Criar um tempo de execução de integração Azure-SSIS por meio do Azure PowerShell
APLICA-SE A: Azure Data Factory
Azure Synapse Analytics
Experimente o Data Factory no Microsoft Fabric, uma solução de análise tudo-em-um para empresas. O Microsoft Fabric abrange tudo, desde a movimentação de dados até ciência de dados, análises em tempo real, business intelligence e relatórios. Saiba como iniciar uma nova avaliação gratuitamente!
Este artigo mostra como criar um tempo de execução de integração (IR) do Azure-SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS) no Azure Data Factory (ADF) por meio do Azure PowerShell.
Para o IR do Azure-SSIS no Azure Synapse Analytics, substitua pelas interfaces correspondentes do PowerShell do Azure Synapse Analytics: Set-AzSynapseIntegrationRuntime (Az.Synapse), Start-AzSynapseIntegrationRuntime e Stop-AzSynapseIntegrationRuntime.
Criar variáveis
Copie e cole o script a seguir. Especifique valores para as variáveis.
### Azure Data Factory info
# If your input contains a PSH special character like "$", precede it with the escape character "`" - for example, "`$"
$SubscriptionName = "[your Azure subscription name]"
$ResourceGroupName = "[your Azure resource group name]"
# Data factory name - must be globally unique
$DataFactoryName = "[your data factory name]"
# For supported regions, see®ions=all
$DataFactoryLocation = "EastUS"
### Azure-SSIS integration runtime info - This is a Data Factory compute resource for running SSIS packages.
$AzureSSISName = "[your Azure-SSIS IR name]"
$AzureSSISDescription = "[your Azure-SSIS IR description]"
# For supported regions, see®ions=all
$AzureSSISLocation = "EastUS"
# For supported node sizes, see
$AzureSSISNodeSize = "Standard_D8_v3"
# 1-10 nodes are currently supported
$AzureSSISNodeNumber = 2
# Azure-SSIS IR edition/license info: Standard or Enterprise
$AzureSSISEdition = "Standard" # Standard by default, whereas Enterprise lets you use advanced features on your Azure-SSIS IR
# Azure-SSIS IR hybrid usage info: LicenseIncluded or BasePrice
$AzureSSISLicenseType = "LicenseIncluded" # LicenseIncluded by default, whereas BasePrice lets you bring your own on-premises SQL Server license with Software Assurance to earn cost savings from Azure Hybrid Benefit option
# For a Standard_D1_v2 node, up to 4 parallel executions per node are supported. For other nodes, up to (2 x number of cores) are currently supported.
$AzureSSISMaxParallelExecutionsPerNode = 8
# Custom setup info: Standard/express custom setups
$SetupScriptContainerSasUri = "" # OPTIONAL to provide a SAS URI of blob container for standard custom setup where your script and its associated files are stored
$ExpressCustomSetup = "[RunCmdkey|SetEnvironmentVariable|InstallAzurePowerShell|SentryOne.TaskFactory|oh22is.SQLPhonetics.NET|oh22is.HEDDA.IO|KingswaySoft.IntegrationToolkit|KingswaySoft.ProductivityPack|Theobald.XtractIS|AecorSoft.IntegrationService|CData.Standard|CData.Extended or leave it empty]" # OPTIONAL to configure an express custom setup without script
# Virtual network info: Azure Resource Manager or Classic
$VnetId = "[your virtual network resource ID or leave it empty]" # REQUIRED if you use Azure SQL Database server configured with a private endpoint/IP firewall rule/virtual network service endpoint or Azure SQL Managed Instance that joins a virtual network to host SSISDB, or if you require access to on-premises data without configuring a self-hosted IR. We recommend Azure Resource Manager virtual network, because classic virtual network will be deprecated soon.
