocument Doc, RSA Alg, string KeyName)
// Check the arguments.
if (Doc == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Doc");
if (Alg == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Alg");
if (KeyName == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("KeyName");
// Create a new EncryptedXml object.
EncryptedXml exml = new EncryptedXml(Doc);
// Add a key-name mapping.
// This method can only decrypt documents
// that present the specified key name.
exml.AddKeyNameMapping(KeyName, Alg);
// Decrypt the element.
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Security.Cryptography.Xml
Module Program
Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
' Create an XmlDocument object.
Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()
' Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = True
Catch e As Exception
End Try
' Create a new RSA key. This key will encrypt a symmetric key,
' which will then be imbedded in the XML document.
Dim rsaKey = RSA = RSA.Create()
' Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
Encrypt(xmlDoc, "creditcard", rsaKey, "rsaKey")
' Display the encrypted XML to the console.
Console.WriteLine("Encrypted XML:")
' Decrypt the "creditcard" element.
Decrypt(xmlDoc, rsaKey, "rsaKey")
' Display the encrypted XML to the console.
Console.WriteLine("Decrypted XML:")
Catch e As Exception
' Clear the RSA key.
End Try
End Sub
Sub Encrypt(ByVal Doc As XmlDocument, ByVal ElementToEncrypt As String, ByVal Alg As RSA, ByVal KeyName As String)
' Check the arguments.
If Doc Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("Doc")
End If
If ElementToEncrypt Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("ElementToEncrypt")
End If
If Alg Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("Alg")
End If
' Find the specified element in the XmlDocument
' object and create a new XmlElemnt object.
Dim elementEncrypt As XmlElement = Doc.GetElementsByTagName(ElementToEncrypt)(0)
' Throw an XmlException if the element was not found.
If elementToEncrypt Is Nothing Then
Throw New XmlException("The specified element was not found")
End If
' Create a new instance of the EncryptedXml class
' and use it to encrypt the XmlElement with the
' a new random symmetric key.
' Create a 256 bit Aes key.
Dim sessionKey As Aes = Aes.Create()
sessionKey.KeySize = 256
Dim eXml As New EncryptedXml()
Dim encryptedElement As Byte() = eXml.EncryptData(elementEncrypt, sessionKey, False)
' Construct an EncryptedData object and populate
' it with the desired encryption information.
Dim edElement As New EncryptedData()
edElement.Type = EncryptedXml.XmlEncElementUrl
' Create an EncryptionMethod element so that the
' receiver knows which algorithm to use for decryption.
edElement.EncryptionMethod = New EncryptionMethod(EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES256Url)
' Encrypt the session key and add it to an EncryptedKey element.
Dim ek As New EncryptedKey()
Dim encryptedKey As Byte() = EncryptedXml.EncryptKey(sessionKey.Key, Alg, False)
ek.CipherData = New CipherData(encryptedKey)
ek.EncryptionMethod = New EncryptionMethod(EncryptedXml.XmlEncRSA15Url)
' Set the KeyInfo element to specify the
' name of the RSA key.
' Create a new KeyInfo element.
edElement.KeyInfo = New KeyInfo()
' Create a new KeyInfoName element.
Dim kin As New KeyInfoName()
' Specify a name for the key.
kin.Value = KeyName
' Add the KeyInfoName element to the
' EncryptedKey object.
' Add the encrypted key to the
' EncryptedData object.
edElement.KeyInfo.AddClause(New KeyInfoEncryptedKey(ek))
' Add the encrypted element data to the
' EncryptedData object.
edElement.CipherData.CipherValue = encryptedElement
' Replace the element from the original XmlDocument
' object with the EncryptedData element.
EncryptedXml.ReplaceElement(elementEncrypt, edElement, False)
End Sub
Sub Decrypt(ByVal Doc As XmlDocument, ByVal Alg As RSA, ByVal KeyName As String)
' Check the arguments.
If Doc Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("Doc")
End If
If Alg Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("Alg")
End If
If KeyName Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("KeyName")
End If
' Create a new EncryptedXml object.
Dim exml As New EncryptedXml(Doc)
' Add a key-name mapping.
' This method can only decrypt documents
' that present the specified key name.
exml.AddKeyNameMapping(KeyName, Alg)
' Decrypt the element.
