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Bidders - Member service


Members are integrated into Xandr's system and managed via the Member Service.

Any entity that has a financial relationship with Xandr's platform (usually a buyer or seller) needs to be added to Xandr's system as a "member" before they can conduct transactions. Members can be registered with the Member Service either by a bidder or by Xandr personnel.

Members and contracts

Before they can buy or sell ads, a member needs a contract with Xandr. This contract will establish financial terms and credit facilities (if applicable), and bind the member to the terms and conditions of Xandr, such as content quality and use of personally identifiable information. Any bidder can create a member at any time, but members will not be able to place bids until their contract has been approved.


  • If you are looking for information about other platform members use the Platform Member Service.
  • In bidder sandbox environments, all functionality of the Member Service is available.
  • The Member Service does not grant API access. That is done via the User Service.


HTTP Method Endpoint Description
GET To see all your members.
GET To see a particular member.


The calls below are visible to Xandr employees only. They can be made by users with the "admin" user_type.

HTTP Method Endpoint Description
POST To add a new member.
PUT To modify an existing member.

JSON fields

Field Type Description
active Boolean Whether the member can provide and/or bid for inventory.
agent_id string Used for inventory aggregator members.
allow_ad_profile_override This field is not currently used.
audit_notify_email string Each time Xandr audits a creative belonging to this member, a detailed response is sent to this email address. The response includes the creative's audit status and any reasons why the creative has not passed audit. This field supports multiple comma-separated email addresses.
bidder_id int The bidder that manages bidding for the member. Can be blank for members that only sell inventory.
billing_address_1 string(255) The first line of the member's address.
billing_address_2 string(255) The second line of the member's address.
billing_city string(100) The city of the member's address.
billing_country string(50) The country of the member.
billing_name string(100) The billing name (who to write checks to).
Required On: POST.
billing_postal_code string(50) The postal code for the member's address.
billing_region string The region of the member's address.
buyer_clearing_fee_pct double The percent of the CPM paid for inventory charged as a fee.
buyer_credit_limit double The credit limit for this member when buying inventory through Xandr. Read-only.
code string(100) Optional way to add an internal identification.
contact_email This field is not currently used.
default_ad_profile_id int If you want to set an ad profile for all TinyTags belonging to a member.
default_tag_id int The ID of the creative to serve in the case where tags are being called using unknown codes.
dongle string A password that can be passed into a debug auction (as the "dongle" parameter) that will allow a member access to relevant debug output from their bidder.
email_code string(50) Email code is a unique value used when TinyTags are processed via our email tag processing tool. Must be an alphanumeric value.
id int The ID of the member.
Required On: PUT.
last_activity timestamp The timestamp of last modification to this bidder instance.
platform_exposure See below for details.
price_buckets array When using Preemptive Tags, a selling member may require Price Bucket for 3rd party ad server pricing. Depending on the kind of integration a 3rd party adserver requires, the values might be [{"price_bucket": 10}, {"price_bucket": 20}. . . ]
[{"price_bucket": 10, "width": 300, "height":200", "pixel_url": "https://..."}, . . . ].
prioritize_margin Boolean If set to "true", Xandr will perform a bid/no bid check for managed campaigns based on line item minimum margin settings.

If set to "false", Xandr will not not perform any bid/no bid check for managed campaigns based on the line item minimum.
seller_revshare_pct double Read-only for bidder-users and members.
Percentage amount that Xandr takes out of seller revenue.
serving_domain array of strings Used when generating tags for selling members. (i.e. instead
"serving_domain": {"cname": null,"type": null}
Read only.
sherlock_notify_email string Each time Sherlock, our automated creative scanning system, scans a creative belonging to this member, a response is sent to this email address. The response includes the creative's audit status and any reasons why the creative has not passed audit. For more information, see Sherlock.
This field supports multiple comma-separated email addresses.
timezone string The member timezone is the default timezone for your reports.
For possible values, see Reporting Timezones.
Default is "EST5EDT".

Platform exposure

The platform exposure setting determines how your account is displayed to other members on the platform. There are three values which result in slightly different behaviors as outlined below:

Platform Exposure Value Behavior
hidden Member is not displayed.

Note: Setting platform_exposure to "hidden" will hide your member "name" and "domain" fields in our sellers.json file and list your member seat as "is_confidential": 1. For example, see hidden example.
This can limit the monetization of your inventory as some DSPs may not choose to buy impressions from sellers who are not transparent in the "schain" object.
private Member is displayed as "Member 123" where 123 is the member ID.
public Member is displayed using the billing name.

Note: Setting platform_exposure to "public" will display your member "name" and "domain" fields in our sellers.json file. For example, see public example.

hidden example

  "seller_id": "8253",
  "is_confidential": 1,
  "seller_type": "PUBLISHER"

public example

  "seller_id": "7694",
  "seller_type": "INTERMEDIARY",
  "domain": "",
  "name": "Xaxis – Slovakia Marketplace"

The sample JSON below shows how to set this parameter.

  "member": {
    "platform_exposure": "public"

Authentication token

Authentication is always the first step when using the API Services. The authentication token can then be written to our cookie file for future use. For more detailed instructions, see Authentication Service.


Create a JSON-formatted file describing the member

The only required fields are billing_name and bidder_id if the member is associated with a bidder, but since a member has a financial relationship with Xandr, you will probably want to include other billing-related information.

$ cat member
        "member" : {
                "active" : true,
                "billing_name" : "My Company",
                "bidder_id" : 2,
                "billing_address_1" : "One Coke Way",
                "billing_city" : "Atlanta",
                "billing_region" : "GA",
                "billing_country" : "US",
        "email_code" : "cola"

Add the member file to the impression bus cache

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies -X POST --data-binary @member ''

Now modify the member via a modified JSON-formatted file

$ cat member_mod
        "member" : {
                "active" : true,
                "billing_name" : "My Company",
                "bidder_id" : 2,
                "billing_address_1" : "Building 5",
                "billing_address_2" : "Company Complex",
                "billing_city" : "Atlanta",
                "billing_region" : "GA",
                "billing_country" : "US",
                "billing_postal_code" : "33608"

Update the member information in the impression bus cache, using the member ID

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies-X PUT --data-binary @member_mod ''

View information about the member

$ curl -b cookies -c cookies ''
      "member": {
        "id": 334,
        "agent_id": null,
        "code": null,
        "active": true,
        "buyer_credit_limit": 0,
        "billing_name" : "My Company",
                "bidder_id" : 2,
                "billing_address_1" : "Building 5",
                "billing_address_2" : "Company Complex",
                "billing_city" : "Atlanta",
                "billing_region" : "GA",
                "billing_country" : "US",
                "billing_postal_code" : "33608"
        "email_code": "cola",
        "seller_revshare_pct": 95,
        "price_buckets": [
        "default_tag_id": null,
        "default_ad_profile_id": 251,
        "buyer_clearing_fee_pct": null,
        "serving_domain": {
          "cname": null,
          "type": null
        "last_activity": "2010-04-08 03:38:16",
        "timezone": "EST5EDT"