$SubnetName = "[your subnet name or leave it empty]" # WARNING: Use the same subnet as the one used for Azure SQL Database server configured with a virtual network service endpoint or a different subnet from the one used for Azure SQL Managed Instance that joins a virtual network
$SubnetId = $VnetId + '/subnets/' + $SubnetName
# Virtual network injection method: Standard or Express. For comparison, see
$VnetInjectionMethod = "Standard" # Standard by default, whereas Express lets you use the express virtual network injection method
# Public IP address info: OPTIONAL to provide two standard static public IP addresses with DNS name under the same subscription and in the same region as your virtual network
$FirstPublicIP = "[your first public IP address resource ID or leave it empty]"
$SecondPublicIP = "[your second public IP address resource ID or leave it empty]"
### SSISDB info
$SSISDBServerEndpoint = "[your Azure SQL Database server or managed instance name.DNS or managed instance name.public.DNS,3342 or leave it empty if you do not use SSISDB]" # WARNING: If you use SSISDB, ensure that there's no existing SSISDB on your database server, so we can prepare and manage one on your behalf
# Authentication info: SQL or Azure AD
$SSISDBServerAdminUserName = "[your server admin username for SQL authentication or leave it empty for Azure AD authentication]"
$SSISDBServerAdminPassword = "[your server admin password for SQL authentication or leave it empty for Azure AD authentication]"
# For the basic pricing tier, specify "Basic," not "B." For standard, premium, and elastic pool tiers, specify "S0," "S1," "S2," "S3," etc. See
$SSISDBPricingTier = "[Basic|S0|S1|S2|S3|S4|S6|S7|S9|S12|P1|P2|P4|P6|P11|P15|…|ELASTIC_POOL(name = <elastic_pool_name>) for Azure SQL Database server or leave it empty for managed instance]"
### Self-hosted integration runtime info - This can be configured as a proxy for on-premises data access
$DataProxyIntegrationRuntimeName = "" # OPTIONAL to configure a proxy for on-premises data access
$DataProxyStagingLinkedServiceName = "" # OPTIONAL to configure a proxy for on-premises data access
$DataProxyStagingPath = "" # OPTIONAL to configure a proxy for on-premises data access
Inicie sessão e selecione uma subscrição
Adicione o seguinte script para entrar e selecionar sua assinatura do Azure.
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $SubscriptionName
Validar a conexão com o servidor de banco de dados
Adicione o script a seguir para validar seu servidor do Banco de Dados SQL do Azure ou instância gerenciada.
# Validate only if you use SSISDB and you don't use virtual network or Azure AD authentication
if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VnetId) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SubnetName))
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSISDBServerAdminUserName) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSISDBServerAdminPassword))
$SSISDBConnectionString = "Data Source=" + $SSISDBServerEndpoint + ";User ID=" + $SSISDBServerAdminUserName + ";Password=" + $SSISDBServerAdminPassword
$sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $SSISDBConnectionString;
Catch [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException]
Write-Warning "Cannot connect to your Azure SQL Database server, exception: $_";
Write-Warning "Please make sure the server you specified has already been created. Do you want to proceed? [Y/N]"
$yn = Read-Host
if(!($yn -ieq "Y"))
Obter a ID do aplicativo Azure Batch
- Navegue para o portal do Azure.
- Na barra de pesquisa, digite
Microsoft Azure Batch
e selecione-o na lista suspensa, em ID do Microsoft Entra. - Na página Lote do Microsoft Azure, anote ou copie a ID do Aplicativo para a área de transferência.
- No script a seguir, defina a
variável para esse valor antes de executá-la.
Configurar uma rede virtual
Adicione o script a seguir para configurar automaticamente as permissões e configurações de rede virtual para que seu tempo de execução de integração Azure-SSIS ingresse.
# Make sure to run this script against the subscription to which the virtual network belongs
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VnetId) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SubnetName))
# Register to the Azure Batch resource provider
$BatchObjectId = (Get-AzADServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalName $BatchApplicationId).Id
Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Batch
while(!(Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace "Microsoft.Batch").RegistrationState.Contains("Registered"))
Start-Sleep -s 10
if($VnetId -match "/providers/Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/")
# Assign the VM contributor role to Microsoft.Batch
New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $BatchObjectId -RoleDefinitionName "Classic Virtual Machine Contributor" -Scope $VnetId
Criar um grupo de recursos
Crie um grupo de recursos do Azure usando o comando New-AzResourceGroup . Um grupo de recursos é um contentor lógico no qual os recursos do Azure são implementados e geridos como um grupo.
Se o grupo de recursos já existir, não copie este código para o script.
New-AzResourceGroup -Location $DataFactoryLocation -Name $ResourceGroupName
Criar uma fábrica de dados
Execute o comando seguinte para criar uma fábrica de dados.
Set-AzDataFactoryV2 -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-Location $DataFactoryLocation `
-Name $DataFactoryName
Criar um integration runtime
Execute os comandos a seguir para criar um tempo de execução de integração Azure-SSIS que execute pacotes SSIS no Azure.
