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Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration Namespace

Provides administrative types and members for managing a Shared Service Provider's instance of SharePoint Enterprise Search.

For information about programming with the SharePoint Enterprise Search Administration object model, see Getting Started with the SharePoint Server Search Administration Object Model.


  Class Description
Public class AccountAuthCredentials Represents an object that contains the credentials used to connect to a federated search location.
Public class AdminComponent Provides access to the Search administration component in Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 search.
Public class AllContentScopeRule Represents a scope rule that includes all items in the content index.
Public class AttributeException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs while accessing classes that inherit from Attribute.
Public class AuthenticationData Provides the base class for the objects containing the authentication data that is used to connect to federated search locations.
Public class AuthenticationInformation Provides access to the authentication information used to connect to a federated search location.
Public class AuthorityPage Represents an authoritative page for SharePoint Server search.
Public class AuthorityPageCollection Represents a collection of AuthorityPage objects.
Public class BestBet Represents a best bet in the SharePoint Server search keyword and best bet management system.
Public class BestBetCollection Represents a collection of BestBet objects.
Public class BestBetsEnumerator Supports iterating over a BestBetCollection and reading its individual BestBet objects.
Public class BusinessDataContentSource Represents a content source for Business Data Connectivity (BDC) service content.
Public class CategoriesEnumerator Supports iterating over a CategoryCollection object and reading its individual Category objects.
Public class Category Represents a category in the SharePoint Server search metadata property schema.
Public class CategoryCollection Represents a collection of Category objects.
Public class ConcurrencyException Represents the exception that is thrown when multiple users attempt to modify data at the same time.
Public class ConsumerInfo Represents information about search scope consumers, search scope display groups, and search scopes.
Public class ConsumerInformation Provides the information that represents a unit of the level of SPSite administration.
Public class Content Represents the top-level object for administration of the content sources for a Search service application.
Public class ContentSource Provides the base class for all content sources.
Public class ContentSourceCollection Represents a collection of ContentSource objects.
Public class CookieAuthData Represents an object that contains authentication data used to connect to federated search locations that are configured to use cookie-based authentication.
Public class CrawlComponent Represents a crawl component in the Search service application topology.
Public class CrawlComponentCollection Represents the collection of crawl components associated with a Search service application.
Public class CrawledProperty Represents a crawled property in the SharePoint Enterprise Search metadata property schema.
Public class CrawlHistory Contains statistics for each crawl.
Public class CrawlLogFilters Contains all the filters for manipulating the crawl log data.
Public class CrawlMapping Represents a gatherer crawl mapping.
Public class CrawlMappingCollection Represents a collection of CrawlMapping objects.
Public class CrawlRule Represents a crawl rule.
Public class CrawlRuleCollection Represents a collection of CrawlRule objects.
Public class CrawlStore Represents a crawl database for the Search service application.
Public class CrawlStoreCollection Represents a collection of crawl databases.
Public class CrawlTopology Contains the crawl components for a given topology that provide the crawling functionality for a Search service application.
Public class CrawlTopologyActivationCanceledException The exception that is thrown when the crawl topology activation is cancelled.
Public class CrawlTopologyActivationException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during the activation of the crawl topology for the Search service application.
Public class CrawlTopologyCollection Manages the collection of crawl components and crawl databases in the Search service application’s topology.
Public class CustomConnector Allows SharePoint Server search to connect to and crawl custom content repositories that are not supported by Microsoft Business Connectivity Services (BCS).
Public class CustomConnectorContentSource Represents a content source for external FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint and SharePoint Server search data sources.
Public class CustomContentSource Represents a custom content source.
Public class DailySchedule Represents a crawl schedule used to specify the number of days between crawls.
Public class DatabaseException Represents the exception that is thrown when a database error occurs while working with the objects in the Administration namespace.
Public class DeletedConcurrencyException Represents the exception that is thrown when the object that is the target of a delete operation is updated by another user after the database record was last retrieved.
Public class DemotedSite Represents a demoted site for SharePoint Server search.
Public class DemotedSiteCollection Represents a collection of DemotedSite objects.
Public class DisplayGroupInfo Represents information about a search ScopeDisplayGroup.
