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XLANG-s Reserved Words

XLANG/s reserves various keywords, type names, and identifier names for its own usage.

Reserved keywords

activate atomic body
call catch checked
compensate compensation construct
correlation correlationtype delay
dynamic else exceptions
exec exists false
if implements in
initialize internal link
listen longrunning message
messagetype method module
new null oneway
out parallel port
porttype private public
receive ref request
requestresponse response scope
send service servicelink
servicelinktype source succeeded
suppressfailure suspend target
task terminate throw
timeout transaction transform
true unchecked until
uses using while

Reserved types



Reserved identifiers

All names beginning with __ (double under-score) are reserved in XLANG/s.


XLANG/s identifiers may be no more than 511 characters long.


Lines of XLANG/s code may be no more than 2040 characters long.