Se você não usar o SSISDB, poderá omitir os CatalogServerEndpoint
parâmetros , CatalogPricingTier
e CatalogAdminCredential
Se você não usar um servidor do Banco de Dados SQL do Azure com regras de firewall IP/pontos de extremidade de serviço de rede virtual ou uma instância gerenciada com ponto de extremidade privado para hospedar o SSISDB, ou exigir acesso a dados locais, poderá omitir os VNetId
parâmetros e Subnet
ou passar valores vazios para eles. Você também pode omiti-los se configurar um IR auto-hospedado como proxy para seu IR do Azure-SSIS acessar dados locais. Caso contrário, você não pode omiti-los e deve passar valores válidos da sua configuração de rede virtual. Para obter mais informações, consulte Associar um IR do Azure-SSIS a uma rede virtual.
Se você usar a instância gerenciada para hospedar o SSISDB, poderá omitir o CatalogPricingTier
parâmetro ou passar um valor vazio para ele. Caso contrário, você não poderá omiti-lo e deverá passar um valor válido da lista de níveis de preços com suporte para o Banco de Dados SQL do Azure. Para obter mais informações, consulte Limites de recursos do Banco de dados SQL.
Se você usar a autenticação do Microsoft Entra com a identidade gerenciada especificada pelo sistema/usuário para que sua fábrica de dados se conecte ao servidor de banco de dados, poderá omitir o CatalogAdminCredential
parâmetro. Mas você deve adicionar a identidade gerenciada especificada pelo sistema/atribuído pelo usuário para sua fábrica de dados em um grupo do Microsoft Entra com permissões de acesso ao servidor de banco de dados. Para obter mais informações, consulte Habilitar a autenticação do Microsoft Entra para um IR do Azure-SSIS. Caso contrário, você não pode omiti-lo e deve passar um objeto válido formado a partir do seu nome de usuário e senha de administrador do servidor para autenticação SQL.
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-Description $AzureSSISDescription `
-Type Managed `
-Location $AzureSSISLocation `
-NodeSize $AzureSSISNodeSize `
-NodeCount $AzureSSISNodeNumber `
-Edition $AzureSSISEdition `
-LicenseType $AzureSSISLicenseType `
-MaxParallelExecutionsPerNode $AzureSSISMaxParallelExecutionsPerNode `
-SubnetId $SubnetId `
-VNetInjectionMethod $VnetInjectionMethod
# Add the CatalogServerEndpoint, CatalogPricingTier, and CatalogAdminCredential parameters if you use SSISDB
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-CatalogServerEndpoint $SSISDBServerEndpoint `
-CatalogPricingTier $SSISDBPricingTier
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSISDBServerAdminUserName) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSISDBServerAdminPassword)) # Add the CatalogAdminCredential parameter if you don't use Azure AD authentication
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $SSISDBServerAdminPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$serverCreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($SSISDBServerAdminUserName, $secpasswd)
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-CatalogAdminCredential $serverCreds
# Add custom setup parameters if you use standard/express custom setups
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-SetupScriptContainerSasUri $SetupScriptContainerSasUri
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "RunCmdkey")
$addCmdkeyArgument = "YourFileShareServerName or"
$userCmdkeyArgument = "YourDomainName\YourUsername or azure\YourAzureStorageAccountName"
$passCmdkeyArgument = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourPassword or YourAccessKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.CmdkeySetup($addCmdkeyArgument, $userCmdkeyArgument, $passCmdkeyArgument)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "SetEnvironmentVariable")
$variableName = "YourVariableName"
$variableValue = "YourVariableValue"
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.EnvironmentVariableSetup($variableName, $variableValue)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "InstallAzurePowerShell")
$moduleVersion = "YourAzModuleVersion"
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.AzPowerShellSetup($moduleVersion)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "SentryOne.TaskFactory")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "oh22is.SQLPhonetics.NET")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "oh22is.HEDDA.IO")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "KingswaySoft.IntegrationToolkit")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "KingswaySoft.ProductivityPack")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "Theobald.XtractIS")
$jsonData = Get-Content -Raw -Path YourLicenseFile.json
$jsonData = $jsonData -replace '\s',''
$jsonData = $jsonData.replace('"','\"')
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString($jsonData)
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "AecorSoft.IntegrationService")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "CData.Standard")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "CData.Extended")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
# Create an array of one or more express custom setups
$setups = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-ExpressCustomSetup $setups
# Add self-hosted integration runtime parameters if you configure a proxy for on-premises data access
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DataProxyIntegrationRuntimeName) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DataProxyStagingLinkedServiceName))
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-DataProxyIntegrationRuntimeName $DataProxyIntegrationRuntimeName `
-DataProxyStagingLinkedServiceName $DataProxyStagingLinkedServiceName
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-DataProxyStagingPath $DataProxyStagingPath
# Add public IP address parameters if you use the standard virtual network injection method and bring your own static public IP addresses
if($VnetInjectionMethod -eq "Standard")
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FirstPublicIP) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SecondPublicIP))
$publicIPs = @($FirstPublicIP, $SecondPublicIP)
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-PublicIPs $publicIPs
Iniciar o tempo de execução da integração
Execute os comandos a seguir para iniciar o tempo de execução da integração Azure-SSIS.