Public class DisplayGroupMembership Represents the relationship of information between the search Scope and the search ScopeDisplayGroup.
Public class DuplicateLocationException Represents the exception that is thrown when users attempt to create a duplicate version of a federated search location.
Public class EndOfCrawlPropagationTask Represents the propagation task that occurs at the end of a crawl operation.
Public class ExchangePublicFolderContentSource Represents a content source for Microsoft Exchange Server public folder content.
Public class ExtendedConnectorPropertyCollection Represents a collection of properties of the FAST (Extended) Content Search Service Application connector, which provides custom content to the FAST Search Service.
Public class Extension Represents a file name extension.
Public class ExtensionCollection Represents a collection of Extension objects.
Public class FASTAdminProxy Applies to: Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint
This class provides access to context objects that can be used to access the FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint administration services. You need to be part of the FASTSearchAdministrators and/or FASTSearchKeywordAdministrators group(s) to access the contexts.
Public class FileShareContentSource Represents a content source for file share content.
Public class FormsAuthCredentials Represents an object that contains the forms authentication credentials for connecting to federated search locations.
Public class FSAbstractJobDefinitionBase The base class for all FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint specific timer jobs.
Public class FSAlternateAccessMapJobDefinition Timer job that runs per search application and connects to the configured FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint farm deployment and fetches all managed properties that has the IsMapped flag set to true. These properties are cached locally and used for alternate access mapping scenarios.
Public class FSClickThroughExtractorJobDefinition Timer job that runs per search application and extracts click through data and exports them to the configured FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint farm deployment. The collected click through data is used for relevancy tuning. This timer job runs every day at 01:00 AM by default.
Public class FSDictionaryManagementJobDefinition Timer job that runs per search application and detects dictionary changes done through Central Admin and exports them to the configured FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint farm deployment. This timer job runs every five minutes by default.
Public class FSMasterJobDefinition Timer job that runs per search instance and provisions the FAST specific timer jobs. Runs every 15 minutes and provisions timer jobs for newly created service applications.
Public class HierarchicalContentSource Provides the base class for hierarchical content sources.
Public class HostDistributionRule Represents a host distribution rule.
Public class HostDistributionRuleCollection Provides methods to access the collection of the HostDistributionRule objects of the Search service application.
Public class IndexPartition Represents an index partition in the Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 query architecture.
Public class IndexPartitionCollection Provides a collection that stores the IndexPartition object.
Public class IndexPropagationTask Represents a propagation task that is currently being performed by all query components.
Public class IndexRefactoringException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during the index refactoring process.
Public class InvalidAccountException Indicates that the account name for the SharePoint Enterprise Search service is invalid or does not exist, or the password is invalid for the account name.
Public class InvalidCanaryException Represents an exception that is thrown when the form digest request is not valid.
Public class Keyword Represents a keyword in the SharePoint Enterprise Search keyword and best bet management system.
Public class KeywordCollection Represents a collection of Keyword objects.
Public class Keywords Represents the top-level object for managing keywords and best bets in SharePoint Enterprise Search.
Public class KeywordsEnumerator Supports iterating over a KeywordCollection and reading its individual Keyword objects.
Public class LanguageResource Provides a set of LanguageResourcePhraseList objects in which to store the language resource phrases and their mappings.
Public class LanguageResourcePhrase Represents a language resource phrase that is used to enhance the effectiveness of the search.
Public class LanguageResourcePhraseList Represents the list of language resource phrases used to enhance the effectiveness of a search.
Public class LanguageResourcesCollection Represents a collection of language resources.
Public class LocationConfiguration Contains the configuration information for a federated search location.
Public class LocationConfigurationCollection Specifies a collection of LocationConfiguration objects.
Public class LogViewer Obsolete. Represents the top-level object for filtering and viewing data from the SharePoint Enterprise Search crawl log
Public class LotusNotesContentSource Represents a content source for Lotus Notes content.
Public class ManagedProperty Represents a managed property in the SharePoint Server search metadata property schema.
Public class ManagedPropertyCollection Represents a collection of ManagedProperty objects.
Public class ManagedPropertyInfo Represents information about a managed property in the SharePoint Server search.
