Microsoft.IdentityModel.Protocols.XmlSignature Namespace
[Starting with the .NET Framework 4.5, Windows Identity Foundation (WIF) has been fully integrated into the .NET Framework. The version of WIF addressed by this topic, WIF 3.5, is deprecated and should only be used when developing against the .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 or the .NET Framework 4. For more information about WIF in the .NET Framework 4.5, also known as WIF 4.5, see the Windows Identity Foundation documentation in the .NET Framework 4.5 Development Guide.]
Class | Description |
DelegatingXmlDictionaryReader | Class wraps a given reader and delegates all XmlDictionaryReader calls to the inner wrapped reader. |
DelegatingXmlDictionaryWriter | Class wraps a given writer and delegates all XmlDictionaryWriter calls to the inner wrapped writer. |
EmptySecurityKeyIdentifierClause | Represents an empty SecurityKeyClause. This class is used when an 'encrypted data element' or ' signature element' does not contain a 'key info element' that is used to describe the key required to decrypt the data or check the signature. |
EnvelopedSignatureReader | Wraps a reader pointing to a enveloped signed XML and provides a reader that can be used to read the content without having to process the signature. The Signature is automatically validated when the last element of the envelope is read. |
EnvelopedSignatureWriter | Wraps a writer and generates a signature automatically when the envelope is written completely. By default the generated signature is inserted as the last element in the enveloped. This can be modified by explicitily calling WriteSignature to indicate the location inside the envelope where the signature should be inserted. |
EnvelopingSignatureReader | Wraps a reader pointing to a enveloping signature and provides a reader that can be used to read the content without having to process the signature. The class restricts that only one Object reference can be specified inside the enveloping signature. |
EnvelopingSignatureWriter | Wraps a writer and generates a enveloping signature automatically when the envelope is written completely. The class restricts that only one Object reference can be specified inside the enveloping signature. |
ExclusiveC14NConstants | Constants defined for the Exclusive C14N. |
Elements | |
SignatureVerificationFailedException | The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while processing a signature |
XmlSignatureConstants | Constants for XML Signature Definitions for namespace, attributes and elements as defined in |
Algorithms | Constants for XML Signature Definitions for algorithms as defined in |
Attributes | |
Elements | Constants for XML Signature Definitions for elements as defined in |
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