write-host("##### Starting #####")
Start-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
write-host("##### Completed #####")
write-host("If any cmdlet is unsuccessful, please consider using -Debug option for diagnostics.")
Excluindo qualquer tempo de configuração personalizado, este processo deve terminar dentro de 5 minutos. Mas pode levar de 20 a 30 minutos para que o IR do Azure-SSIS ingresse em uma rede virtual com o método de injeção padrão.
Se você usar o SSISDB, o serviço Data Factory se conectará ao servidor de banco de dados para preparar o SSISDB. Ele também define permissões e configurações para sua rede virtual, se especificado, e une seu IR do Azure-SSIS à rede virtual.
Quando você provisiona um IR do Azure-SSIS, o Access Redistributable e o Azure Feature Pack para SSIS também são instalados. Esses componentes fornecem conectividade com arquivos do Excel, arquivos do Access e várias fontes de dados do Azure, além das fontes de dados que os componentes internos já suportam. Para obter mais informações sobre componentes internos/pré-instalados, consulte Componentes internos/pré-instalados no IR do Azure-SSIS. Para obter mais informações sobre componentes adicionais que você pode instalar, consulte Configurações personalizadas para IR do Azure-SSIS.
Script completo
Aqui está o script completo que cria um tempo de execução de integração Azure-SSIS.
### Azure Data Factory info
# If your input contains a PSH special character like "$", precede it with the escape character "`" - for example, "`$"
$SubscriptionName = "[your Azure subscription name]"
$ResourceGroupName = "[your Azure resource group name]"
# Data factory name - must be globally unique
$DataFactoryName = "[your data factory name]"
# For supported regions, see®ions=all
$DataFactoryLocation = "EastUS"
### Azure-SSIS integration runtime info - This is a Data Factory compute resource for running SSIS packages.
$AzureSSISName = "[your Azure-SSIS IR name]"
$AzureSSISDescription = "[your Azure-SSIS IR description]"
# For supported regions, see®ions=all
$AzureSSISLocation = "EastUS"
# For supported node sizes, see
$AzureSSISNodeSize = "Standard_D8_v3"
# 1-10 nodes are currently supported
$AzureSSISNodeNumber = 2
# Azure-SSIS IR edition/license info: Standard or Enterprise
$AzureSSISEdition = "Standard" # Standard by default, whereas Enterprise lets you use advanced features on your Azure-SSIS IR
# Azure-SSIS IR hybrid usage info: LicenseIncluded or BasePrice
$AzureSSISLicenseType = "LicenseIncluded" # LicenseIncluded by default, whereas BasePrice lets you bring your own on-premises SQL Server license with Software Assurance to earn cost savings from the Azure Hybrid Benefit option
# For a Standard_D1_v2 node, up to four parallel executions per node are supported. For other nodes, up to (2 x number of cores) are currently supported.
$AzureSSISMaxParallelExecutionsPerNode = 8
# Custom setup info: Standard/express custom setups
$SetupScriptContainerSasUri = "" # OPTIONAL to provide a SAS URI of blob container for standard custom setup where your script and its associated files are stored
$ExpressCustomSetup = "[RunCmdkey|SetEnvironmentVariable|InstallAzurePowerShell|SentryOne.TaskFactory|oh22is.SQLPhonetics.NET|oh22is.HEDDA.IO|KingswaySoft.IntegrationToolkit|KingswaySoft.ProductivityPack|Theobald.XtractIS|AecorSoft.IntegrationService|CData.Standard|CData.Extended or leave it empty]" # OPTIONAL to configure an express custom setup without script
# Virtual network info: Azure Resource Manager or Classic
$VnetId = "[your virtual network resource ID or leave it empty]" # REQUIRED if you use Azure SQL Database server configured with a private endpoint/IP firewall rule/virtual network service endpoint or Azure SQL Managed Instance that joins a virtual network to host SSISDB, or if you require access to on-premises data without configuring a self-hosted IR. We recommend Azure Resource Manager virtual network, because classic virtual network will be deprecated soon.