End Sub
End Module
Используйте метод для EncryptKey шифрования ключа, который получатель использует для расшифровки <EncryptedData>
элемента. Этот метод помещает зашифрованный ключ в <EncryptedKey>
элемент .
EncryptKey(Byte[], SymmetricAlgorithm)
- Исходный код:
- EncryptedXml.cs
- Исходный код:
- EncryptedXml.cs
- Исходный код:
- EncryptedXml.cs
- Исходный код:
- EncryptedXml.cs
- Исходный код:
- EncryptedXml.cs
- Исходный код:
- EncryptedXml.cs
Шифрует ключ с помощью симметричного алгоритма. Этот ключ используется получателем для расшифровки элемента <EncryptedData>
static cli::array <System::Byte> ^ EncryptKey(cli::array <System::Byte> ^ keyData, System::Security::Cryptography::SymmetricAlgorithm ^ symmetricAlgorithm);
public static byte[] EncryptKey(byte[] keyData, System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm symmetricAlgorithm);
static member EncryptKey : byte[] * System.Security.Cryptography.SymmetricAlgorithm -> byte[]
Public Shared Function EncryptKey (keyData As Byte(), symmetricAlgorithm As SymmetricAlgorithm) As Byte()
- keyData
- Byte[]
Шифруемый ключ.
- symmetricAlgorithm
- SymmetricAlgorithm
Симметричный ключ, используемый для шифрования параметра keyData
Возвращаемое значение
Массив байтов, представляющий зашифрованное значение параметра keyData
параметр keyData
имеет значение null
параметр symmetricAlgorithm
имеет значение null
Значением параметра symmetricAlgorithm
не является алгоритм шифрования ключей Triple DES или AES (который также называется Rijndael).
Используйте метод для EncryptKey шифрования ключа, который получатель использует для расшифровки <EncryptedData>
элемента. Этот метод принимает значение для symmetricAlgorithm
параметра , представляющего либо алгоритм Тройной DES, либо алгоритм переноса ключей AES (также называемый Rijndael).
Обратите внимание, что этот метод не помещет зашифрованный ключ автоматически в <EncryptedKey>
элемент . Необходимо вручную создать элемент в документе <EncryptedKey>
Применяется к
EncryptKey(Byte[], RSA, Boolean)
- Исходный код:
- EncryptedXml.cs
- Исходный код:
- EncryptedXml.cs
- Исходный код:
- EncryptedXml.cs
- Исходный код:
- EncryptedXml.cs
- Исходный код:
- EncryptedXml.cs
- Исходный код:
- EncryptedXml.cs
Шифрует ключ, используемый получателем для расшифровки элемента <EncryptedData>
static cli::array <System::Byte> ^ EncryptKey(cli::array <System::Byte> ^ keyData, System::Security::Cryptography::RSA ^ rsa, bool useOAEP);
public static byte[] EncryptKey(byte[] keyData, System.Security.Cryptography.RSA rsa, bool useOAEP);
static member EncryptKey : byte[] * System.Security.Cryptography.RSA * bool -> byte[]
Public Shared Function EncryptKey (keyData As Byte(), rsa As RSA, useOAEP As Boolean) As Byte()
- keyData
- Byte[]
Шифруемый ключ.
- rsa
Асимметричный ключ, используемый для шифрования параметра keyData
- useOAEP
- Boolean
Значение, указывающее, следует ли использовать заполнение OAEP.
Возвращаемое значение
Массив байтов, представляющий зашифрованное значение параметра keyData
В следующем примере кода показано, как зашифровать XML-документ с помощью асимметричного ключа. В этом примере создается симметричный ключ сеанса для шифрования документа, а затем используется асимметричный ключ для внедрения зашифрованной версии сеансового ключа в XML-документ.
#using <System.Xml.dll>
#using <System.Security.dll>
#using <System.dll>
using namespace System;
using namespace System::Xml;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography;
using namespace System::Security::Cryptography::Xml;
static void Encrypt( XmlDocument^ Doc, String^ ElementToEncrypt, RSA^ Alg, String^ KeyName )
// Check the arguments.
if ( Doc == nullptr )
throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Doc" );
if ( ElementToEncrypt == nullptr )
throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"ElementToEncrypt" );
if ( Alg == nullptr )
throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Alg" );
// Find the specified element in the XmlDocument
// object and create a new XmlElemnt object.