Public class Mapping Represents a crawled property mapping to a managed property in the SharePoint Server search metadata property schema.
Public class MappingCollection Represents a collection of Mapping objects.
Public class MonthlyDateSchedule Represents a crawl schedule used to specify the days of the month, and months of the year, when the crawl should occur.
Public class MonthlyDayOfWeekSchedule Represents a crawl schedule used to specify the days of the month, the weeks of the month, and the months of the year when the crawl should occur.
Public class OpenSearchDescription This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class OpenSearchExtension This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public class PhraseKey Represents the key to use to look up a mapping string for a specific LanguageResourcePhrase.
Public class Propagation Represents the top-level object for retrieving status information for the propagation system in SharePoint Enterprise Search.
Public class PropagationTask Provides the base class for objects representing propagation tasks.
Public class PropertyQueryScopeRule Represents a scope rule that matches content items based on a property/value comparison.
Public class PropertyStore Represents a property database for the Search service application.
Public class PropertyStoreCollection Represents a collection of property databases in the Search service application’s topology.
Public class QueryComponent Manages an individual query component for a Search service application.
Public class QueryComponentCollection Represents a collection of QueryComponent objects.
Public class QueryComponentTransitionException The exception that is thrown when an error occurs during the transition of a query component.
Public class QueryTopology Represents a set of index partitions, query components, and metadata indexes that work together to satisfy requests for search query operations.
Public class QueryTopologyActivationCanceledException The exception that is thrown when the activation of a query topology is cancelled.
Public class QueryTopologyActivationException The exception that is thrown when a query topology fails to activate.
Public class QueryTopologyCollection Represents and manages a collection of QueryTopology objects.
Public class Ranking Provides an entry point to adjust the settings used for query-independent rank computation for calculating the relevance of search results.
Public class RankingModel Defines a ranking model for search queries.
Public class RankingModelCollection Represents a collection of ranking models for a Search service application.
Public class RankingParameter Represents a ranking parameter used for rank computation in SharePoint Server search.
Public class RankParamCollection Represents a collection of RankingParameter objects.
Public class RemoteScopes Provides the ability to administer a search Scope on a remote SPFarm.
Public class RuleInfo Represents information about a ScopeRule.
Public class Schedule Provides the base class for SharePoint Enterprise Search crawl schedules.
Public class Schema Provides access to the property metadata management system for SharePoint Server search.
Public class Scope Represents a search scope in SharePoint Server search.
Public class ScopeCollection Represents a collection of Scope objects.
Public class ScopeDisplayGroup Represents a scope display group.
Public class ScopeDisplayGroupCollection Represents a collection of ScopeDisplayGroup objects.
Public class ScopeDisplayGroupEnumerator Supports iterating over a ScopeCollection object and reading its individual Scope objects.
Public class ScopeDisplayGroupsEnumerator Supports iterating over a ScopeDisplayGroupsCollection object and reading its individual ScopeDisplayGroup objects.
Public class ScopeInfo Represents information about a search scope.
Public class ScopeRule Provides the base class for all SharePoint Enterprise Search scope rules.
Public class ScopeRuleCollection Represents a collection of scope rules.
Public class ScopeRulesEnumerator Supports iterating over a ScopeRuleCollection object and reading its individual ScopeRule objects.
Public class Scopes Provides access to the search scope management system for SharePoint Enterprise Search.
Public class ScopesManager Defines the functionality to administer Search scopes in a farm.
Public class ScopesManagerInfo Represents a group of global settings for the search Scopes system in a Search application.
Public class SearchAdminDatabase Encapsulates the search administration database.
Public class SearchAdminWebServiceInstance Represents an instance of a Search administration Web service that runs on a server.
Public class SearchContext Obsolete. Represents the search service instance for a Shared Services Provider (SSP).
Public class SearchGathererDatabase Encapsulates the search crawl database.
Public class SearchPropertyStoreDatabase Encapsulates the search property database.
Public class SearchProxyInfo Represents the HTTP proxy configuration information of a Search service application.
Public class SearchQueryAndSiteSettingsService Represents the search query and site settings service.