$SubnetName = "[your subnet name or leave it empty]" # WARNING: Use the same subnet as the one used for Azure SQL Database server configured with a virtual network service endpoint or a different subnet from the one used for Azure SQL Managed Instance that joins a virtual network
$SubnetId = $VnetId + '/subnets/' + $SubnetName
# Virtual network injection method: Standard or Express. For comparison, see
$VnetInjectionMethod = "Standard" # Standard by default, whereas Express lets you use the express virtual network injection method
# Public IP address info: OPTIONAL to provide two standard static public IP addresses with DNS name under the same subscription and in the same region as your virtual network
$FirstPublicIP = "[your first public IP address resource ID or leave it empty]"
$SecondPublicIP = "[your second public IP address resource ID or leave it empty]"
### SSISDB info
$SSISDBServerEndpoint = "[your Azure SQL Database server or managed instance name.DNS or managed instance name.public.DNS,3342 or leave it empty if you do not use SSISDB]" # WARNING: If you use SSISDB, ensure that there's no existing SSISDB on your database server, so we can prepare and manage one on your behalf
# Authentication info: SQL or Azure AD
$SSISDBServerAdminUserName = "[your server admin username for SQL authentication or leave it empty for Azure AD authentication]"
$SSISDBServerAdminPassword = "[your server admin password for SQL authentication or leave it empty for Azure AD authentication]"
# For the basic pricing tier, specify "Basic," not "B." For standard, premium, and elastic pool tiers, specify "S0," "S1," "S2," "S3," etc. See
$SSISDBPricingTier = "[Basic|S0|S1|S2|S3|S4|S6|S7|S9|S12|P1|P2|P4|P6|P11|P15|…|ELASTIC_POOL(name = <elastic_pool_name>) for Azure SQL Database server or leave it empty for managed instance]"
### Self-hosted integration runtime info - This can be configured as a proxy for on-premises data access
$DataProxyIntegrationRuntimeName = "" # OPTIONAL to configure a proxy for on-premises data access
$DataProxyStagingLinkedServiceName = "" # OPTIONAL to configure a proxy for on-premises data access
$DataProxyStagingPath = "" # OPTIONAL to configure a proxy for on-premises data access
### Sign in and select a subscription
Select-AzSubscription -SubscriptionName $SubscriptionName
### Validate the connection to the database server
# Validate only if you use SSISDB and don't use a virtual network or Azure AD authentication
if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VnetId) -and [string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SubnetName))
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSISDBServerAdminUserName) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSISDBServerAdminPassword))
$SSISDBConnectionString = "Data Source=" + $SSISDBServerEndpoint + ";User ID=" + $SSISDBServerAdminUserName + ";Password=" + $SSISDBServerAdminPassword
$sqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $SSISDBConnectionString;
Catch [System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException]
Write-Warning "Cannot connect to your Azure SQL Database server, exception: $_";
Write-Warning "Please make sure the server you specified has already been created. Do you want to proceed? [Y/N]"
$yn = Read-Host
if(!($yn -ieq "Y"))
### Configure a virtual network
# Make sure to run this script against the subscription to which the virtual network belongs
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($VnetId) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SubnetName))
# Register to the Azure Batch resource provider
$BatchObjectId = (Get-AzADServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalName $BatchApplicationId).Id
Register-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace Microsoft.Batch
while(!(Get-AzResourceProvider -ProviderNamespace "Microsoft.Batch").RegistrationState.Contains("Registered"))
Start-Sleep -s 10
if($VnetId -match "/providers/Microsoft.ClassicNetwork/")
# Assign the VM contributor role to Microsoft.Batch
New-AzRoleAssignment -ObjectId $BatchObjectId -RoleDefinitionName "Classic Virtual Machine Contributor" -Scope $VnetId
### Create a data factory
Set-AzDataFactoryV2 -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-Location $DataFactoryLocation `
-Name $DataFactoryName
### Create an integration runtime
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-Description $AzureSSISDescription `
-Type Managed `
-Location $AzureSSISLocation `
-NodeSize $AzureSSISNodeSize `
-NodeCount $AzureSSISNodeNumber `
-Edition $AzureSSISEdition `
-LicenseType $AzureSSISLicenseType `
-MaxParallelExecutionsPerNode $AzureSSISMaxParallelExecutionsPerNode `
-SubnetId $SubnetId `
-VNetInjectionMethod $VnetInjectionMethod
# Add CatalogServerEndpoint, CatalogPricingTier, and CatalogAdminCredential parameters if you use SSISDB
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-CatalogServerEndpoint $SSISDBServerEndpoint `
-CatalogPricingTier $SSISDBPricingTier