XmlElement^ elementToEncrypt = dynamic_cast<XmlElement^>(Doc->GetElementsByTagName( ElementToEncrypt )->Item( 0 ));
// Throw an XmlException if the element was not found.
if ( elementToEncrypt == nullptr )
throw gcnew XmlException( L"The specified element was not found" );
// Create a new instance of the EncryptedXml class
// and use it to encrypt the XmlElement with the
// a new random symmetric key.
// Create a 256 bit Aes key.
Aes^ sessionKey = Aes::Create();
sessionKey->KeySize = 256;
EncryptedXml^ eXml = gcnew EncryptedXml;
array<Byte>^encryptedElement = eXml->EncryptData( elementToEncrypt, sessionKey, false );
// Construct an EncryptedData object and populate
// it with the desired encryption information.
EncryptedData^ edElement = gcnew EncryptedData;
edElement->Type = EncryptedXml::XmlEncElementUrl;
// Create an EncryptionMethod element so that the
// receiver knows which algorithm to use for decryption.
edElement->EncryptionMethod = gcnew EncryptionMethod( EncryptedXml::XmlEncAES256Url );
// Encrypt the session key and add it to an EncryptedKey element.
EncryptedKey^ ek = gcnew EncryptedKey;
array<Byte>^encryptedKey = EncryptedXml::EncryptKey( sessionKey->Key, Alg, false );
ek->CipherData = gcnew CipherData( encryptedKey );
ek->EncryptionMethod = gcnew EncryptionMethod( EncryptedXml::XmlEncRSA15Url );
// Set the KeyInfo element to specify the
// name of the RSA key.
// Create a new KeyInfo element.
edElement->KeyInfo = gcnew KeyInfo;
// Create a new KeyInfoName element.
KeyInfoName^ kin = gcnew KeyInfoName;
// Specify a name for the key.
kin->Value = KeyName;
// Add the KeyInfoName element to the
// EncryptedKey object.
ek->KeyInfo->AddClause( kin );
// Add the encrypted key to the
// EncryptedData object.
edElement->KeyInfo->AddClause( gcnew KeyInfoEncryptedKey( ek ) );
// Add the encrypted element data to the
// EncryptedData object.
edElement->CipherData->CipherValue = encryptedElement;
// Replace the element from the original XmlDocument
// object with the EncryptedData element.
EncryptedXml::ReplaceElement( elementToEncrypt, edElement, false );
static void Decrypt( XmlDocument^ Doc, RSA^ Alg, String^ KeyName )
// Check the arguments.
if ( Doc == nullptr )
throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Doc" );
if ( Alg == nullptr )
throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"Alg" );
if ( KeyName == nullptr )
throw gcnew ArgumentNullException( L"KeyName" );
// Create a new EncryptedXml object.
EncryptedXml^ exml = gcnew EncryptedXml( Doc );
// Add a key-name mapping.
// This method can only decrypt documents
// that present the specified key name.
exml->AddKeyNameMapping( KeyName, Alg );
// Decrypt the element.
int main()
// Create an XmlDocument object.
XmlDocument^ xmlDoc = gcnew XmlDocument;
// Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
xmlDoc->PreserveWhitespace = true;
xmlDoc->Load( L"test.xml" );
catch ( Exception^ e )
Console::WriteLine( e->Message );
return 0;
// Create a new RSA key. This key will encrypt a symmetric key,
// which will then be imbedded in the XML document.
RSA^ rsaKey = RSA::Create();
// Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
Encrypt( xmlDoc, L"creditcard", rsaKey, L"rsaKey" );
// Display the encrypted XML to the console.
Console::WriteLine( L"Encrypted XML:" );
Console::WriteLine( xmlDoc->OuterXml );
xmlDoc->Save( L"test.xml" );
// Decrypt the "creditcard" element.
Decrypt( xmlDoc, rsaKey, L"rsaKey" );
// Display the encrypted XML to the console.
