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Create a virtual machine

To create a virtual machine

  1. Open the Administration Website.
  2. In the navigation pane, under Virtual Machines, click Create.
  3. In Virtual machine name, type a name for the virtual machine. If you do not want the virtual machine configuration (.vmc) file to be created in the default virtual machine configuration folder, specify a fully qualified path to the location where you want to create the virtual machine.
  4. In Virtual machine memory, type a value in megabytes for the amount of RAM used by the virtual machine.
  5. In Virtual hard disk, do one of the following:
    • Select Create a new virtual hard disk. Next, to set the size of the virtual hard disk, specify a value in Size, and then select either MB for megabytes or GB for gigabytes.
    • Select Use an existing virtual hard disk. If the virtual hard disk (.vhd) file is located in a folder whose location is specified in Virtual Server Search Paths, you can select the .vhd from Location. Otherwise, in File name (.vhd) type the complete path to the location of the .vhd file.
    • Select Attach a virtual hard disk later to create a virtual machine without a virtual hard disk.
  6. Under Virtual network adapter, in Connected to, select a networking option from the drop-down menu.
  7. Click Create.


   You must install Virtual Machine Additions on all virtual machines. The version of Virtual Machine Additions included with Virtual Server 2005 is the most recent and should be installed on any virtual machine running earlier versions of Virtual Machine Additions. For more information, see Installing Virtual Machine Additions.


To perform this procedure, you must have the appropriate permissions. If you do not have the appropriate permissions, you will either receive an error message or you will not be able to view certain menu items and options described in this procedure. To change your permissions, contact your Virtual Server administrator. For more information, see Securing Virtual Server. For instructions on opening the Administration Website, see "Open the Administration Website" in Related Topics. If you are using the default location to store the virtual machine configuration file, (for example, C:<EM>documents and settings\all users\application data\microsoft\virtual server\virtual machines\name.vmc) this default location effectively limits the file name to approximately 150 characters. The file name including the fully qualified path cannot be more than 256 characters. You can change the default location where virtual machines are located. For more information, see "Configuring Virtual Server search paths" in Related Topics.

See Also


Open the Administration Website
Copying a virtual machine and virtual hard disk
Creating a virtual machine
Adding Virtual Machines to Virtual Server
Configuring Virtual Server search paths
Installing Virtual Machine Additions