Classe MenuAction
Um item de menu de contexto que representa uma ação a ser tomada no designer.
Namespace: Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction
Assembly: Microsoft.Windows.Design.Extensibility (em Microsoft.Windows.Design.Extensibility.dll)
Public Class MenuAction _
Inherits MenuBase
Dim instance As MenuAction
public class MenuAction : MenuBase
public ref class MenuAction : public MenuBase
public class MenuAction extends MenuBase
Use o MenuAction classe para definir um item de menu de contexto na WPF Designer.
Para mostrar itens de menu de contexto, herdam o ContextMenuProvider classe e criar MenuAction itens e um associado MenuGroup. Esses objetos menu geralmente são criados no construtor de uma classe derivada de PrimarySelectionContextMenuProvider, que mostra o menu de contexto na seleção principal.
Implementar a lógica para o seu MenuAction no Execute manipulador de eventos.
The MenuAction classe é compatível com o sistema de comando do WPF. Use o Command propriedade para invocar o MenuAction programaticamente, em vez de através da interface do usuário.
O seguinte código exemplo mostra como conjunto até dois MenuAction itens que conjunto o Background propriedade de um controle em time de design. Para obter mais informações, consulte Demonstra Passo a passo: Criando um MenuAction.
Private setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction As MenuAction
Private clearBackgroundMenuAction As MenuAction
' The provider's constructor sets up the MenuAction objects
' and the the MenuGroup which holds them.
Public Sub New()
' Set up the MenuAction which sets the control's
' background to Blue.
setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction = New MenuAction("Blue")
setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction.Checkable = True
AddHandler setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction.Execute, AddressOf SetBackgroundToBlue_Execute
' Set up the MenuAction which sets the control's
' background to its default value.
clearBackgroundMenuAction = New MenuAction("Cleared")
clearBackgroundMenuAction.Checkable = True
AddHandler clearBackgroundMenuAction.Execute, AddressOf ClearBackground_Execute
' Set up the MenuGroup which holds the MenuAction items.
Dim backgroundFlyoutGroup As New MenuGroup("SetBackgroundsGroup", "Set Background")
' If HasDropDown is false, the group appears inline,
' instead of as a flyout. Set to true.
backgroundFlyoutGroup.HasDropDown = True
' The UpdateItemStatus event is raised immediately before
' this provider shows its tabs, which provides the opportunity
' to set states.
AddHandler UpdateItemStatus, AddressOf CustomContextMenuProvider_UpdateItemStatus
End Sub
private MenuAction setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction;
private MenuAction clearBackgroundMenuAction;
// The provider's constructor sets up the MenuAction objects
// and the the MenuGroup which holds them.
public CustomContextMenuProvider()
// Set up the MenuAction which sets the control's
// background to Blue.
setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction = new MenuAction("Blue");
setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction.Checkable = true;
setBackgroundToBlueMenuAction.Execute +=
new EventHandler<MenuActionEventArgs>(SetBackgroundToBlue_Execute);
// Set up the MenuAction which sets the control's
// background to its default value.
clearBackgroundMenuAction = new MenuAction("Cleared");
clearBackgroundMenuAction.Checkable = true;
clearBackgroundMenuAction.Execute +=
new EventHandler<MenuActionEventArgs>(ClearBackground_Execute);
// Set up the MenuGroup which holds the MenuAction items.
MenuGroup backgroundFlyoutGroup =
new MenuGroup("SetBackgroundsGroup", "Set Background");
// If HasDropDown is false, the group appears inline,
// instead of as a flyout. Set to true.
backgroundFlyoutGroup.HasDropDown = true;
// The UpdateItemStatus event is raised immediately before
// this provider shows its tabs, which provides the opportunity
// to set states.
UpdateItemStatus +=
new EventHandler<MenuActionEventArgs>(
Hierarquia de herança
Acesso thread-safe
Quaisquer membros static (Shared no Visual Basic) públicos deste tipo são thread-safe. Não há garantia de que qualquer membro de instância seja thread-safe.
Consulte também
Namespace Microsoft.Windows.Design.Interaction