Console::WriteLine( L"Decrypted XML:" );
Console::WriteLine( xmlDoc->OuterXml );
xmlDoc->Save( L"test.xml" );
catch ( Exception^ e )
Console::WriteLine( e->Message );
// Clear the RSA key.
return 1;
using System;
using System.Xml;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using System.Security.Cryptography.Xml;
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create an XmlDocument object.
XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
// Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = true;
catch (Exception e)
// Create a new RSA key. This key will encrypt a symmetric key,
// which will then be imbedded in the XML document.
RSA rsaKey = RSA.Create();
// Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
Encrypt(xmlDoc, "creditcard", rsaKey, "rsaKey");
// Display the encrypted XML to the console.
Console.WriteLine("Encrypted XML:");
// Decrypt the "creditcard" element.
Decrypt(xmlDoc, rsaKey, "rsaKey");
// Display the encrypted XML to the console.
Console.WriteLine("Decrypted XML:");
catch (Exception e)
// Clear the RSA key.
public static void Encrypt(XmlDocument Doc, string ElementToEncrypt, RSA Alg, string KeyName)
// Check the arguments.
if (Doc == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Doc");
if (ElementToEncrypt == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("ElementToEncrypt");
if (Alg == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Alg");
// Find the specified element in the XmlDocument
// object and create a new XmlElemnt object.
XmlElement elementToEncrypt = Doc.GetElementsByTagName(ElementToEncrypt)[0] as XmlElement;
// Throw an XmlException if the element was not found.
if (elementToEncrypt == null)
throw new XmlException("The specified element was not found");
// Create a new instance of the EncryptedXml class
// and use it to encrypt the XmlElement with the
// a new random symmetric key.
// Create a 256 bit Aes key.
Aes sessionKey = Aes.Create();
sessionKey.KeySize = 256;
EncryptedXml eXml = new EncryptedXml();
byte[] encryptedElement = eXml.EncryptData(elementToEncrypt, sessionKey, false);
// Construct an EncryptedData object and populate
// it with the desired encryption information.
EncryptedData edElement = new EncryptedData();
edElement.Type = EncryptedXml.XmlEncElementUrl;
// Create an EncryptionMethod element so that the
// receiver knows which algorithm to use for decryption.
edElement.EncryptionMethod = new EncryptionMethod(EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES256Url);
// Encrypt the session key and add it to an EncryptedKey element.
EncryptedKey ek = new EncryptedKey();
byte[] encryptedKey = EncryptedXml.EncryptKey(sessionKey.Key, Alg, false);
ek.CipherData = new CipherData(encryptedKey);
ek.EncryptionMethod = new EncryptionMethod(EncryptedXml.XmlEncRSA15Url);
// Set the KeyInfo element to specify the
// name of the RSA key.
// Create a new KeyInfo element.
edElement.KeyInfo = new KeyInfo();
// Create a new KeyInfoName element.
KeyInfoName kin = new KeyInfoName();
// Specify a name for the key.
kin.Value = KeyName;
// Add the KeyInfoName element to the
// EncryptedKey object.
// Add the encrypted key to the
// EncryptedData object.
edElement.KeyInfo.AddClause(new KeyInfoEncryptedKey(ek));
// Add the encrypted element data to the
// EncryptedData object.
edElement.CipherData.CipherValue = encryptedElement;
// Replace the element from the original XmlDocument
// object with the EncryptedData element.
EncryptedXml.ReplaceElement(elementToEncrypt, edElement, false);
public static void Decrypt(XmlDocument Doc, RSA Alg, string KeyName)
// Check the arguments.
if (Doc == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Doc");
if (Alg == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("Alg");
if (KeyName == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("KeyName");
// Create a new EncryptedXml object.
EncryptedXml exml = new EncryptedXml(Doc);
// Add a key-name mapping.
// This method can only decrypt documents
// that present the specified key name.
exml.AddKeyNameMapping(KeyName, Alg);
// Decrypt the element.
Imports System.Xml
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Security.Cryptography.Xml
Module Program
Sub Main(ByVal args() As String)
' Create an XmlDocument object.
Dim xmlDoc As New XmlDocument()
' Load an XML file into the XmlDocument object.
xmlDoc.PreserveWhitespace = True
Catch e As Exception
End Try
' Create a new RSA key. This key will encrypt a symmetric key,
' which will then be imbedded in the XML document.
