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Considerations When Consuming Web Services

This section provides information that you should take into consideration when consuming Web services.

Using two underscore characters in a parameter name

Parameter names for Web methods cannot begin with "__" (two underscore characters). Names that begin with two underscore characters may create Web message parts that are unsupported (unusable) by XLANG/s.

The any element and the anyAttribute attributes are not supported in Web methods

You cannot use the any element or anyAttribute attribute in the schema for a Web method.

Using XLANG/s keywords

A Web service name or a Web method name cannot be a keyword in an XLANG/s. If you use an XLANG/s keyword in the Web service name or Web method name, you will get a compilation error when you add the Web service. For a list of reserved words for the XLANG/s language, see XLANG-s Reserved Words.

Required XLANG/s support for parameter types

Using non-XLANG/s supported Web method parameter type will cause compilation errors. For example, BizTalk Server does not support a parameter that consists of a single dimensional array of schema types. In addition, BizTalk Server does not support multi-dimensional arrays. For a list of words that XLANG/s language reserves in BizTalk Server, see XLANG-s Reserved Words.

Avoiding compilation errors caused by adding Web references containing C# keywords or identifiers

When you use the Add Service Reference to add service references to BizTalk projects, BizTalk Server converts the schema types that are required to call each Web method to schemas. BizTalk Server adds these schemas to Reference.xsd. If your schemas contain element names that are C# keywords or the element name is not valid as a C# identifier, you may get a run-time error. To avoid run-time errors, ensure that the Web service you consume does not contain element names that are C# keywords or invalid C# identifiers.

Multiple service/port type definitions are unsupported

BizTalk Server supports adding a Web service file with a single service and port type definition. If you add a WSDL file with multiple service or port type definitions, you may receive the following error:

Could not generate BizTalk files. Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Support for consuming arrays exposed by Web services

BizTalk Server can consume one dimensional and jagged arrays exposed by Web services that are not BizTalk Web services. For more information about how to consume Web service arrays, see How to Consume Web Service Arrays.


Multi dimensional array syntax is not supported. For example, MyArray[1,5].


BizTalk Server does not support consuming an array of DataSet objects exposed by a Web service. The XLANG/s subservice does natively support the .NET DataSet class but if you create a BizTalk project that contains a Web reference to a Web service that exposes an array of .NET DataSet objects you will get errors when you attempt to compile the project.

Web method parameters must be Xml Serializable

All parameters in a consumed Web service must be Xml Serializable. If you add a Web method that contains a parameter that is not Xml Serializable, you may receive the following error message:

System.Xml.Element must be Xml Seralizeable to be a message part type.


The data types, XmlDocument and DataSet, while not Xml Serializable, are supported.

Consuming Messaging only Web services

When consuming messaging only Web services, all BizTalk message body part names must match the Web method parameter names. For example, if the signature of the Web service is WebMethod(MyType1 type1, MyType2 type2), the part name must be type1 and type2, you may get the following runtime error:

Failed to retrieve the message part for parameter %1

For more information, see How to Consume Web Services in a Messaging Only Scenario.

Configuring a SOAP Send Port Programmatically

It is possible to set configuration properties programmatically on the message context. You can set these properties in an orchestration or a custom pipeline component whether or not the send port is static or dynamic.


To configure the MethodName property for the static SOAP send port programmatically, you need to set Method name to [Specify Later] in the Web Service tab of the SOAP Transport Properties dialog box in the BizTalk Server Administration Console.

For more information about the MethodName property, see How to Dynamically Set the URI of a Consumed Web Service.

For more information about SOAP Transport Properties dialog box, see the SOAP Transport Properties Dialog Box, Web service tab in the UI guidance and developers API namespace reference.

Property Rules

If the configuration property is set in an orchestration or in a custom pipeline component in a receive pipeline, then the following rules are applied:

  • If a message is sent to a static send port, the property value will be overwritten with the value configured for that send port.

  • If a message is sent to a dynamic send port, the property value will not be overwritten.

    If a configuration property is set in a custom pipeline component in a send pipeline, then the following rule is applied:

  • The value will not be overwritten regardless of whether the message is sent to a static or dynamic send port. In other words, send pipeline components overwrite the configuration property no matter where it was set.

  • For more information about custom pipeline components, see Developing Custom Pipeline Components.

  • For more information about the configuration properties of the SOAP send adapter, see How to Dynamically Set the URI of a Consumed Web Service.

Adding a Web reference to a consumed Web service that contains a multi-rooted schema will cause a compilation error

If you add a Web reference to your project for a Web service that was derived from a published BizTalk orchestration and the orchestration contains a schema with multiple roots then an error will occur when the project is compiled. If you add a Web reference to your project that was derived from a published BizTalk orchestration, ensure that the orchestration does not contain any multi-rooted schemas.

Using TypedDataSets as parameters to Web methods

The following is what you need to do to support using TypedDataSets as parameters to Web methods:

  1. Add the Web reference to a C# project and then generate the proxy.

  2. Create a SOAP send port and specify the proxy on the send port and choose the method.

  3. In the orchestration, define a late bound port and define the message types. For most cases where no property promotion or distinguished field access is needed, the type can be defined as XMLDocument. Select PassThrough pipelines with this type.

  4. In BizTalk Server Administration console, in the Web Service tab in the SOAP Transport Properties dialog box of the SOAP send port, specify that you want to use that proxy that you created. You will also need to specify assembly, type, and method. For more information, see the SOAP Transport Properties Dialog Box, Web service tab in the UI guidance and developers API namespace reference.

Adding a Web reference to a consumed Web service that contains a Web method expecting generic based parameters will cause a compilation error

If you add a Web reference to your project for a Web service that contains a Web method expecting generic based parameters such as nullable parameters, an error will occur when the project is compiled. This is not supported. You must use explicit specialization to call the generic class from XLANG/s.

BizTalk Schema Generation using the Add Service Reference

When you use the Add Service Reference to add service references to BizTalk projects, BizTalk Server converts the schema types that are required to call each Web method to schemas. BizTalk Server adds these schemas to Reference.xsd. To ensure that the Add Service Reference generates the BizTalk schemas correctly, the Web services must conform to the following guidelines:

  • Web methods should have SoapDocumentMethodAttribute instead of SoapRpcMethodAttribute.

  • Web services and methods must use the Literal binding instead of Encoded such as [SoapDocumentMethod(Use=SoapBindingUse.Literal)].

  • Web method parameters and return types must have XmlRootAttribute with a valid Namespace property unless they are native XSD types and the XmlNode type.

  • Web methods must not use the RequestNamespace and ResponseNamespace properties in SoapDocumentMethodAttribute.

  • Web services must be compliant with the Web services interoperability (WSI) Basic Profile version 1.1.

XSD will not contain nodes for simple parameter types

When you add a Web reference and the Web method has a parameter that is a simple type, the generated XSD will not contain nodes for that parameter. Instead, the multipart message that is generated will contain a part that is of the simple type. The orchestration should handle this message part appropriately. If it is a part of the request to the Web service, manually assign the value to that part with a message assignment shape. If it is a part of the response from the Web service, manually access that part in an expression shape to see the value.

The Add Service Reference do not support the Web Services Description Language (WSDL) import element

The Add Service Reference fails when you add service references for the WSDL file with the import element.

See Also

Constructing Web Messages