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A manifest is a top-level document with the extension '.manifest.cdm.json'. A manifest can reference different documents, including documents with the extension '.cdm.json' that contain entities.

public class CdmManifestDefinition extends CdmDocumentDefinition, CdmObjectDefinition, CdmFileStatus

CdmManifestDefinition extends CdmDocumentDefinition, CdmFileStatus in TypeScript.


Name Description
CdmManifestDefinition(CdmCorpusContext, string)
ctx: The corpus context.
name: The manifest's name.
Initializes a new instance of the CdmManifestDefinition class.


Name Type Description
ManifestName string The manifest's name.
Explanation string The manifest's explanation.
ExhibitsTraits CdmTraitCollection The collection of trait references that provide detailed meanings, semantics, usage parameters, or other application specific metadata.
SubManifests CdmCollection<CdmManifestDeclarationDefinition> The collection of sub-manifests.
Entities CdmEntityCollection The entities declared in the manifest (can only be LocalEntityDeclaration or ReferencedEntityDeclaration).
Relationships CdmCollection<CdmE2ERelationship> The collection of references that exist where either the outgoing entity or the incoming entity is defined in this folder.
LastFileStatusCheckTime DateTimeOffset? The last time the modified time was checked for this file.
LastFileModifiedTime DateTimeOffset? The last time this file was modified according to the object model.
LastChildFileModifiedTime DateTimeOffset? The greatest last time reported by any of the children objects about their file status check times.


Name Description Return Type SDK
option [optional]: The type of relationships we want populated in the manifest.

populate_entity_relationships() in Python.
Populates the relationships that the entities in the current manifest are involved in. This function is used to pre-calculate relationships that lead to optimizations during the resolution process. Task 1.0
CreateResolvedManifestAsync(string, string, ResolveOptions)
newManifestName: The corpus path to the name of the new manifest.
newEntityDocumentNameFormat: Specifies the pattern to use when creating documents for resolved entities. The default is "{f}resolved/{n}.cdm.json" to avoid a document name conflict with documents in the same folder as the manifest.
resOpt [optional]: The resolve options.
Creates a resolved copy of the manifest. Every instance of the string {n} from the argument is replaced with the entity name from the source manifest. Every instance of the string {f} is replaced with the folder path from the source manifest to the source entity (if there's one that's possible as a relative location, else nothing). A manifest with all the entities resolved is returned. Task<CdmManifestDefinition> 1.0
FileStatusCheckAsync() Updates the object and its children, if any, with the current time. Note that if there were any changes done on the manifest object prior to this call, and the file has been updated and the last modification timestamps don't match, the manifest will then be reloaded from file causing all prior changes to be lost. Task 1.0
FileStatusCheckAsync(PartitionFileStatusCheckType, CdmIncrementalPartitionType, FileStatusCheckOptions)
partitionFileStatusCheckType [optional]: An enum value that denotes the type of partition objects and partition pattern objects to update. The default value is PartitionFileStatusCheckType.Full.
incrementalType [optional]: An enum value that denotes what type of incremental partition objects and incremental partition pattern objects to update. The default value is CdmIncrementalPartitionType.None.
fileStatusCheckOptions [optional]: A set of options to be used during this call. See FileStatusCheckOptions for more information.
Updates the object and its children, if any, with the current time. PartitionFileStatusCheckType and CdmIncrementalPartitionType allow users to have better control of which data partition or/and data partition pattern updates should be performed. Note that if there were any changes done on the manifest object prior to this call, and the file has been updated and the last modification timestamps don't match, the manifest will then be reloaded from file causing all prior changes to be lost. Task 1.6
GetName() See CdmObjectDefinition.GetName(). string 1.0
IsDerivedFrom(string, ResolveOptions) See CdmObject.IsDerivedFrom(...). bool 1.0