Dim rsaKey = RSA = RSA.Create()
' Encrypt the "creditcard" element.
Encrypt(xmlDoc, "creditcard", rsaKey, "rsaKey")
' Display the encrypted XML to the console.
Console.WriteLine("Encrypted XML:")
' Decrypt the "creditcard" element.
Decrypt(xmlDoc, rsaKey, "rsaKey")
' Display the encrypted XML to the console.
Console.WriteLine("Decrypted XML:")
Catch e As Exception
' Clear the RSA key.
End Try
End Sub
Sub Encrypt(ByVal Doc As XmlDocument, ByVal ElementToEncrypt As String, ByVal Alg As RSA, ByVal KeyName As String)
' Check the arguments.
If Doc Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("Doc")
End If
If ElementToEncrypt Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("ElementToEncrypt")
End If
If Alg Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("Alg")
End If
' Find the specified element in the XmlDocument
' object and create a new XmlElemnt object.
Dim elementEncrypt As XmlElement = Doc.GetElementsByTagName(ElementToEncrypt)(0)
' Throw an XmlException if the element was not found.
If elementToEncrypt Is Nothing Then
Throw New XmlException("The specified element was not found")
End If
' Create a new instance of the EncryptedXml class
' and use it to encrypt the XmlElement with the
' a new random symmetric key.
' Create a 256 bit Aes key.
Dim sessionKey As Aes = Aes.Create()
sessionKey.KeySize = 256
Dim eXml As New EncryptedXml()
Dim encryptedElement As Byte() = eXml.EncryptData(elementEncrypt, sessionKey, False)
' Construct an EncryptedData object and populate
' it with the desired encryption information.
Dim edElement As New EncryptedData()
edElement.Type = EncryptedXml.XmlEncElementUrl
' Create an EncryptionMethod element so that the
' receiver knows which algorithm to use for decryption.
edElement.EncryptionMethod = New EncryptionMethod(EncryptedXml.XmlEncAES256Url)
' Encrypt the session key and add it to an EncryptedKey element.
Dim ek As New EncryptedKey()
Dim encryptedKey As Byte() = EncryptedXml.EncryptKey(sessionKey.Key, Alg, False)
ek.CipherData = New CipherData(encryptedKey)
ek.EncryptionMethod = New EncryptionMethod(EncryptedXml.XmlEncRSA15Url)
' Set the KeyInfo element to specify the
' name of the RSA key.
' Create a new KeyInfo element.
edElement.KeyInfo = New KeyInfo()
' Create a new KeyInfoName element.
Dim kin As New KeyInfoName()
' Specify a name for the key.
kin.Value = KeyName
' Add the KeyInfoName element to the
' EncryptedKey object.
' Add the encrypted key to the
' EncryptedData object.
edElement.KeyInfo.AddClause(New KeyInfoEncryptedKey(ek))
' Add the encrypted element data to the
' EncryptedData object.
edElement.CipherData.CipherValue = encryptedElement
' Replace the element from the original XmlDocument
' object with the EncryptedData element.
EncryptedXml.ReplaceElement(elementEncrypt, edElement, False)
End Sub
Sub Decrypt(ByVal Doc As XmlDocument, ByVal Alg As RSA, ByVal KeyName As String)
' Check the arguments.
If Doc Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("Doc")
End If
If Alg Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("Alg")
End If
If KeyName Is Nothing Then
Throw New ArgumentNullException("KeyName")
End If
' Create a new EncryptedXml object.
Dim exml As New EncryptedXml(Doc)
' Add a key-name mapping.
' This method can only decrypt documents
' that present the specified key name.
exml.AddKeyNameMapping(KeyName, Alg)
' Decrypt the element.
End Sub
End Module
Используйте метод для EncryptKey шифрования ключа, который получатель использует для расшифровки <EncryptedData>
элемента. Этот метод принимает значение для rsa
, представляющее либо алгоритм RSA PKCS#1 версии 1.5, либо алгоритм RSA PKCS#1 типа 2 (также называемый OAEP).
Обратите внимание, что этот метод не помещет зашифрованный ключ автоматически в <EncryptedKey>
элемент . Необходимо вручную создать элемент в документе <EncryptedKey>