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FileWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult) Метод


Завершает асинхронный запрос ресурса файловой системы.

 override System::Net::WebResponse ^ EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult ^ asyncResult);
public override System.Net.WebResponse EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult);
override this.EndGetResponse : IAsyncResult -> System.Net.WebResponse
Public Overrides Function EndGetResponse (asyncResult As IAsyncResult) As WebResponse



IAsyncResult, ссылающийся на отложенный запрос ответа.

Возвращаемое значение

Класс WebResponse, содержащий ответ ресурса файловой системы.


asyncResult имеет значение null.


В следующем примере кода метод используется EndGetResponse для завершения асинхронного запроса к ресурсу файловой системы.

public ref class RequestDeclare
   FileWebRequest^ myFileWebRequest;
      myFileWebRequest = nullptr;


ref class FileWebRequest_resbeginend
   static ManualResetEvent^ allDone = gcnew ManualResetEvent( false );
   static void RespCallback( IAsyncResult^ ar )
      // State of request is asynchronous.
      RequestDeclare^ requestDeclare = dynamic_cast<RequestDeclare^>(ar->AsyncState);
      FileWebRequest^ myFileWebRequest = requestDeclare->myFileWebRequest;
      // End the Asynchronus request by calling the 'EndGetResponse()' method.
      FileWebResponse^ myFileWebResponse = dynamic_cast<FileWebResponse^>(myFileWebRequest->EndGetResponse( ar ));
      // Reade the response into Stream.
      StreamReader^ streamReader = gcnew StreamReader( myFileWebResponse->GetResponseStream() );
      array<Char>^readBuffer = gcnew array<Char>(256);
      int count = streamReader->Read( readBuffer, 0, 256 );
      Console::WriteLine( "The contents of the file are :\n" );
      while ( count > 0 )
         String^ str = gcnew String( readBuffer,0,count );
         Console::WriteLine( str );
         count = streamReader->Read( readBuffer, 0, 256 );

      // Release the response Object* resources.
      Console::WriteLine( "File reading is over." );


int main()
   array<String^>^args = Environment::GetCommandLineArgs();
   if ( args->Length < 2 )
      Console::WriteLine( "\nPlease enter the file name as command line parameter:" );
      Console::WriteLine( "Usage:FileWebRequest_resbeginend <systemname>/<sharedfoldername>/<filename>\n" );
      Console::WriteLine( "Example:FileWebRequest_resbeginend shafeeque/shaf/hello.txt" );
         // Place a 'Webrequest'.
         WebRequest^ myWebRequest = WebRequest::Create( String::Concat( "file://", args[ 1 ] ) );
         // Create an instance of the 'RequestDeclare' and associating the 'myWebRequest' to it.
         RequestDeclare^ myRequestDeclare = gcnew RequestDeclare;
         myRequestDeclare->myFileWebRequest = dynamic_cast<FileWebRequest^>(myWebRequest);
         // Begin the Asynchronous request for getting file content using 'BeginGetResponse()' method.
         IAsyncResult^ asyncResult = dynamic_cast<IAsyncResult^>(myRequestDeclare->myFileWebRequest->BeginGetResponse( gcnew AsyncCallback( &FileWebRequest_resbeginend::RespCallback ), myRequestDeclare ));
      catch ( ArgumentNullException^ e ) 
         Console::WriteLine( "ArgumentNullException is : {0}", e->Message );
      catch ( UriFormatException^ e ) 
         Console::WriteLine( "UriFormatException is : {0}", e->Message );


public class RequestDeclare
public FileWebRequest myFileWebRequest;	

    public RequestDeclare()
        myFileWebRequest = null;

class FileWebRequest_resbeginend

    public static ManualResetEvent allDone = new ManualResetEvent(false);

    static void Main(string[] args)
        if (args.Length < 1)
           Console.WriteLine("\nPlease enter the file name as command line parameter:");
           Console.WriteLine("Usage:FileWebRequest_resbeginend <systemname>/<sharedfoldername>/<filename>\nExample:FileWebRequest_resbeginend shafeeque/shaf/hello.txt");

              // Place a 'Webrequest'.
              WebRequest myWebRequest= WebRequest.Create("file://"+args[0]);
              // Create an instance of the 'RequestDeclare' and associating the 'myWebRequest' to it.		
              RequestDeclare myRequestDeclare = new RequestDeclare();
              myRequestDeclare.myFileWebRequest = (FileWebRequest)myWebRequest;

