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Dynamics Duo: Wide World Importers Code

NineGuyIn this episode we dive into some of the real code behind Wide World Importers Conference site.  Girish walks us through the code-behind for the contact/profile and conference registration options pages.

There’s not really a lot of magic here.  In fact, I would say it’s quite simple to understand.  If you’ve used ASP.NET before it’s not much different when you’re writing for Windows Azure as we are here. 

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Dynamics Duo: Wide World Importers Code

The only difference is that here we’re sending the data to Dynamics CRM using the SDK.  That’s infinitely more useful for your customers as the information becomes actionable immediately.  We should mention that, in this case, we’re using a 3rd party toolkit by Microsoft Gold Partner, ADXSTUDIOShan McArthur and his team at ADXSTUDIO helped us to put this site together and their toolkit naturally uses the CRM SDK.  It abstracts the SDK it out a little more to make writing and reading the code even simpler.

We use the Live ID token that we’re getting from the Live ID service, as we discussed in the previous episode, to allow the user to retrieve and update their profile information.  It’s the unique key, of sorts, to their record in the CRM data store.

Girish promised in this episode to publish the code so expect to see that soon on his blog.  We’ll have to hold him to that.  :)


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Technorati Tags: Dynamics CRM,Windows Azure,,Web Services,Windows Live Id,ADXSTUDIO