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSISDBServerAdminUserName) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SSISDBServerAdminPassword)) # Add the CatalogAdminCredential parameter if you don't use Azure AD authentication
$secpasswd = ConvertTo-SecureString $SSISDBServerAdminPassword -AsPlainText -Force
$serverCreds = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($SSISDBServerAdminUserName, $secpasswd)
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-CatalogAdminCredential $serverCreds
# Add custom setup parameters if you use standard/express custom setups
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-SetupScriptContainerSasUri $SetupScriptContainerSasUri
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "RunCmdkey")
$addCmdkeyArgument = "YourFileShareServerName or"
$userCmdkeyArgument = "YourDomainName\YourUsername or azure\YourAzureStorageAccountName"
$passCmdkeyArgument = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourPassword or YourAccessKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.CmdkeySetup($addCmdkeyArgument, $userCmdkeyArgument, $passCmdkeyArgument)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "SetEnvironmentVariable")
$variableName = "YourVariableName"
$variableValue = "YourVariableValue"
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.EnvironmentVariableSetup($variableName, $variableValue)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "InstallAzurePowerShell")
$moduleVersion = "YourAzModuleVersion"
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.AzPowerShellSetup($moduleVersion)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "SentryOne.TaskFactory")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "oh22is.SQLPhonetics.NET")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "oh22is.HEDDA.IO")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "KingswaySoft.IntegrationToolkit")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "KingswaySoft.ProductivityPack")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "Theobald.XtractIS")
$jsonData = Get-Content -Raw -Path YourLicenseFile.json
$jsonData = $jsonData -replace '\s',''
$jsonData = $jsonData.replace('"','\"')
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString($jsonData)
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "AecorSoft.IntegrationService")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "CData.Standard")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
if($ExpressCustomSetup -eq "CData.Extended")
$licenseKey = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.SecureString("YourLicenseKey")
$setup = New-Object Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models.ComponentSetup($ExpressCustomSetup, $licenseKey)
# Create an array of one or more express custom setups
$setups = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-ExpressCustomSetup $setups
# Add self-hosted integration runtime parameters if you configure a proxy for on-premises data access
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DataProxyIntegrationRuntimeName) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($DataProxyStagingLinkedServiceName))
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-DataProxyIntegrationRuntimeName $DataProxyIntegrationRuntimeName `
-DataProxyStagingLinkedServiceName $DataProxyStagingLinkedServiceName
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-DataProxyStagingPath $DataProxyStagingPath
# Add public IP address parameters if you use the standard virtual network injection method and bring your own static public IP addresses
if($VnetInjectionMethod -eq "Standard")
if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($FirstPublicIP) -and ![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($SecondPublicIP))
$publicIPs = @($FirstPublicIP, $SecondPublicIP)
Set-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
-PublicIPs $publicIPs
### Start the integration runtime
write-host("##### Starting #####")
Start-AzDataFactoryV2IntegrationRuntime -ResourceGroupName $ResourceGroupName `
-DataFactoryName $DataFactoryName `
-Name $AzureSSISName `
write-host("##### Completed #####")
write-host("If any cmdlet is unsuccessful, please consider using -Debug option for diagnostics.")
Conteúdos relacionados
- Crie um IR do Azure-SSIS através do portal do Azure.
- Crie um IR do Azure-SSIS por meio do modelo do Azure Resource Manager.
- Implante e execute seus pacotes SSIS no IR do Azure-SSIS.
Para obter mais informações sobre o Azure-SSIS IR, consulte os seguintes artigos:
- IR do Azure-SSIS. Este artigo fornece informações conceituais gerais sobre RIs, incluindo o IR do Azure-SSIS.
- Monitorizar um Azure-SSIS IR. Este artigo mostra como obter e compreender as informações sobre o Azure-SSIS IR.
- Gerir o Azure-SSIS IR. Este artigo mostra-lhe como parar, iniciar ou eliminar o Azure-SSIS IR. Mostra também como aumentá-lo horizontalmente mediante a adição de mais nós.
- Implementar, executar e monitorizar pacotes do SSIS no Azure
- Ligar ao SSISDB no Azure
- Conectar-se a armazenamentos de dados locais com autenticação do Windows
- Agendar execuções de pacotes SSIS no Azure