Public class SearchQueryAndSiteSettingsServiceInstance Represents an instance of the SearchQueryAndSiteSettingsService that is installed on a single server in a server farm.
Public class SearchQueryAndSiteSettingsServiceProxy Represents a SPIisWebServiceProxy for the SearchQueryAndSiteSettingsService in a server farm.
Public class SearchService Represents an instance of the search service.
Public class SearchServiceApplication Provides an SPIisWebServiceApplication that allows for administration and management of Search components on a server.
Public class SearchServiceApplicationFault Represents a Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) fault that is raised by the SearchServiceApplication.
Public class SearchServiceApplicationProxy Represents a Search service application proxy.
Public class SearchServiceInstance Represents an instance of the search index and query service.
Public class SearchServiceProxy Represents a search service proxy installed in a server farm.
Public class SecurableAuthData Represents an object that contains credentials used to connect to federated search locations. Provides the base class for the FormsAuthCredentials class.
Public class SharePointContentSource Represents a content source for Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 content.
Public class SiteHitRule Represents a site hit rule, which is used by the SharePoint Enterprise Search index engine to determine how many simultaneous requests are allowed, and the time interval between sequential requests, for a specified server.
Public class SiteHitRulesCollection Specifies a prioritized collection of SiteHitRule objects.
Public class SsoAuthData Provides information about the single sign-on (SSO) provider for the credentials used to connect to the federated location.
Public class StartAddressCollection A collection of start addresses for a content source.
Public class Synonym Represents a synonym in the SharePoint Enterprise Search keyword and best bet management system.
Public class SynonymCollection Represents a collection of Synonym objects.
Public class SynonymsEnumerator Supports iterating over a SynonymCollection and reading its individual Synonym objects.
Public class UpdatableCollection<Key, T> Represents the base class for collections with specified value type and key type.
Public class UpdatedConcurrencyException Represents the exception that is thrown when the object that is the target of an update operation is updated by another user after the database record was last retrieved.
Public class UrlScopeRule Represents a scope rule that matches content items based on the display URL of the item.
Public class UserPreference Provides methods to access the Search user preference.
Public class UserPreferenceSerializeHelper Provides functionality to serialize the Search preferences associated with a user.
Public class Visualization Specifies the display format for the federated search location results.
Public class VolatileScopesManagerInfo Represents the information that is likely to change for a Search scopes system in the Search application.
Public class WebContentSource Represents a content source for Web content.
Public class WeeklySchedule Represents a crawl schedule used to specify the number of weeks between crawls.


  Structure Description
Public structure QueryServer Obsolete. Represents a query server in the SharePoint Enterprise Search propagation system.


  Interface Description
Public interface ISearchServiceApplication Defines common functionality for applications that provide Search services on a server.
Public interface ISearchSiteAdministrationServiceApplication Defines common functionality to a Search service application for administering and managing Search components on a server.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration AuthorityPageStatus Defines the authority page status values for the Status property of the AuthorityPage class.
Public enumeration BestBetFilter Defines the filter types available for the GetFilteredBestBets() method of the Keywords class.
Public enumeration BuiltInScopeIndex Specifies the index of the built-in search Scope.
Public enumeration Catalog Specifies the catalogs types for the propagation system in SharePoint Server search.
Public enumeration CatalogType Defines the catalog types for the AddFilter() method of the CrawlLogFilters class.
Public enumeration ComponentRole Specifies the role of the SearchComponent.
Public enumeration ContentSourceType Specifies the types of content sources that can be crawled by the Search service application.
Public enumeration CrawlComponentState Specifies the crawl component state values for the CrawlComponent class.
Public enumeration CrawlHistory.CrawlStatus Obsolete. Specifies all possible crawl stages. These values are used by GetCrawlHistory(CrawlHistory.CrawlStatus) and GetCrawlHistory(Int32, DateTime, DateTime, CrawlHistory.CrawlStatus) to filter the result set.
Public enumeration CrawlLogFilterProperty Defines the crawl log filter properties for the AddFilter() method of the CrawlLogFilters class.
Public enumeration CrawlLogSummaryProperty Defines the summary property types for the GetCrawlSummaryByHost() method of the LogViewer class.
