This is my old blog
It's all about causality
Day 2 on Teched 2003 - Israel
Day 2 at TechEd Israel 2003 Last might someone from Microsoft asked my boss to speak for15 min....
Author: yosit Date: 05/06/2003
Day 1 on MsTeched 2003 - Israel
you can read more on my first day today at teched 2003 - israel....
Author: yosit Date: 04/29/2003
Day 1 on MsTeched 2003 - Israel
I arrived early today, my flight was schedualed to be on 8:00am I was really glad because they were...
Author: yosit Date: 04/29/2003
Deleting a node from a MMC snapin using library
there is one MMC Library sdk which is the only opensource project I know it's from...
Author: yosit Date: 04/24/2003
moving into v1.1 -
we've moved our code into 2003 we noticed a problem when passing parameters to the server...
Author: yosit Date: 04/14/2003
minidumps and managed code
today I've had a meeting with thwe MS guy responsible for the content of my lecture. he wanted me to...
Author: yosit Date: 04/14/2003
Server.Transfer changed it default value in 1.1
chekc out:
Author: yosit Date: 04/14/2003
.net Advanced Debugging - My lecture on Teched 2003
I've going to do a lecture on the next Teched (2003) in israel, it's about Advanced Debugging and...
Author: yosit Date: 04/03/2003
17 hours of work because of remoting.......
Last night we stayed 17 hours at work trying to figure out why we can't load the remoted server with...
Author: yosit Date: 04/03/2003
Caching Architecture Guide for .NET Framework Applications
in the following link you find a new Caching Guide from MS,...
Author: yosit Date: 04/01/2003
A bug in System.Exception
try the following code and you'll get an error.It depends on how much memory you've got ,my current...
Author: yosit Date: 03/30/2003