              // Begin the Asynchronous request for getting file content using 'BeginGetResponse()' method.	
              IAsyncResult asyncResult =(IAsyncResult) myRequestDeclare.myFileWebRequest.BeginGetResponse(new AsyncCallback(RespCallback),myRequestDeclare);			
        catch(ArgumentNullException e)
              Console.WriteLine("ArgumentNullException is :"+e.Message);
           catch(UriFormatException e)
              Console.WriteLine("UriFormatException is :"+e.Message);

  private static void RespCallback(IAsyncResult ar)

           // State of request is asynchronous.
            RequestDeclare requestDeclare=(RequestDeclare) ar.AsyncState;
            FileWebRequest  myFileWebRequest=requestDeclare.myFileWebRequest;
           // End the Asynchronus request by calling the 'EndGetResponse()' method.
            FileWebResponse myFileWebResponse = (FileWebResponse) myFileWebRequest.EndGetResponse(ar);

            // Reade the response into Stream.
            StreamReader streamReader= new StreamReader(myFileWebResponse.GetResponseStream());

            Char[] readBuffer = new Char[256];
            int count = streamReader.Read( readBuffer, 0, 256 );

            Console.WriteLine("The contents of the file are :\n");
            while (count > 0)
                String str = new String(readBuffer, 0, count);
                count = streamReader.Read(readBuffer, 0, 256);
            // Release the response object resources.
            Console.WriteLine("File reading is over.");	
Public Class RequestDeclare
    Public myFileWebRequest As FileWebRequest
    Public Sub New()
        myFileWebRequest = Nothing
    End Sub
End Class

Class FileWebRequest_resbeginend
    Public Shared allDone As New ManualResetEvent(False)
    ' Entry point which delegates to C-style main Private Function.
    Public Overloads Shared Sub Main()
    End Sub
    Overloads Shared Sub Main(args() As String)
        If args.Length < 2 Then
            Console.WriteLine(ControlChars.Cr + "Please enter the file name as command line parameter:")
            Console.WriteLine("Usage:FileWebRequest_resbeginend " + ChrW(60) + "systemname" + ChrW(62) + "/" + ChrW(60) + "sharedfoldername" + ChrW(62) + "/" + ChrW(60) + "filename" + ChrW(62) + ControlChars.Cr + "Example:FileWebRequest_resbeginend shafeeque/shaf/hello.txt")

                ' Place a webrequest.
                Dim myWebRequest As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create(("file://" + args(1)))
                ' Create an instance of the 'RequestDeclare' and associating the 'myWebRequest' to it.		
                Dim myRequestDeclare As New RequestDeclare()
                myRequestDeclare.myFileWebRequest = CType(myWebRequest, FileWebRequest)
                ' Begin the Asynchronous request for getting file content using 'BeginGetResponse()' method.	
                 Dim asyncResult As IAsyncResult = CType(myRequestDeclare.myFileWebRequest.BeginGetResponse(AddressOf RespCallback, myRequestDeclare), IAsyncResult)

            Catch e As ArgumentNullException
                Console.WriteLine(("ArgumentNullException is :" + e.Message))
            Catch e As UriFormatException
                Console.WriteLine(("UriFormatException is :" + e.Message))
            End Try
        End If
    End Sub
    Private Shared Sub RespCallback(ar As IAsyncResult)

        ' State of request is asynchronous.
        Dim requestDeclare As RequestDeclare = CType(ar.AsyncState, RequestDeclare)
        Dim myFileWebRequest As FileWebRequest = requestDeclare.myFileWebRequest
        ' End the Asynchronus request by calling the 'EndGetResponse()' method.
        Dim myFileWebResponse As FileWebResponse = CType(myFileWebRequest.EndGetResponse(ar), FileWebResponse)
        ' Reade the response into Stream.
        Dim streamReader As New StreamReader(myFileWebResponse.GetResponseStream())

        Dim readBuffer(256) As [Char]
        Dim count As Integer = streamReader.Read(readBuffer, 0, 256)
        Console.WriteLine("The contents of the file are :"+ControlChars.Cr)
        While count > 0
            Dim str As New [String](readBuffer, 0, count)
            count = streamReader.Read(readBuffer, 0, 256)
        End While
        ' Release the response object resources.
        Console.WriteLine("File reading is over.")
    End Sub
End Class


Метод EndGetResponse завершает асинхронный запрос для ресурса файловой системы, запущенного с BeginGetResponse помощью метода .

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