Public enumeration CrawlPriority Specifies the priorities for crawling the content sources in the Search service application.
Public enumeration CrawlRuleAuthenticationType Specifies the format in which authentication credentials are provided to the crawl rule.
Public enumeration CrawlRuleType Specifies the crawl rule types which indicate whether the crawl rule is used to include or exclude content items in the content index.
Public enumeration CrawlStatus Defines the crawl status values for the CrawlStatus() method of the ContentSource class.
Public enumeration CrawlTopologyState Specifies the crawl topology state values for the CrawlTopology class.
Public enumeration DaysOfMonth Specifies the day or days of the month for the crawl schedule.
Public enumeration DaysOfWeek Specifies the day or days of the week for the crawl schedule.
Public enumeration FastServiceApplicationProperties Applies to: Microsoft FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint
The values represents a key for the configuration properties specific to the FAST Search Server 2010 for SharePoint Content Search Service Application (SSA) and Query Search Service Application.
Public enumeration FederationAuthType Specifies the supported authentication protocols for connecting to federated search locations.
Public enumeration KeywordFilter Defines the filter types that are available for the GetFilteredKeywords() method of the Keywords class.
Public enumeration KeywordView Defines the keyword views that are available for the GetFilteredKeywords() method of the Keywords class.
Public enumeration LanguageResourceType Defines the language resource phrase types.
Public enumeration LocationType Specifies the type of federated search location.
Public enumeration ManagedDataType Defines the managed property data types supported in the SharePoint Enterprise Search schema.
Public enumeration MessageType Defines the message types for the SharePoint Enterprise Search crawl log.
Public enumeration MonthsOfYear Specifies the month or months of the year for the crawl schedule.
Public enumeration PropagationStatus Defines the global propagation status values for the global propagation system.
Public enumeration PropagationTaskType Defines the types of propagation tasks.
Public enumeration ProxyType Specifies whether the search service uses a proxy server or connects directly when crawling content.
Public enumeration QueryComponentPropagationStatus Specifies the propagation status of a query component.
Public enumeration QueryComponentState Specifies the state of the QueryComponent.
Public enumeration QueryComponentTransitionStatus Specifies the status of the query component transition sequence.
Public enumeration QueryServerState Obsolete. This member is reserved for internal use and is not intended to be used directly from your code.
Public enumeration QueryTopologyState Specifies the query topology state for the QueryTopology class.
Public enumeration RankingUpdateStatus Defines the ranking update status values for the Status property of the Ranking class.
Public enumeration RankingUpdateType Defines the different ranking update types the search component performs.
Public enumeration Role Specifies the role of the search service.
Public enumeration RuleType Specifies the type of scope rules in SharePoint Server search.
Public enumeration ScopeCompilationState Defines the scope compilation state values.
Public enumeration ScopeCompilationType Defines the scope compilation types.
Public enumeration ScopeRuleFilterBehavior Defines the scope rule filter types.
Public enumeration ScopeRuleType Defines the types of scope rules in SharePoint Enterprise Search.
Public enumeration ScopesCompilationScheduleType Defines the scope compilation schedule types.
Public enumeration ScopesCompilationState Defines the scopes compilation state values for the CompilationState() property of the Scopes class
Public enumeration SearchPerformanceLevel Specifies the performance level of the SharePoint Enterprise Search service.
Public enumeration SearchServiceApplicationFaultType Enumerates the types of the SearchServiceApplicationFault.
Public enumeration SearchServiceApplicationType Specifies the types of SearchServiceApplication.
Public enumeration ServerPropagationStatus Obsolete. Defines the propagation status values for a Query server.
Public enumeration SharePointCrawlBehavior Specifies crawl settings for a SharePointContentSource object.
Public enumeration SiteHitRuleBehavior Defines the site hit rule types.
Public enumeration StringFilterOperator Defines the string filter operators for the CrawlLogFilters class.
Public enumeration UrlScopeRuleType Specifies the URL scope rule type.
Public enumeration UserPreference.Settings Specifies the setting for a Search user preference.
Public enumeration WeeksOfMonth Specifies the week or weeks of the month for the crawl schedule.