Objeto image (Script do Outlook Forms)
Exibe uma imagem em um formulário.
The Image control lets you display a picture as part of the data in a form. For example, you might use an Image to display employee photographs in a personnel form.
The Image lets you crop, size, or zoom a picture, but does not allow you to edit the contents of the picture. For example, you cannot use the Image to change the colors in the picture, to make the picture transparent, or to refine the image of the picture. You must use image editing software for these purposes.
O objeto Image dá suporte aos seguintes formatos de arquivo:
- *.bmp
- *.Cur
- *.gif
- *.Ico
- *.jpg
- *.Wmf
You can also display a picture on a Label. However, a Label does not let you crop, size, or zoom the picture.
Nome | Descrição |
Click | Occurs when the user clicks inside the control. |
Nome | Descrição |
AutoSize | Returns or sets a Boolean that specifies whether an object automatically resizes to display its entire contents. Leitura/gravação. |
BackColor | Returns or sets a Long that specifies the background color of the object. Leitura/gravação. |
BackStyle | Returns or sets an Integer that specifies the background style for an object. Leitura/gravação. |
BorderColor | Returns or sets a Long that specifies the border color of an object. Leitura/gravação. |
BorderStyle | Returns or sets an Integer that specifies the type of border of the control. Leitura/gravação. |
Enabled | Returns or sets a Boolean that specifies whether a control can receive the focus and respond to user-generated events. Leitura/gravação. |
MouseIcon | Returns a String that represents the full path name of a custom icon that is to be assigned to the control. Somente leitura. |
MousePointer | Returns or sets an Integer that specifies the type of pointer displayed when the user positions the mouse over a particular object. Leitura/gravação. |
Picture | Returns a String that specifies the full path name of a bitmap to display on a control. Somente leitura. |
PictureAlignment | Returns or sets an Integer that specifies the location of a background picture. Leitura/gravação. |
PictureSizeMode | Returns or sets an Integer that specifies how to display the background picture on a control. Leitura/gravação. |
PictureTiling | Returns or sets a Boolean that specifies whether a picture is repeated across the background of the object. Leitura/gravação. |
SpecialEffect | Returns or sets an Integer that specifies the visual appearance of an object. Leitura/gravação. |
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